Bunch of new info for SRW V
original link
Yes, it has been increased. Ace bonuses are still in.
That article only pretty much looks at the update at the main website. I haven't read the whole thing (cba to read the rest) but they seemed to basically just reword everything. Also, AFAIK, Ace requirement in this game is actually lower than recent titles, since we've got 70 in Z2 and 80 in Z3. Some things are actually clarified in the main website.
I've actually been wanting to translate this for a few days now, but never got to due to switching teams in my job. Their naming for this is... not good.
tl;dr = V is using the skill system used by SRW L (or K, wherever it started). Though this time you can "buy" them.
Skill Route System
In SRW V, points called TacP (タックP) exist. This is used to develop and manufacture
Skill Programs, which is needed for increasing pilot ability(aka Pilot Stats) and learning Special Skills(特殊スキル

TacP is aqcuired via shooting down enemies, and
like funds(aka money) is shared between the entire squad. In other words, it's not held by pilots individually.
You can develop and manufacture Special Skills that should bring advantageous effects to the pilots in battle. You can do this under 'Special Skills Type Program'(特殊スキル系PG

in the Intermission Menu 'Skill Route'(スキルルート

However, not all Special Skills are available from the start. Starting from 底力, development(expending TacP) will go following the routes as shown in the image.
In addition, multiple copies of already-developed Special Skills can be produced by expending TacP, and then have any arbitrary pilot learn it.
底力: Hit Rate, Dodge Rate, Critical Rate, and Defense increases depending on the unit's HP. Better effect the higher the skill level.
援護攻撃: Make an attack following an adjacent ally. Damage is 50% of normal.* Can activate [Skill Level] number of times per turn.
闘争心: Increases morale on sortie. Better effect the higher the skill level.
パーツ供給: Able to use consumable Enhancement Parts on adjacent allies. Not applicable on E.Parts that affect multiple units.
Eセーブ: Reduces weapon's consumed EN. Better effect the higher the skill level.
プロテクション: During counterattacks, selecting Dodge will provide Final Dodge Rate+10% while selecting Defend will reduce received damage to 90%. When attacked by MAP Weapon, reduce hit rate by half, and reduce received damage to 60%.
エースプラウド: Pilot becomes Ace Pilot at 50 enemy kills (normal is 60).
Under 'Parameter Type Program'(パラメータ系PG

in the Intermission Menu 'Skill Route'(スキルルート

, you can manufacture Skill Programs that increases each pilot ability and terrain adaptability. There are 10 kinds overall, and can be produced from the start by expending TacP. (Unlike Special Skill Programs' route.)
Under 'Special Type Program'(スペシャル系PG

** in the Intermission Menu 'Skill Route'(スキルルート

, you can manufacture Special Skills that are obtained(developed) by fulfilling special conditions during the game. There are 6 kinds, and the required conditions to develop them differs between each skill. In addition, multiple copies of already-developed things can be produced by expending TacP, and then have any arbitrary pilot learn it.
集中力: Reduces consumed points of each Seishin Command. Better effect the higher the skill level.
フルカウンター: When counterattacking, ensures pilot will attack before the opponent attacks.
ダッシュ: Unit movement+1.
*I believe this was 75% in Z2, and Z3 as well; but haven't played Z3 Tengoku Hen proper but I haven't noticed a big difference in Rengokuhen. I think this one is the only thing new we can get from the website regarding old skills.
**LOL, I guess Tokushu would be more "unique skills" than Special Skills. Saying Special Skills under Special category sounds weird lol. Bleh.
Modes Selection
Players can choose between Beginner's Mode and Standard Mode. Guidance Mode is a short scenario that introduces game basics.
Mode can be changed in the Intermission menu under Options during the game. Whichever mode is selected, the story contents and appearing pilots and units will be the same.*
ビギナーズモード: (Beginner's Mode) There's no condition for acquiring SR Point**, and difficulty is set to Normal. Bonus funds and bonus TacP is gained after clearing missions.
スタンダードモード: (Standard Mode) Condition for acquiring SR point exist, and difficulty will change between Normal and Hard.
*The wording is kinda weird here. I sure fucking hope that that doesn't mean that there won't be obtainable secrets in the game. Technically, in the past, you'll never see some unit unless you had certain amount of SR points as part of requirement. And, some routes are only available with certain SR points. I know Terada thought it was pointless at one point (see MX) since everyone is just looking it up, but it's more about doing it than finding it out IMO. Especially for me who chases SR points without upgrades/PP spent and regular roster semi-rotation.
**Not sure if it means beginner = auto acquire SR point.
P.S. If there's going to be anyone who'll be making an OT for this, feel free to use this if can you prettify it enough for normal humans, LOL.
I'm still not sure how to buy SRW V. I kinda do want the option for the vocal tracks, but the fact that they'll supposedly completely replace(you can't choose) other tracks in story/etc kinds of errs me. Plus I actually do like SRW renditions in general as well as concern on how vocal parts + in battle speech will go with one another.