... whatMy 1st time playing this.
A revolutionary game with poor controls. It really feels like otheM though. You can easily see the influence of the directpr.
I wish gameplay was by myamoto.
Anyway, enjoying and almost over.
... what
How many total are there? I have 175, I believe.
Also that power bomb in Lower Norfair...the one with the ceiling door thaty ou need to come from, but the map gives no indication where that leads.
I've played this game several times before, but I cannot for the life of me master the wall jumping. Fuck this!
so what Ive been asking myself for quite some time - Can you get out of Ridleys hideout without going through the big ass room that filled itself with lava earlier? Til now I always took the damage and went through there, lol...
so what Ive been asking myself for quite some time - Can you get out of Ridleys hideout without going through the big ass room that filled itself with lava earlier? Til now I always took the damage and went through there, lol...
Haha, wall jumping is a bitch. I got it down fine eventually, but that shit wasn't remotely intuitive. Just got the muscle memory down after awhile.
Yes there is a hidden exit at the top of the area with the rolling stone balls.
Yes there is a hidden exit at the top of the area with the rolling stone balls.
My "what" was in response to, in order of severity:Lol, but really, all I personally was thinking about during the end of Super Metroid was how Other M felt like something that took the story thread full circle. I was seriously thinking "why doesn't Samus care about the baby?" or "what are her thoughts on the events that had just transpired?" Other M answered those questions for me.
I'm serious.
3. "Poor controls"
I'm playing this game again after many, many years.
Maybe I've aged too much, but I have problems keeping the orientation. Some areas have blue rocks, others have orange blocks, but they very much look the same. I look at the map and have no clue what is supposed to be where. It's unlike Castlevania SotN where every area has a complete distinct look and feel.
The gameplay is driving me nuts. Often precision is needed when the game just cannot deliver it.
To be honest, the jumping controls can be a little wonky. It's not very precise, space jumps require an unnecessary amount of timing, and wall jumps... well, we all know about the wall jumps, I'd imagine.
To be fair, some things like releasing run a split second before run and jump feels a bit unnecessary. I always found space jumps to either be perfectly simple or awful depending on the room shapes. Also, the grappling beam took awhile to master and, even after that, there were still many areas where I would fail repeatedly over and over and over due to the split second timing required, for some areas, at the height of the swing.Because something requires fine timing, doesn't mean it isn't precise. You shouldn't be able to spam Space Jumps and Wall Jumps without putting in a little effort.
Because something requires fine timing, doesn't mean it isn't precise. Lack of precision would imply that you cannot get consistent result even when doing something correctly. You shouldn't be able to spam Space Jumps and Wall Jumps without putting in a little effort.
Tbqh, I don't see the point of having being able to actually jump correctly be some type of hurdle. Maybe some people like the challenge, but personally, I don't like spending five straight minutes in a room because I need to pull off a deathly accurate series of wall jumps. And that's as someone whose favorite genre is platformers.
Overall, that and the fact thatare my only two major gripes about the game.you can't leave Tourian after using the last save point
Well, yes, I'm mostly referring to getting collectibles. But I don't feel that spacejump solves everything, either; as said above, it's still tricky to pull off in certain rooms.Maybe if you're aiming for 100% as well, but I think you should be able to get everything without it once you get spacejump.
It's supposed to be a tricky technique for skilled players; having super easy MMX or NSMB style walljumps would kill the point of having it there to begin with
tand the one guy with the "orange block" comment... seriously? SM has more variance in locations then many modern games.
Some people enjoy the challenge of learning and mastering these techniques, which as was already pointed out, are mostly not necessary to complete the game. So while making these techniques easier would please some, others would view it as dumbing the game down and lose interest.Again, I just don't personally understand the point of it needing to be difficult to master. It seems like an unnecessary layer of difficulty (through sheer frustration) for a simple jumping mechanic. Maybe I'm missing the point, but I don't feel like the game would lose anything if they removed the strict timing walljumps and, in some cases, spacejumps require. All I can say is that needing to conquer the controls is a reason why I won't go through a second runthrough.
To be honest, the jumping controls can be a little wonky. It's not very precise, space jumps require an unnecessary amount of timing, and wall jumps... well, we all know about the wall jumps, I'd imagine.
...Space Jumps are far easier in this game than Zero Mission and Fusion.
As for walljumps... use the stick!
*stops playing Fusion*
The control stick? Heretic.
*stops playing Fusion*
The control stick? Heretic.
It took me about 12 years to realize the correct way to juggle the space jump. I still get annoyed by jumping forward and not activating the spin jump, I will never figure out why that happens.
God damn... can't believe this game is kicking my fucking ass again.
I beat it a few years ago but using the gamepad is giving me a hard time.
For some odd reason, I can't get to work the spacial jump hence I can't get the wave beam.
Any ideas about how to do it? I press (A) when the jump it's on its highest peak... nothing.
Don't know what else to do. infuriating![]()
Is there a good way to beat Ridley?
He's always been the problem I would have with a speed(ier) run. I have to load up on Energy Tanks to fight him and still only end up with 1 or 2 full.
Yup, the feeling of isolation you get by exploring a hostile planet without anyone to aid you is one of the best things about this game's atmosphere. This is why i didn't like the later games so much. Especially OtherM which is the biggest offender of this. By trying to make it appeal more to the mainstream, not only they dumbed down the gameplay (there's basically not much exploration), they also introduced a bunch of crappy characters in order to make it a "story driven game" because mainstream games are like that, you know, all games need no be melodramatic, with stupid cliched plots, stereotypical characters, etc.Playing SM for the first time after playing Metroid 1 and Retro's games and it scratches an itch no other game has done for me. A good blistering itch. The sense of dread and atmosphere is great.
It's making me want to make a game that focuses on exploration on an alien world, surviving using what vegetation is around. Prometheus, despite its problems, gave me that feeling. Moon with Sam Rockwell also had that too.
I hear how NASA is preparing to colonize Mars by 2037 and can only wonder about the moments of silence and homesick of the astronauts, how much good material that could make for a game. I feel like that in moments of Dark Souls, just that heartbreaking feeling of loneliness.
Don't mind me, just thinking aloud, love to hear others thoughts on a Metroid built for the 21st century beyond the Prime games.
Exactly, nkarafo. I found this video of an indie game set on Mars. I'm wondering if it'll be able to capture that same feeling of the quiet moments of Metroid. And it also has a female protagonist. It's called "Lacuna Passage," continuing the tradition of strange sci-fi titles.
Looks really good. Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YT0BFcvVwAI#t=0s
Yeah, Other M is just a bowl of sadness. Their heart was in the right place in trying to create a dramatic sci-fi saga with "emotions!" but Metroid isn't about that. It's about you (Samus) up against nature and the secrets of the ground you stand on, not the secrets of Samus' high school diary.
I love the idea of a game allowing you to be an actual scientist/archaeologist. Bringing items back to your ship, scanning, trying to break rocks open, looking for life.
There's that game set in a jungle where you have to perform chemistry for antidotes to survive. It's called Miasmata, made by two brothers. Definitely has a steep learning curve, but very interesting. It's kinda like a game built around exploring the Lost island.
For those of us requesting, specifically, another SUPER Metroid, and not just Metroid, how would that game be created while being unique enough to not just be a retread of the Super Metroid experience? Another alien world with a similar atmosphere? Maybe SR388 - claustrophobic, but modernized?
I'd actually love a Zero Mission type reboot of Metroid 2, though I have no idea if that makes sense.
If we get another 2D Metroid, and I'd consider us lucky, I think it would be along the lines of Metroid Fusion. An excellent game, but not Super.