You still kicked my ass.Ya I can't do shit against good fireball characters. I tried doing the focus dash shit to get in sometimes, but that failed so spectacularly haha.
I'll log on if you guys are still playing.
You still kicked my ass.
I wanted to play with you guys but I'm from Asia so it will be laggy against Europe/America![]()
Had to get dinner. I'll be on a little laterwanna do another session?
Got caught up in some family stuff as soon as I joined BV's lobby. As soon as I come back everyone leaves![]()
You didn't a need bnb in that situation. Just go cr mp to DP for the kill
GGs Edgeward and Onemic!
Some advice for the 2 of you...
Edgeward: I assume your style is zoning. Work on your fireball game if your going to stick with that route. Also learn how to kara fireball and kara uppercut. They're tutorials on YouTube for those. Also, work on your combos/blockstrings and setups. The 1 "combo" that you do is the same one over and over again. It took me ages to kick that habit. Overall, you main things you need to focus on are combos and setups, fireball game.
Onemic: You use Akuma got dammit, you should be pwning Sagat! As you saw, he has awesome normals (examples. and c.rh). Don't use the same setup where you demon flip on your opponents wakeup all the time. More knowledgeable players will catch on to it and start to counter it. Akuma has an awesome focus attack since he takes a step back then socks the shit out of you coming back in. I usually just use it to get in especially vs Edgeward where he just sat back and chucked tigershots all day. Also, hit up dat lab hardcore and work on your combos and setups as well. Akuma has tons of options, use them and abuse them. Research on YouTube Akuma players and see what they do. Grab one thing at a time and hit the lab and work on it, then move onto the next thing that you want to learn. Keep in mind I suck ass with Akuma, so I'm not no pro with him.
We can always have some matches in the future if you would like...
Ya, currently Im working on my basic blockstring, the two setups(the second one which I didn't use that much because I don't have it as consistent is dash x2 crossup tatsu) and getting in with focus attacks(which I still can't do for the life of me) I still panic way too much to do the block string consistently as I think I only ever pulled the whole thing off once in that entire session. Most of the time I would randomly mash crouch tech even though you would safely be in block stun after a blocked dive kick.
I don't know how to use cr.Mp outside of a block string. You were able to abuse that shit all day outside of blockstrings and I have no idea how to do it. I tried to do the ex air fireball into that you did once, but it failed so bad.....
I got my ass handed to me, but I definitely learned a ton, much more than yesterday.
Likewiseggs solar. You should stick with cody, seems like you're most comfortable with him.
I'll play a few if you can't connect with anyone, Edge.
I like Cody, but my true love is Makoto. I just don't think I'll be motivated enough to fully explore her in SFIV. You gotta love my fireball BS with Cody though. I was slinging more rocks than a street level kid on The Wire.
My experiences playing Yun
-I lose a lot
-my opponents DP a lot, I mean they DP like it's crack. The sight of Yun just makes mashers mash even harder it seems
-neutral jump own me, I feel like such a scrub that I have no idea how to deal with this with a non fireball character lol
I went almost Yun exclusively for a few days. I grinded like crazy putting in 4 hours each night and got beat down left and right by good players and bad players. My PP went from 2800 to as low as 1500. I finally said enough and put Evil Ryu back in the starting position and now it's back at 2600 for now. So I feel slightly better when I exited the game. But man, I'm not sure what to do with Yun. I love playing him because I've never played a non Shoto(or someone similar to him before). But at the same time I feel pretty lost right now. I'm going to keep it up though.
None of you guys play on 360 anymore right?
Why do you people play in Ranked?
No matter how much you tell yourself numbers don't mean shit, they do matter somewhere deep inside your mind. Ditch Ranked and get on dat Endless!
You're just punishing it too late. It's -9 on block.
Playing around with Yun in the lab......He's definitely still my favourite character by far. Thinking about switching again.....
That's why you get frustrated. Stick to one character!!! >:|
I like going in which is why I ate so many of it, it's not my nature to stand still no matter who I use.
Who is Jeonjo?