I think I need to go into ranked and get to about 2500pp just to have higher than thou dicks stay in my endless lobby. 1500 isn't enough, I guess. I just never bother with ranked anymore. What's funny is I rarely see these 3,000 and up pp players doing that much better against me than the 1,000 players.
I think I need to go into ranked and get to about 2500pp just to have higher than thou dicks stay in my endless lobby. 1500 isn't enough, I guess. I just never bother with ranked anymore. What's funny is I rarely see these 3,000 and up pp players doing that much better against me than the 1,000 players.
It seems the same way when you have 3000pp+. Most players see the PP (in Endless) and leave although some stay and just want to play some matches.
Do you play on PSN, 3sexy or PC?
@ Kio
I just like playing Endless more because it seems it's where I get more tolerance for playing best of fives. If we are going to play again and again, I'd rather get more time sparring than having to do char select and all that. And yeah, the people who "one and done" you, whether they win or lose irk me.
I don't like one and done's, but what I hate more are the "win and run" kind of guys. The dudes who may beat you once and then refuse a rematch. Or the guy who lost to you and come back for a rematch only to win the 2nd match(or maybe it takes more than 1 rematch) and then never return again. I know some guys have expressed a lack of interest in playing the same guy twice, but most of these dudes are just flat out pussies who want the last laugh. I'd have no problem if they at least beat me 2-0 or 2-1 and then start refusing rematches. This is something that still bugs me to this day when I play ranked online and run into guys like this.
I don't like one and done's, but what I hate more are the "win and run" kind of guys. The dudes who may beat you once and then refuse a rematch. Or the guy who lost to you and come back for a rematch only to win the 2nd match(or maybe it takes more than 1 rematch) and then never return again. I know some guys have expressed a lack of interest in playing the same guy twice, but most of these dudes are just flat out pussies who want the last laugh. I'd have no problem if they at least beat me 2-0 or 2-1 and then start refusing rematches. This is something that still bugs me to this day when I play ranked online and run into guys like this.
But on a lighter note, I went digging through some of my boxes and found my old PC case for SF4. The thing is I know where the game disc is, but I thought I threw away the box with the key a long time ago. But I found it and installed it and man it feels good, well not yet anyways, gotta go through the painstaking process of unlocking the other 9 characters in this game first. But once I do that I can cherish it all over again, trade Ultra's, Super/Ultra traps, tiger knee lockdown, all dat damage, and more. Who's with me..........guys?
I'd just rather have more time playing the game than setting up for it. Best of 3 is for ranked for me only. Never worried about meter management like that.You should play marvel 3 then, in player matches you get a rematch option. I honestly don't like playing best of fives because meter management is all out of whack. .
lets play vanilla sf4 pc!
lets play vanilla sf4 pc!
akuma roundhouse loops > dat gat!
If I ever pick Sagat against you in Vanilla again, I'll have my character select on someone else and then rush over there at the very last second so you won't see it coming. That shit still hurts man.
Hyper Street Fighter 4, play every version of every character. Come on Capcom, do it.
There's two things I miss the most from Vanilla:
Courtesy duffs
This and Seth had super low life. I have a replay where I'm playing Abel where I won, only landing 2 moves:Also forgot how much damage raw ultras did. Some of the fully stocked ones did 60% easily. Everyone seemed to be getting stunned a lot quicker too
There's two things I miss the most from Vanilla:
Courtesy duffs
Haha, forgot about all the dumb stuff and other random things that were in vanilla - smileys in the lobby, post KO bonus hit, seth stretchy arms and ultra trap, ryu super trap, sagat far s.lk being special cancelable (and of course his DP dmg), fei chicken wing cross up, cammy TKCS, gen s.mk xx hands loop, rufus ex snake strike dmg, gief ex hands knocking down, akuma minimal recovery on demon flip grab and of course his roundhouse loop
Also forgot how much damage raw ultras did. Some of the fully stocked ones did 60% easily. Everyone seemed to be getting stunned a lot quicker too
Was fun to go back in time though
akuma roundhouse loops > dat gat!
If I finished someone with a DP(whether I mashed or not), I always FADC if I had meter just to show them I could do it safely even though many times I committed to a DP without FADC in mind. I remember a lot of my opponents copied me in the 2nd round if I won doing this in the 1st round lol. But yeah, I kind of miss that even though it irked me to see my opponents do it to me after they the round. Jlai went nuts pressing buttons everytime he finished me off. He must have really missed it.
These need to be brought back, though you can still sneak certain things in after the KO in AE.
So, dear beat'em up gaffers...
Once I considered myself a pretty good "fighter" (double perfects VS local good fighters in SFA2, 61 consecutive wins in a row with Virtua Fighter before abandoning the game in the arcades - yep no losses), but nowadays it's clear I'm very far from it.
My main is Akuma, which is pretty problematic himself - unhuman to link combo or worst ultra2 online, very low life, etc. But a lot of times I lose to ppl I think I should win without any hassle. What is the matter? Being almost 40 y/o? Lacking practice?
And please, train with me, I can't weight my ineptness on a single excellent player alone!(again, you know who you are, and again, thanks!!!!
Thank you alstein!
But ... I don't know... reflexes seem to be so slow compared to youth... I've to play everything beforehand... and I'm not so accurate :S (ie I've never managed to combo Akuma Ultra 2 online... NEVER!!!!)... even a simple air hadoken+ midsweep + little shoryu + fadc + antything else is really something else for me :/
I've just played with one of most powerful gaffers, which destroied me :/ I'm happy since I'd fun, but seems I'm not upgrading at all :/
I remember your Mak well.Well that's partly because I just like to press buttons all day every day
How does one get better at this game?
I'm literally getting rolled and cannot stop sucking dicks.
Well that's partly because I just like to press buttons all day every day
Play with people who are telling you what you're doing wrong.
I can play some games with you sometime if you want if you're on 360 or PC. GT: NAH Fragment
Last time we played in the ranbats you ran a truck over me but if you don't mind I'd like to play a couple of games against you.
i know youve got marvel, but do you have this on ps3? i havent played this in a while but i wouldnt mind getting some games in sometime.
How does one get better at this game?
I'm literally getting rolled and cannot stop sucking dicks.
How does one get better at this game?
I'm literally getting rolled and cannot stop sucking dicks.
*snip pic mocking jlai*
I just finished two very short videos with a borrowed capture card/camera/PS3/game, here:
I have a question for you all: which camera do you like better, top or front camera?
Thanks in advance!
PS: video making tips are very, very welcome, I took too long to make those...
Also, I thought this was kinda funny. I was playing against a Balrog (CPU).