Professor Beef
Dem Hawk buffs, aw yiss.
Dem Hawk buffs, aw yiss.
Oh yeeeeah.
Latest USF4 changes
For my character, Evil Ryu, it looks like they removed his light tatsu buff and nerf. Before they gave it more forward movement so it could hit from farther away and reduced the float time on hit. I assume that was to prevent him from being able to tatsu > sweep so many characters but it looks like that's back. Everything else looks the same. If this is the final list then I'm quite satisfied with the changes to my character although I don't agree with everything. I expect Threi in here pretty soon to express his...well less than favorable opinion of what they've done with DJ so far lol.
Their also seems to be a universal nerf for characters with invincible reversals. Every DP, FADC seems to be -5 on hit now. Besides that EX focus is now 3 bars, which is a much better idea than 4 from before. That was just too expensive, this is just perfect IMO.
Hm looks like j.faps does knockdown again with Juri, but the rest of her shitty nerfs are still in. Womp womp.
Also no EX Greenhand knockdown for Gief again. Womp womp x2.
Whatever. Cammy seems the same as before. I can live with that.
Close standing light punch: Hitbox increased to hit crouching opponents more consistently
Close standing medium punch: Feng Shui version has been adjusted to match non Feng Shui version
Close standing middle kick: Feng Shui version has been adjusted to match non Feng Shui version
Far standing middle punch: Can cancel into special moves
Far standing light kick: Start up reduced (5F->4F)
Far Hard Kick: Feng Shui version has been adjusted to match non Feng Shui version
Crouching middle kick: Starts up faster (6F->5F)
Crouching middle kick: Reduced recovery (17F->16F)
Kasatsuchi (counter): Takes white damage when opponents attack is countered
Light, Medium, Heavy Shikusen: Cannot be performed when jumping backwards
Shikusen: 2nd and 3rd attack hitboxes have been adjusted to hit more consistently
EX Shikusen: Follow up attacks only come out if K button are pressed
EX Shikusen: Attack trajectory effected by which two buttons are pressed to perform the attack (LK+MK = close, MK+HK = Middle, LK+HK = far)
EX Fuhaijin: MK+HK version can now hit crouching opponents
EX Fuhaijin: LK+HK version damage has been increased (50*50->60*60)
EX Senpusha: Invincibility increased (1F~6F->1F~7F)
EX Senpusha: Disadvantage after guard increased (-14F->-15F)
Feng Shui Engine: Invincibility on start up reduced (4F->2F)
Kaisen Dankairaku: Hitbox has been extended horizontally and vertically to increase ability to hit the opponent from further out
It's entirely the removal of jump back dive kick that is causing complaints.
That's a great counter to folks who spam focus on wakeup, and allows for fireball punishing a lot more easily.
She is getting some nice buffs, but she wasn't a strong character to begin with, so she didn't need nerfs.
Counter nerf is pretty minor, except on low life. My favorite use of counter was vs sonic booms at a certain range to get in.
Sorry for the noob question, but aren't the input for Red Focus and EX Red Focus identical?
How do you differentiate between the two?
BTW, did anybody notice that Ken DP, FADC, Ultra is going to do a fuck ton of damage now? His HP SRK does 120 off the first two hits now and his non animation Ultra 1 does 390 damage. If my math is right, that means Ken does 432 off his DP, FADC, Ultra now. That's much much higher than what he does right now which is 326. I thought the point was to give him a little more damage, not give him one of the most damaging DP, FADC, Ultra combos.
Am I the only one that doesn't understand what Juri players are complaining about? The only nerfs I see are the bolded ones. The latter two nerfs will not have any effect on the big picture. The additional frame disadvantage was to compensate the additional invincibility frame (other characters received similar treatment). The invincibility frames of Engine seems pointless as I only see Juri players use it after a knockdown.
I never meet Vega, but I met one that just bounced around and then started to simply chain throw me on wake up, from above. I think I tried the obvious stuff like DP on wake up, maybe even EX DP (Ryu). I just couldn't adjust, and then it was over. (Also congrats on your completely boring way of winning a match, to whoever you were, but whatever) - what do you do on wake up to not get thrown?
If they're going for throws, instant reversal moves work, as does backdash, or throw teching.
Thanks to Kevo for playing me to a FT5 tonight. I got thrashed by random characters (and a guest Honda), but if you want to do well in ranked matches, what you should do is go to Endless battle, get your shit slapped around for a hot minute, and when you pop into ranked and play people your own skill level, you will be sharp as a tack. Lots of fun, too.
EDIT: Case in point:
Number 40 player for Yang in the world.
Sorry for the late response, but I'm playing on PSN right now.
I have this week off, so my goal is to finally crack the 3000bp mark, I've been hovering in the 2500-2700bp mark for too long. Already learned some safe jump tactics, gonna try to figure out Sakura's FADC combos, and grind until I get there. No mercy!
That 3000 mark is a beast- and I think 3000 is about where you start to weed out the unsolid players for the most part.
