No, we got stuck on a date, Sept 24 Groundhog Day style where we can't escape the waiting.
kill me
No, we got stuck on a date, Sept 24 Groundhog Day style where we can't escape the waiting.
kill me
Well, I got stuck in the loop where I just beat spider boss and finally arriving at Gauir Plain repeatedly so I can't help you there.
I'm really glad that they went with Gauir Plain for Smash 4 since it's so gorgeous location in Xenoblade so far.
Also Gauir Plain is a quite importance location for Shulk and franchise because the location actually represent beginning of their adventure together for a greater destiny.
Well, I got stuck in the loop where I just beat spider boss and finally arriving at Gaur Plain repeatedly so I can't help you there.
I'm really glad that they went with Gaur Plain for Smash 4 since it's so gorgeous location in Xenoblade so far.
Also Gaur Plain is a quite importance location for Shulk and franchise because the location actually representing the beginning of their adventure together for a greater destiny.
No, we got stuck on a date, Sept 24 Groundhog Day style where we can't escape the waiting.
Gaur plains is great. Loved that music.Well, I got stuck in the loop where I just beat spider boss and finally arriving at Gauir Plain repeatedly so I can't help you there.
I'm really glad that they went with Gauir Plain for Smash 4 since it's so gorgeous location in Xenoblade so far.
Also Gauir Plain is a quite importance location for Shulk and franchise because the location actually represent beginning of their adventure together for a greater destiny.
Question about the Xenoblade songs in Smash 4: Are they ripped straight from the original game, or remade? I haven't played Xanoblade, but I've seen a few videos of it and what I've herd of the soundtrack sounds exactly the same as what's featured in smash.
Getting groundhog day'd on my 25th birthday sounds like the weirdest fate ever.
Guar Plains is an amazing choice for a level in smash. My greedy ass wants more though as usual, lol. There are even more amazing looking locations throughout the story later on.
Except for a brief Gaur Plains arrangement in the trailer, all of the Xanoblade music so far in Smash 4 has been ripped.
We're getting close, yet seem to still be so far it October the third yet
So, there was a new arrangement in the trailer but not in the game? Lame. Could this, maybe, be because Shulk was a more recently added character?
So, there was a new arrangement in the trailer but not in the game? Lame. Could this, maybe, be because Shulk was a more recently added character?
So, there was a new arrangement in the trailer but not in the game? Lame. Could this, maybe, be because Shulk was a more recently added character?
So, there was a new arrangement in the trailer but not in the game? Lame. Could this, maybe, be because Shulk was a more recently added character?
what do you think guys
I'd doubt it highly, he's a character that'd require a lot of work to fit in.
Might be in the Wii U game, it will have more Xenoblade music possibly including some new arrangements.
Wii U version bro
I'm probably thinking this was the reason, too.That was kind of strange. Unless the arrangement itself was only finished after the 3DS game was certified, and may be replaced with the new one via patching, I can't see why they wouldn't include the new arrangement of a theme for a stage shared with the Wii U version.
Well, I got stuck in the loop where I just beat spider boss and finally arriving at Gaur Plain repeatedly so I can't help you there.
I'm really glad that they went with Gaur Plain for Smash 4 since it's so gorgeous location in Xenoblade so far.
Also Gaur Plain is a quite importance location for Shulk and franchise because the location actually representing the beginning
of their adventure together for a greater destiny.
I don't think DBZ would have taken off if it was an office sitcom.
The Wii U Xenoblade stage is one occasion where a traveling stage would have really been merited; especially with weather and time changes incorporated. Traveling from sunrise on the beach of the; for example, would have been amazing.Fallen Arm up through Mechonis Field and Agniratha and terminating at Egil's boss chamber with the view of the Mechonis and Bionis at sunset
Honestly, I just think it's Sega being difficult again. Pac-man on the other hand has benefitted from being from the developers. I mean two unique stages and even a reference in another stage.I'm more disappointed that there's not any new Sonic remixes in the 3DS version. Kind of why I hate that we just got a recycled stage on it.
Yeah, a traveling Xenoblade stage could be amazing. I'd love to see how they make the areas transition, and I think it'd be especially cool if they transition between a macroscopic view of the overall Bionis/Mechonis down to individual areas.
I finally received my press copy of the North American version of the game today. My NDA says I'm not allowed to talk about basically anything that's not officially announced until the game comes out, though. : /
I'm pretty sure we know everything there is to know about the game already, but if anyone has any NA-related questions they want answered somehow I'm all ears. I'll be doing all of my unlocking procedures again tonight, although pre-release Hyrule Warriors is beckoning me too. ^_^ does Falco sound? I hope this doesn't intrude in the NDA.
After a re-read it says I can't mention anything in "coverage" of the game, but I think I should still be safer than sorry. So... Fa-who know? Never heard of him! (NDA expires earlyish next Thurs. night, not that that helps a lot -_-)
Before cash prizes were a thing tournaments were tiny niche events that few people cared for. If you want the skill level to rise and people to become better and better at the game incentive needs to be offered to they can dedicated more time to it. That incentive is created by having a game that's fun to watch and draws sponsors and an audience which generate revenue to create said prize pool.
If you want a scene to grow out of basements and people's homes the players gotta be fighting for a big reward. Not just the glory.
Brawl! I like a lot of 3DS compositions but I'm really bothered by their quality. I'm no music buff by no means but they sound too compressed for me, recorded at a low bitrate or something. One way or another, they could sound better but they don't. It's not hardware either, as I far prefer FE:A's Id (Purpose) to Smash 3DS incarnation even if for the most part they are the same song.
Brawl! I like a lot of 3DS compositions but I'm really bothered by their quality. I'm no music buff by no means but they sound too compressed for me, recorded at a low bitrate or something. One way or another, they could sound better but they don't. It's not hardware either, as I far prefer FE:A's Id (Purpose) to Smash 3DS incarnation even if for the most part they are the same song.
I'm glad that I'm not the only one who has noticed that Smash 3DS's music sounds really low quality compared to what we've heard on consoles over the years.
I chalked that up to compression and some tuning for the 3DS's funky speakers. A legit OST release should sound miles better.
It's pretty bad from headphones as well imo
Brawl! I like a lot of 3DS compositions but I'm really bothered by their quality. I'm no music buff by no means but they sound too compressed for me, recorded at a low bitrate or something. One way or another, they could sound better but they don't. It's not hardware either, as I far prefer FE:A's Id (Purpose) to Smash 3DS incarnation even if for the most part they are the same song.
It's pretty bad from headphones as well imo
Should have included an option to turn off the 3DS speaker tuning like FE:A.