Laugh and Infiltration going over unblockables and possibly how to fix them.
Fuerte has an "unblockable" move? Hmmm.....
After I go for the air throw, I've always gone for a fierce jump-in to start RSF shenanigans because the move always seemed pretty safe and effective. I didn't know it was considered "unblockable"
Also, when blocking, I don't think I EVER (try to) block a cross-up attempt before it actually hits. I mean, you're waiting to see what your opponent actually does, right? I don't have the game in front of me, but that's just my assumption.
Unblockable only works on certain characters. Most people wait to see what the opponent does but blocking on the exact frame sounds very hard to do.
FT4 and FT5 Match with Aziz XIV vs Ryan Hart & Champ in Kuwait.
Aziz XIV vs Ryan Hart FT4 SF4
Aziz XIV vs F Champ FT5 SF4
Anyone play on PC? I am getting scraped online.
Anyone play on PC? I am getting scraped online.
Edgeward - steam
Edgeward34 - gfwl
I usually only get on when I get invited. Everytime I try looking for matches it's barren and no good connections. Must be bad luck on my end but eh
Anyone play on PC? I am getting scraped online.
Just started playing again, using Chun - what exactly are my anti-air options against people who are jumping in at close range? I am getting completely wrecked at that range; as an example I just played a guy who was using Rufus, and he just straight humiliated me 4 rounds in a row by getting on me then just dive kicking literally non-stop and there was seemingly nothing I could do to stop it. Unless I was just completely mistiming them (which is entirely possible) EX SBK and FA weren't stopping it. I know EX SBK is sort of her go-to get off me move, but it doesn't seem to work against certain attacks like that.
I also really love people with thousands of BP/PP coming in to my 500/300 and taunting and teabagging repeatedly. Jesus.
this plinking crap is a lie!
im pressing light-medium punch and all i get is jabs !
this plinking crap is a lie!
im pressing light-medium punch and all i get is jabs !
I love online rage. Some guy voice messaged me multiple times claiming to know the "best Street Fighter" and "best Guile" in the world, who didn't throw sonic booms. Huh. Then he said something about stats.
I love online rage. Some guy voice messaged me multiple times claiming to know the "best Street Fighter" and "best Guile" in the world, who didn't throw sonic booms. Huh. Then he said something about stats.
Anyone play on PC? I am getting scraped online.
PSN folks, I'm gonna grab AE since its free for PS+ members today, so let's play!
Prof Beef, when you gonna email me bout dem round robins
PSN folks, I'm gonna grab AE since its free for PS+ members today, so let's play!
When would you like me to beat down your Makoto?
Let's pray!
Later today is fine (around 8-9pm PST), will prob pick up my buddy's spare stick after work.
Later today is fine (around 8-9pm PST), will prob pick up my buddy's spare stick after work.
Why would we play on PSN when we can play on 360 or better yet PC![]()
I'm actually tempted to subscribe to Plus for this, but not sure how much I'd play it on PS3 (no friends and also no headset). Also I don't have a PS3 pad or stick. 360 FightPads don't work on PS3 as well (since they're USB), do they?
Anyone wanna get in some games on the PC version?
I'm decent at it, don't mind playing good competition or weak competition. I just like picking different characters and having a go!
Make sure Makoto takes some medicine for nausea, because she's gonna go for a ride.
Never mind, we'll have to play tomorrow. Didnt realize it was a 18gb download and ps3 downloads really slowly.
Sure, Edgeward34
Sounds like some Vexcuses to me.
It's cool, sometime tomorrow evening should be fine.