I nominate the PC SF4 community as the worst community of all time.
I nominate the PC SF4 community as the worst community of all time.
PSN has people to play against.
I nominate the PC SF4 community as the worst community of all time.
I've always found that hilarious about the FGC and PC ports. People cry and cry for them, then there's nobody to play once they get released.
I'm trying to get back in to this game. I haven't played in 2 or 3 years. I want to play this and SxT 2013.
I have it on 360/PS3/XBL: Skillzilla81. Looking to get as much experience as I can. Help my make my Cammy unscrubby.
I've also been capping matches and upping to my youtube:
Any criticism is welcome.
Looking into what I need to get my Hauppage stream capable.
Really quick off topic question, lol, but do the DLC costumes show up in online play to another opponent if they don't own them?
Only watched a couple of matches but I'll offer some advice. It seems like you have a tendency to do a short block string and then just go for a regular cannon strike. Anyone with decent reactions can anti air you immediately. You should be abusing cammy's fast walk speed. After a blockstring, you can do: roundhouse (hits people who like to press buttons), walk up throw, or walk up ex tkcs which blows up crouch techers. Overall, try not to do regular cannon strike unless its a meaty or cross up setup after a knockdown.
When you do cannon spike fadc, you shouldn't be dashing back and doing spiral arrow. Dash forward and continue your pressure or bait out unsafe moves from the opponent. She's only -1 I believe.
If you haven't already, learn unblockable setups!
Its slowed down yes, probably because its an old game. Yet, it still has one of the biggest online communities amongst the fighting games.Why's this game seem to be slowing down in popularity? Its still soooo good.
I'll keep all of that in mind. I still have to get used to the timing on wakeup before I start learning unblockables. I can't seem to get used to the arcs on jumps in this game. :/
Any advice for a budding Cammy player? Used to play Juri, but switched over as I was beyond scrubbish to be handling her. I really like Cammy's specials and speed.
So Aquasilk just showed off a Kara SPD with gief. you have to end the 360 input on an up-diagonal and it will have a bigger range.
looked hella cheap from how far gief was from the opponent.
Why's this game seem to be slowing down in popularity? Its still soooo good.
Done. I can't guarantee how often I'll update it, but I'll try to keep tabs on it.
Done. I can't guarantee how often I'll update it, but I'll try to keep tabs on it.
I've always found that hilarious about the FGC and PC ports. People cry and cry for them, then there's nobody to play once they get released.
I've gotten back into AE some via the PC port. There's a few people to play- it's about 1/10 the size of PSN though.
I would make a rare sighting if someone ever did a PC AE stream.
Just bought a Brawl stick and plan on swapping out with Sanwa parts in the near future. I managed to stay away for a few months. Where's my trophy?
You still play on 360? Only game in town for me now.What happened to your TE stick ? If you want some matches you know where to find me dude.
You still play on 360? Only game in town for me now.
Sold my TE to fund my super beefy new pc built from the ground up. I needed a break anyway. SF4 was all I played. Always going back to it leavin other good games behind...now I'm coming back. I'm fucked. Probs mod with Sanwa parts before long.