got xbl, games anyone?
I'm looking into getting a new character too, someone I haven't put much time into. But not Cammy. I don't like playing characters I'll get hate mail over using.
I think Dudley or Cody. I never really tried either of them beyond getting a grasp of their normals, specials and easiest combos.
Every time I get inspired to play this game again, 3/4 matches I have are laggy as all fucking hell and I get disgusted with the game again.
Play offline
Calm down little guy.
...Who are you?
Going to take the time tonight to change all the sticks I personally use to bat top.
...Who are you?
Who is a character that will force me to improve my execution? Particularly one-frame links.
Who are you?
Who are you?
With Ibuki:
Target Combo 1
Target Combo 4
EX Tsumuji
That combo feels so nice. It's the Raida at the end. I was able to pull it off tonight in an online match. I'm going to stick with her and Honda for a while. (Blanka is my salty run-back character, lol)
C.Viper, Ibuki, E.RyuWho is a character that will force me to improve my execution? Particularly one-frame links.
Getting mad niggarish in here...I rike dat!!
Who are you?
Yo, not a single PSN Fei? Damn.
You'll get hate mail no matter what character you play, sad to say.
Dudley and Cody are both terrific frame trap characters, you can press all sorts of buttons once you get inside with them.
Not too many PSN anything left. It's mostly PC/360 anymore.
Who is a character that will force me to improve my execution? Particularly one-frame links.
If I knew how to use Fei, I'd be using his ass and not Hawk's!
wait till you can pull off sjc links and the loops. so hawt.
Man ever I stopped relying on the Kunai vortex and actually started playing Street Fighter this game has gotten so much more fun. Learning the fundamentals is so essential and it's something I think a lot of people miss out on when they start out playing Ibuki.
Another plus side to not relying on the same old vortex is that my messages are a whole lot less hateful.
I'll give you 3 weeks before you switch back.
Anyone see Xian's Academy? Only watched a bit so far and I've already learned some stuff. I'll probably post some timestamps later for those who wanna skip to a particular topic.
How do you figureIt doesn't get good until a little ways in. I'd recommend everybody just skip the first part. (lol)
I'm just glad to see more non-shoto characters win more. Japanese players seem to stick with the Shoto class characters, and it's a bit boring. I chalk it up to a better, more balanced system.
I know how to drive a stick.![]()
How do you figure
Apparently they made Deejay's wakeup MGU better.
Someone pray with me.
The wakeup speed change by itself will help chars with poor wakeup, unless folks come up with oki OS's that work on both getups (I think it's possible a shoto will have one)
Setups off a throw/Knockdown wasn't the problem. It was just most characters could walk up to Deejay and all day for free.
I thought EX upkicks beat that. I know the feeling though since I play Rose and she has a similar problem.
Yo, not a single PSN Fei? Damn.
Ex.upkicks doesn't have a hitbox THAT good. Can't rose just ex.spiral on wakeup?