3k players are still ass. I say this as a 3k player. I and many like me still lack strong fundamentals and aren't able to apply more advance tactics. We get there with vortex, gimmicks, set ups, spammable safe moves, and we still mash DP no differently then the typical 1500pp guy. We're not all like this, I feel some of my fellow high 2k/low 3k guys have good fundamentals. But I think the majority are like what I just described. I get to 3k a lot by beating guys in the 1 or 2k range, then I run into better players and get beaten back down. But I'm always back there eventually. If I can do that I think that should be a strong indicator that low 3k players aren't all that.
Yeah...I have to respect Deejay's wakeup only because I play a big body.![]()
Well, yeah, you are going to lose often to better players.
I'm not saying it's a true indication of skill, but I generally assume someone around that range knows what they're doing. Knows what they're doing, and is a threat to do well at regionals and majors are two different things.
Also some folks are online warriors who don't play as well offline.
well i do know that you can get rid of deejay's side charge with condor spire off a forward throw, and that upkicks still whiffs on his low forward...its kinda slow though so ex mgu tags it. But his low jab recovers fast enough...but ex upkicks tags that. It's at least a guessing game with big body chars, not just a complete shut down like with most others.
Honestly, the first time I met Deejay online, I had completely forgot he was even in the game.
So, you really can't engage in a ground-game with Ibuki. I'm only just now realizing just how important kunai are, beyond just vortexing. It keeps them from trying random nonsense, and
I can't vortex worth shit, btw. I need to read some tips. I know we got a few Ibukis in here, what are some things you had to realize in order to execute the vortex effectively? Like, do I have to 'super-jump' to make it work?
3k players are still ass. I say this as a 3k player. I and many like me still lack strong fundamentals and aren't able to apply more advance tactics. We get there with vortex, gimmicks, set ups, spammable safe moves, and we still mash DP no differently then the typical 1500pp guy. We're not all like this, I feel some of my fellow high 2k/low 3k guys have good fundamentals. But I think the majority are like what I just described. I get to 3k a lot by beating guys in the 1 or 2k range, then I run into better players and get beaten back down. But I'm always back there eventually. If I can do that I think that should be a strong indicator that low 3k players aren't all that.
My guess if that you probably press buttons during Deejay's block strings and then get sweeped and subsequently get sucked into the weird Deejay vortex that you feel like you should respect, but really shouldn't. Kneeshot is also weird if you're not used to it.One of the all-time great SF4 mysteries for me is why I lose to online DeeJays every damn time. I don't think I have a worse win/loss ration against any other character in the game, as ridiculous as that sounds.
It's just so rare that I come across one online that I don't know that matchup at all, I guess.
1. All upkicks whiff on crouching chars/crouching normals
2. Most meaty low shorts recover faster than the time it takes for his other reversals (ex mgu/ex sobat) to reach their active frames (12f/15f respectively).
3. Meaty low normals that have a good amount of active frames (most character's low strongs/forwards) will stuff DeeJay's reversals due to what i noted in #1, plus the fact that all his other ex reversals aren't fully invincible until startup (ex mgu only has 4 frames of invincibility on startup, that is 8 frames to be completely stuffed before a trade. ex sobat has only 7 frames of invincibility, which also has an 8 frame gap) It's kinda funny in this respect because chars that are well noted for "not having a wakeup" (i.e. Rose) have reversals with both faster startup and more inv frames than deejay's options.
3. His backdash is pretty bad (short distance, slightly poor recovery, he makes a distinctive audio cue for it). Wake up backdash is never a really good option either (unless you are chun, makoto, or rose). Even without option selecting it's pretty easy to react to (because of the range and audio cue). If you hear it, you just sweep and it will more than likely tag him.
Now this is just on wakeup however. Take this and apply it to any neutral situation where you are close to deejay and it's the same thing. His only 3f normals are standing (st.jab) which means you give up downcharge which cuts his options in half, and his low short is extremely slow (5f startup and very long recovery, but will be getting changed in USF4). Unless you have a hard read on what the opponent is going to do it is usually in deejay's best interest to block. (also the best idea to block at midrange too but that's another topic)
EX MGU being decreased to 6f startup should alleviate this issue though.
here's a rough example of it in action, its essentially the same with most chars.
wakeup throw won't work in general (for any char) unless the person is very late on their meaty attack (throws are 2-3f startup in this game, meaning they would have to be at least 4-5 frames late on their meaty attempt to be thrown out of the startup of their normal)
How can I test this? Because I've been assiduously thrown out of what seems like the active hitbox of my cr. normals when going for OS lows on wakeup (i.e. cr. LK + LP).
When do attacks beat throws in this game? It seems to me throws win regardless of whether or not the attack hitbox is active.
If a throw and a attack reach active frames at the same time, the throw wins, if it's in range. Normal attacks also extend your vulnerability range to throws, making it easier to be throw out of them. Without invincibility or evasion, the only option really is to hit them before they hit you.