So I don't know if anyone else feels the same way, but after playing the game demo for 12 hours, I'm not really feeling it.
I'll see what it's like when the full version comes out so I can customise the controls to not be shit and then after that I'll see what it's like when the WiiU version releases with a proper controller, but currently the game just doesn't sit right with me.
The air dodge feels too good, certain moves are laggier than they should ever need to be leading to a lot of things that feel like they should be combos just straight up whiffing, no momentum conservation makes it feel a bit stiff, the game just feels wrong to me after I've been playing Project M for so long.
I'm looking forward to trying out all the characters and custom moves and being able to play against actual people to get a better opinion on things though.
I really hope that insta-teching grounded meteor smashes is just a bug that's only in the demo or something though, that's been the most annoying thing about the game engine so far.