So, just got a good day of playing in, and a few more things to note:
- Played random character matches today and got Fei Long, Chun-Li, C. Viper & Gouken for the matches I played. Why is Fei Long so much fucking fun (randomly hitting off something like 7 command grabs in a row until my brother just didn't know what the hell was going on then going all EX burning kick on him for the finale of that round was glorious, especially when I was living on pixels), Chun-Li (Hosenka) so fucked royally for super/ultra startup (I miss my 2x QCF + P/K, lol), C.Viper such a mixed bag of awesome and frustration (both from the same source - you feel amazing when you start getting her more advanced stuff, but frustrated as hell when you aren't consistent) and Gouken the only shoto I like using after SFII? (That's even if I get exposed for using his EX Tatsu Gorasen way too often

- God, nothing feels as good gaming wise as leveling up with a character in these games. Had a personal best moment today after looking at 801strider's Makoto blow shit up yesterday and trying to use more varied stuff. Most prominently, not following up a Hayate chain with c.MP xx Hayate, using more L/M Tsurugi for the ground followups, and grinding out a L/M Oroshi -> Ultra 1 link.
- Yang is hype. Yang > Yun.