That's good, at least. Should have let the Project X Zone editors give the script a pass, heh. They have complete and utter disregard for the original Japanese, but who cares when it's that fun.
The manga and anime IP holders care actually.
That's good, at least. Should have let the Project X Zone editors give the script a pass, heh. They have complete and utter disregard for the original Japanese, but who cares when it's that fun.
The manga and anime IP holders care actually.
It's out in English already; there's tons of youtube videos already posted. As far as I can tell after playing through like 7 chapters the translation is pretty good, everything makes perfect sense but it feels a little literal. There's also no "leftover" Japanese as far as I can tell, the whole UI was translated, and there's no really weird name/attack or mecha translations either.
Wait, there's a 2202 remake of the Yamato 2 movie coming out in 2 days in Japan? Whoa.
Sorry for the slight detail but I love that movie.
I assume they'll be remaking the second series rather than the movie, though.
Bandai is pretty fucking protective with the Gundam IP. Might be why.
I think it's like point system from Z3 where you get 1 point for a kill and 1 point for a level up. So it's possible to get 2 points in one go. Or units that just repair/resupply can earn them too.Correct me if I'm wrong here:
First enemy unit kill in the turn gets 2 ExC pts
Any succeeding kills nets 1 ExC pt
Is this a correct assumption?
Waiting with bated breath for some English screens.
This person's posting a lot of short vids of the English version. The translation looks worlds better than whatever the hell happened to Moon Dwellers.
Yeah the translation is totally fine. From what I've played so far (I'm only on the third mission) it can be a bit dry, and every now and then they'll have confused pronouns or awkward word choice (one of the encyclopedia entries had something like "fighting to restore aristocratism" instead of "fighting to restore the aristocracy"), but it's pretty good overall. Way better than I expected given the Moon Dwellers translation, and it's just awesome to me that a brand new non-OG entry is in English.
I'm officially suspending your mecha fan credentials on account of this, pending reinstatement if you can make up for this in the future.
Theres an Ultraman/Kamen Rider/Gundam crossover on the PS3.
Are they the same from z3?bruh these 00 movie animations are so goooooooooooooooooooood
Anyone got the low down on what the stats do? Sight in particular is one I can't quite work out
I want this to be my boss subtitle that people can see whenever they meet me for the first time
Got a screenshot? It might be a translation issue. If it's what I'm thinking of, it's probably meant to be accuracy.
Also, holy shit @ Might Gaine's Dynamic Kill on Dourinken - Tate-ichimonji-giri. DAT CUT-IN
Shouta changing the avatar?? Twice?? IN ONE WEEK!?
Gotta love how the MP F91 looks.
What stage is this? Since I'm going to play with family members watching, I would like to have a heads-up.So, I just got to the stage where Cross Ange gets introduced and uh,
They still do that to her and they even play a clip of her screaming. Oh boy. I guess they gotta stick close to the source material
The F-91 is great. You'll get a part that raises Mobility by 10 which when equipped will put it in line with the other Reals. Kincade being one of the better pilot in the game helps as well.This is so beautiful.
Unsure whether I should invest in it though since the "agility" seems... pretty low?
Soo wheres a good place to buy the version with english?
I had to, the cut-in for it is TOO amazing.
Look at this thing. It's glorious.
So, I just got to the stage where Cross Ange gets introduced and uh,
They still do that to her and they even play a clip of her screaming. Oh boy. I guess they gotta stick close to the source material
It's very generic and was only popular originally for the shock value. You can watch it if you don't know anything about it. However if you already heard all the idiots online talk non stop about it then that defeats the entire point of the show.So if I haven't watched Cross Ange yet...should I bother? If for no other reason than it's in the game.
That has to be Obari right?
So if I haven't watched Cross Ange yet...should I bother? If for no other reason than it's in the game.
So if I haven't watched Cross Ange yet...should I bother? If for no other reason than it's in the game.
No and the show references various pop culture things in general. Obviously skewing towards an age group that the animators are part of.Oh, and if you're a SEED fan (there are more people in this category, right?) you'll also find a lot of cute little references/details that are sure to make you smile, lol.
So if I haven't watched Cross Ange yet...should I bother? If for no other reason than it's in the game.
Is it possible to use the first print money/tac point bonuses on a PS4 account other than one matching the region of the game?
I know in most cases DLC is usable for all accounts on the machine, but not sure if this counts. I would be playing primarily on my JP account is that is what I can remote play from.
I think it's like point system from Z3 where you get 1 point for a kill and 1 point for a level up. So it's possible to get 2 points in one go. Or units that just repair/resupply can earn them too.
Well, I guess its probably not with English subtitles or in print anymore. That is how I will internalize this loss.
Oops, forgot to also mention I just ordered SRW V. Excited.
What stage is this? Since I'm going to play with family members watching, I would like to have a heads-up.
The F-91 is great. You'll get a part that raises Mobility by 10 which when equipped will put it in line with the other Reals. Kincade being one of the better pilot in the game helps as well.
So if I haven't watched Cross Ange yet...should I bother? If for no other reason than it's in the game.
That has to be Obari right?
Pretty sure this is the case then. Just had Chitose gain an ExC pt after getting a Lvl Up after repairing an ally unit
On a side note: apparently Aestivalis units can regenerate EN without having near the Nadesico? I do not recall this happening on other SRWs
I am currently playing the Korean version on the PS4. Translation seems pretty good so far. But I noticed the screen is cropped despite running at full resolution. It looks like maybe the PS4 version is just running the VITA version at a 3x or 4x res. Anyone noticing this?
Also does remote play play the game at full Vita screen?
I haven't noticed any cropping issues on my PS4. Maybe the settings got screwed up on your system? Try going to the PS4 settings and adjusting the screen size out to max. If that doesn't work, maybe it's on the TV?
Heh, didn't realize Cross Ange was a Fukuda show. So, is it possibly somewhat entertaining trash, or just flat out bad (a la Destiny)?
So hey, original mecha question.
Does the protagonist you pick affectwhich of the two upgrades you get?