I can't handle your Ness D:
If you two finish and still want to play I'm up for doing some Bracket 3 matches as well. Haven't had the chance to get any in yet, unfortunately.
GGs SuperJem. You have some great characters. Also, thank you for the excellent stage selection, lol.
Go ahead and add me, tryn get em done. Nnid: Kingghidra, I think malax might be afk if you wanna match now
Ranbats are 3 stock right?
We can count it as a warmup, idc. It was a very close match regardless, haha.Fuck I had my training controls on,
I set custom controls where I removed "up for jump" so it's easier to perform ground based up + A attacks (that's an "up tilt", right?)
why do I have to manually change the control preset from character select every time I play?
Why does Nintendo derp on really really basic common sense stuff? Reminds me of "view replay" being the default option at the end of a race in MK8 instead of next race. It's as if Nintendo has no play testers.
Dont you just select your profile? You mean have it autoselect?
I shouldn't have to manually switch my profile every time I play. The fact that I so often accidently launch with the default controls should be proof that this is an oversight.
Yeah but the same would be true for everytime multiplayer is loaded unless you use the same controller everytime
I mean they could specifically give that option sure...
Thanks! Those two Mario vs Doc matches were fun hahaGood games as always Spino! Not sure if I've ever played you Doc, but he's great.
We can count it as a warmup, idc. It was a very close match regardless, haha.
Thanks! She's getting there, but man I see the pro videos and I get so jealous of there micro-spacingThanks! Those two Mario vs Doc matches were fun haha
Your Sheik's really good btw. Nic fair spacing.
I want to change controls once and never worry about changing it again. Most games allow that. Instead, we have a situation where I have to actively do something each and every time I play or else I get undesired controls. That's bad design.
Mah man it's yours, your legit lol
Damn, good games. I can't handle Game and Watch at all, as you saw haha.
He's confounding
Good matches, congrats! I started well but just got outmatched in the last few matches. I have to run now though so I won't be able to do any more games, thanks again though! I updated the bracket spreadsheet, hopefully I did it right... (Monster Zero beat me 5-1)
How many Wiimotes can you pair up to the Wii U for this? Can we get 8 play smash going with 1 Gamepad, 1 3DS, and 6 Wiimotes (with varying nunchucks / classic controllers)? Or are we limited to 1 Gamepad, 1 3DS and 4 Wiimotes? And can we tie a second gamepad to it?
ggs Azure J. Gotta eat now.
No Mere Sparring Match is the biggest bunch of bullshit I've ever seen in a nintendo game.
I thought your spacing and footsies were spot on. Getting in on you was pretty hard and annoying lol. Your Marth was harder to deal with definitely, and there were moments were I felt like I was trapped right into your fsmash.What did you think of my play though? I'm starting to feel a lot more confident in my Marth and Pit (primarily my Marth), but there were a lot of moments where I wondered if any of it shone through for you to see.
Anyone up for some fighting 1v1? It has been a while orcish >___>
Do you want to play me. No ranbat matches. I feel terrible. Have a cold coming on.
I thought your spacing and footsies were spot on. Getting in on you was pretty hard and annoying lol. Your Marth was harder to deal with definitely, and there were moments were I felt like I was trapped right into your fsmash.
I wish I could perfect pivot like you could btw. :lol
Do you want to play me. No ranbat matches. I feel terrible. Have a cold coming on.
Bite is legit my favourite move in this game lmao. It's too good.So you could perfect pivot into Bite?
BTW, B reversed Bite is like the single greatest mixup in all of video games, lmao
Yo I'm up for the Doc mirrors.I have the flu, I just wanna beat up some folk as doc. Somebody eat this medicine!
Bite is legit my favourite move in this game lmao. It's too good.
Bite is legit my favourite move in this game lmao. It's too good.
Yo I'm up for the Doc mirrors.
If any of the following 3 are on, we still need to do our Ranbats!
Anyone up for a few 1v1s?
ggs! Doc is just too much fun. FAir is too goodDOC COMBOS ARE SO FUN!!