Passive Assassin
Guy is such a frustrating character to play against
Yeaaah. Don't press buttons. Or push him out at the midrange. What character are you playing?
Guy is such a frustrating character to play against
Are there any Chun or Sim players on PC? They are my worse match-ups for Sagat and I need practice on the off-chance they get popular again in Ultra. Especially if those buffs for Chun stick
Too scared of that sparse pc action?
kappa and all that
Are there any Chun or Sim players on PC? They are my worse match-ups for Sagat and I need practice on the off-chance they get popular again in Ultra. Especially if those buffs for Chun stick
Damn. What do you gotta say that gets you permabanned?permabanned
Damn. What do you gotta say that gets you permabanned?
Damn. What do you gotta say that gets you permabanned?
Wow I didn't realize how different playing on PC and xbox is, completely killed me trying to play on PC tonight, everything felt so laggy. My pc is fine, also.
It shouldn't be. Try disabling in-game v-sync and/or going to windowed mode.
There's a windowed mode? Or you mean the hacked window mode fix?
The secret code is: alt+enter
And thanks for the matches Jlai. Definitely gave me some insight into the tricks used by both fighters and what to look out for. Even though I never did win a game, I at least felt I made strides as the games progressed.
And we never got to play Rentahamster, sorry about that. lol I tried hard to beat jlai, but so strong. =(
mak got unblockables :O?
Only ones that come to mind that don't are balrog and dhalsim.
Looks good. I'm thinking auto correct dp and focus dashing will beat that setup though.
Are there any Chun or Sim players on PC? They are my worse match-ups for Sagat and I need practice on the off-chance they get popular again in Ultra. Especially if those buffs for Chun stick
I play a low-tier Sim on PC. I learned him to troll my co-workers.
GT minib0ssbattle
0 is a zero.
i bet you play blanka too :L
One of those, eh?!
The W means nothing. If I am able to hit an oppenent with Bison's Flying Banana move, I have won the mental battle.
What part of his body is the part you even use to land that attack?