It's also weird who has it. Like friggen, Jerid from Zeta in his real robo is taking 200 damage from a super robo like Mighty Gaine's strongest attack? Bizarre. But the difference in bosses between who has potential and who doesn't is night and day since the non-potential ones you just tear through their HP and potential ones it's like a bunch of potshots to bring them down.
We've always had pretty sturdy real robots, moreso especially if we're talking about enemy bosses.
And the SR vs RR doesn't really work as an argument.
Look at the stats instead.
Mobile Suits are M sized and Might Gain is only also M size, so there's no size damage modifier. Might Gain won't be that much stronger than Kira Yamato in his Jesus Gundam against M-sized enemies.
I'd be honest that I feel kinda weird to see people using RR/SR labels again as some sort of definitive/authoritive measure of ability in gameplay, but this is essentially my first SRW thread in NeoGAF (that isn't that community one). Earlier in the thread, there's someone who's asking if Vangrey is a super robot.
To put a better mindset, it's better to unlink RR/SR terminology from gameplay.
In SRW Z2, Gundam Sandrock has 1500 base armor. Trider G7 only had 1750. The only thing that adds more to Trider is its more HP and L size. And Sandrock is actually much more sturdier in practice - it has a shield.
We even have Daiguard, which, for all essence is a real robot that is in a super robot anime. And his base armor in Z2 is the same as Sandrock.
I'm gonna stop RR/SR discussion here because it's honestly easy to get messy.
Potential is not really a "Super Robot" skill. Potential is usually given to people who "refuse to die", basically. Or they're Super Saiyan. It's why Patrick Cola-Sour (from Gundam 00) has Level 9 Potential. Why Kururugi Suzaku's special skill (
) is basically a supercharged Potential because Le Douche vi Britannia
. Heero Yuy (Gundam W) has it. Kiriko from VOTOMS has it. Judau and Sousuke has it.
Due to the nature of super robot anime, there'd always be those scenes where they're practically dead, but they have plot armor, plot weapon, and will of god (aka the anime/manga/game creators) so they win against enemies that should have beaten them. It's more or less a blanket skill due to the common-ness of those scenes.
Of course, Banpresto has been using it just to make bosses harder.
I thought I was the only one noticing it, LOL.
I have very strong doubts about Potential
itself being stronger. The more likely change here is something changed in the damage formula.
That or it's an effect of the overall higher Armor in this game. Or combination of both.
Never seen anything like that in SRW, I'm using the EX-skill of direct attack which I think negates it? But if you run out of EX points it can be a huge pain to slowly grind down the boss's last 2k HP, 150 damage at a time.

irect Attack has no effect on 底力/Potential.
Might Gain vs Hiryuu (Scenario 18)
Hiryuu/Joe(Lv21) at 5k HP left of 33k (L5 Potential), 分析'd, Plc/5 bonus, 150 Morale, 反骨心.
Maito(Lv20) at 130 Morale + Digital Fairy effect form Ruri
Dourinken ichimonji damage = 3914
damage with Direct Attack = 3914
which is what you would expect since they're both M, and 反骨心 won't activate since Maito's Skill parameter is far lower than Joe's; doesn't break even with Ruri nearby.