As a secret mech unit, Alpha Azieru is kinda disappointing. Its most powerful attack has even less damage compared to the mass produced F91. The only advantage, it has barrier piercing and tons of HP.
What is the best place that has guides and advice on this game? I am terrified of committing to a unit that sucks or is going to be easily one upped
What is the best place that has guides and advice on this game? I am terrified of committing to a unit that sucks or is going to be easily one upped
On one hand, V has a ton of secrets which is great. On the other hand, yeah they didn't want to put a lot of assets into stuff people might not see so they're all very minor units/attacks.
Yep. Totally broken because there's zero risk on the defense side. You can hirameki/miracle every individual incoming attack and they even let other people cast it on you as well.
I like my SRW fairly easy vs frustrating save/reload SR points, but obviously there's something in the middle. I definitely think seishin/spirit post-turn needs to go.
I find myself playing this game a ton. It is ridiculously easy on easy but I am loving the experience. The story seemed kinda dumb at first but I am on like chapter 17 in cross ange and I am all in now. Suddenly the struggle is real of trying to decide who I want to deploy on my team. I want like almost everyone!
If by Asia version you mean the SEA version, then everything is in English.Hey is the Asia version in English? Like the menus and what not.
If by Asia version you mean the SEA version, then everything is in English.
Actually, an "Asia" version doesn't exist since there are also traditional Chinese and Korean versions.
so I think I am on mission 27. I can fully say that I am hooked. What is even more shocking to me is how long this game freaking is. I see that I am about half way through the game. The amount of content and how fun the game is. It is just surprising. 60 dollars well spent I say. Especially compared to how much I am getting out of this. The translations are top notch.Just overall surprised at how many new things the game constantly is throwing out there. I dont have experience with previous SRW games but this feels like the game that keeps on giving with its new introductions lol
I just bought the game and it came with the day one dlc codes. The problem is it can't recognize the code. Either the code is used or something fucked up with the region coding. Tried it in my HK r3 and NA account. The code says you specifically have to live in singapore, malay, tha, indo for the code to work. Do I have to make another R3 account with those addresses?
Anybody who here who bought the asian version?
I just bought the game and it came with the day one dlc codes. The problem is it can't recognize the code. Either the code is used or something fucked up with the region coding. Tried it in my HK r3 and NA account. The code says you specifically have to live in singapore, malay, tha, indo for the code to work. Do I have to make another R3 account with those addresses?
Wanna cop OG and V. Need help with a digital download
As far as Im aware:
1) Make Singapore PSN ID
-Question: What do I put in for the address when it asks?
2) Buy PSN SGD card
3) Buy game?
Is it that simple?
Wanna cop OG and V. Need help with a digital download
As far as Im aware:
1) Make Singapore PSN ID
-Question: What do I put in for the address when it asks?
2) Buy PSN SGD card
3) Buy game?
Is it that simple?
What are the 3 fan translated games and how would I be able to play them?
So I made the new account and activated the day one code on the SGD account. I'm playing the game on my NA account and the extra characters and stages are not showing?
Did you activate the PS4 you're on as the primary system associated with the SGD account when logged in to the SGD account? Doing that will give every account on the system access to the DLC. I can confirm from experience.
Also make sure that the DLC is downloaded and be aware that characters like Lottie and Velt show up in forced 'Special Scenarios'. Those two in particular you'll get after you complete mission 2 in special scenario 'Trial by Fire'
Yeah, I did that. Does the SGD account need to be logged in every time I play? I don't know if the the day one dlc needs to be downloaded but it showed in the purchases on the ps4 library.
How are you going to use the DLC if you haven't downloaded it?![]()
I thought it was on-disc dlc. lol
I'll try to make it work again.
Yeah, just download the DLC and it'll work on your NA account.
Loving Moon Dwellers. Love the complexity of the story especially since I've only played the GBA OG games. I really appreciated the game summaries, plus the character/mech summaries that you have access to during the interlude.
Also the twin system is so fucking great. It not only allows you to access the thousand mechs you get access to, but it also adds layers to the combat.
I'm really digging this game so far. Will probably replay it to access the other routes too.
Anyone know how MD compares to V? Gameplay wise
Loving Moon Dwellers. Love the complexity of the story especially since I've only played the GBA OG games. I really appreciated the game summaries, plus the character/mech summaries that you have access to during the interlude.
Also the twin system is so fucking great. It not only allows you to access the thousand mechs you get access to, but it also adds layers to the combat.
I'm really digging this game so far. Will probably replay it to access the other routes too.
Anyone know how MD compares to V? Gameplay wise
How good is the translation for the English in Moon Dwellers?
It's definitely tougher and because of its toughness less flexible in terms of strategy.
V you can pretty much complete with any roster from any show, while in MD you usually need to deploy the same powerful units and characters with very specific skills.
Overall difficulty in MD is also increased by the Supa Robo points, which thin the amount of possible resolution strategies even more.
How good is the translation for the English in Moon Dwellers?
Certainly worse than V's.How good is the translation for the English in Moon Dwellers?
There's a handful of rough spots, but generally flows nicely enough.
Things I've noticed: Some names are different than the official english translations, few typos, a weird phrase here and there, but ultimately the convoluted story still makes sense, which is a testament to the translation. I expected google translate, which this is not.
Thinking of buying this, how good is it? I beat Z-3 with a guide open, so I'm pretty excited to play one that's officially in english.
What's the best site to buy it from? I was considering play-asia, I've used them before.