
Super Robot Wars (スーパーロボット大戦
I created this thread mainly to discuss past (after the OT has expired or never existed) or future SRWs or the SRW series in general. When a specific SRW is released in the future most of that games discussion will take place in its OT. Since SRW is generally a low popularity series here at NeoGAF there probably won't be much trouble if you post non-major news or updates like official blog posts or new screenshots. The major announcement thread of SRW Masou Kishin II got a total of 30 posts, so that should give you an idea of the amount of excitement we usually get. If you really want to talk about SD Gundam G Generation, feel free to do so, since it's basically SRW's red headed stepchild that gets even less attention and respect. I don't expect this thread to get much traffic but hopefully it will grow over time.
The Super Robot Wars series typically isn't released in NA due to licensing issues. However Atlus has published three SRW games in NA. Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation and Original Generation 2. And an action game spinoff, Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier. You can usually purchase older SRW titles for fairly cheap on ebay, just don't expect fancy things like boxes or manuals. New SRW titles are rather expensive owing to the awful Yen - US Dollar exchange rate.
Want to play a Japanese SRW game? It's best to use some of the helpful English guides at gamefaqs along with info at the Akurasu wiki. It also really helps if you learn katakana, as the majority of pilot, robot, attack, item, and skill names are in katakana and you'll be able to understand the game a lot better.
Most Recent SRWs:
2012/04/05 [PSP] 2nd Super Robot Wars Z Saisei-hen
2012/01/12 [PSP] Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Masou Kishin I & Masou Kishin II Limited Edition Bundle
2011/12/22 [3DS] SD Gundam G Generation 3D
2011/04/14 [PSP] 2nd Super Robot Wars Z Hakai-hen
2010/11/25 [DS] Super Robot Wars L
2010/05/27 [DS] Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Masou Kishin - The Lord of Elemental
2009/10/29 [WII] Super Robot Wars Neo
2009/03/20 [DS] Super Robot Wars K
2008/09/25 [PS2] Super Robot Wars Z / Super Robot Wars Z: Special Disk
Upcoming SRW/G Gen Titles:
[3DS] Super Robot Wars 3DS (working title)
[Vita] Super Robot Wars Franchise (working title)
[PS3] 2nd Super Robot Wars OG. Trailer 1. Trailer 2.
Official website.
Akurasu wiki with useful info and chronological list of all SRW titles.
Another English SRW wiki.
Wikipedia entry.
Gamefaqs SRW list. Many useful guides here.
SRW Genesis, a forum which is unfortunately almost always closed to new registrations. But if you really want in, you can get on their IRC and ask nicely for an account.
To start out, I've been working on playing through each SRW in chronological order starting from the first game in 1991, then writing a review and (usually) a guide for each game. You can check my progress at this blog post. I've got quite a lot of experience with the older SRWs up to F/FF, but I haven't quite reached anything that could be considered modern yet. I have played through OG and OG2 in English, however.
Some topics to discuss:
Your favorite SRW games.
Characters, plot, music, animations.
How many SRW games have you played?
Achievements or accomplishments.
Hopes for future SRW games.
What SRW game you last played or what you're playing through, your thoughts, etc.