Jump between 5 different characters like onem1c.
It's important to have counter picks. I play Oni against Vega.
Jump between 5 different characters like onem1c.
Jump between 5 different characters like onem1c.
why stop at 5 when you can jump between 39
Jump between 5 different characters like onem1c.
why stop at 5 when you can jump between 39
can you mash ex-reversal on all 39 characters? Gotta have SOME standards
Not in my experience, it's always Ryu everywhere I've gone, PC, PS3, or 360. I think Ken use to have the edge back in Vanilla even though Ryu was top tier. But clearly Ryu is the most popular character from my experience, by far. The funny thing is I've picked up Yun as a secondary character and Ryu now owns him. I sometimes play him in ranked and hope that I don't run into a Ryu, and somehow I always do and I get my ass kicked most of the time
BV, good luck with dat Gat.
can you mash ex-reversal on all 39 characters? Gotta have SOME standards
Ken had the edge in popularity for about the first two weeks. Then people figured out that combo to ultra with Ryu was dirt simple and the flood of fail-u has been around ever since.
It's important to have counter picks. I play Oni against Vega.
But you can do the same thing with Ken! You can even hit-confirm his DP! Why don't people want to hit-confirm their DPs?!
Ken had the edge in popularity for about the first two weeks. Then people figured out that combo to ultra with Ryu was dirt simple and the flood of fail-u has been around ever since.
I think it was jab dp > ultra that set off a firestorm of Ryu players. I know I was all over that shit the first 6 or so months. I would just throw it out fishing for jumps or trades into ultra and I see that many Ryu players still do this to this day.
Ken definitely had the edge back in the earlier days of Vanilla. Everybody said they ran into Ken more and we even created a couple of jokes about it like the select screen with all the portraits showing Ken(except maybe 1 Ryu), the famous Ken flow chart, and the mash DP song. But I think it was jab dp > ultra that set off a firestorm of Ryu players. I know I was all over that shit the first 6 or so months. I would just throw it out fishing for jumps or trades into ultra and I see that many Ryu players still do this to this day.
I think I fought a Rice Eater :O
What's your GT again? I ran into a couple of Juri's, both mashed EX pinwheel on me quite a bit so I couldn't tell for sure if that was you.
onemic, sorry I ignored you but online got to me again. I got really salty after losing to a really bad Ryu and it set off a long and drawn out period of point chasing, saltiness, and constant runbacks against random people. I only now quit because it seems their are only like 3 people in America playing on PC right now. I actually thought about trying to play some Europeans but didn't because I figure the connection won't be so good and they'll probably kick me anyways.
What's your GT again? I ran into a couple of Juri's, both mashed EX pinwheel on me quite a bit so I couldn't tell for sure if that was you.
I don't think I ran into a Ken in half a year. Ryu is definitely more rampant and by a landslide compared to the cast.
I think I've ran into a Rice Eater on AE PC too. Not sure if it was you though.
What's name do you go by?
E. Ryu'ers - any tips against Zangief? The bastard just walks forward and absorbs damage. Its hard to fireball because one bad fireball and he gets a jump.
Capcom Unity suggestions come to life. The horror.
E. Ryu'ers - any tips against Zangief? The bastard just walks forward and absorbs damage. Its hard to fireball because one bad fireball and he gets a jump.
Looking to get back into using Sagat. Surely there are top players left that plays this character in 2012 ? I know about Ryan Hart, Saltford, LI Joe, Haunts. RF recently dropped him but I'm not sure if Mago still plays him.kappa
Any suggestions ?
Looking to get back into using Sagat. Surely there are top players left that plays this character in 2012 ? I know about Ryan Hart, Saltford, LI Joe, Haunts. RF recently dropped him but I'm not sure if Mago still plays him.kappa
Any suggestions ?
Capcom Unity suggestions come to life. The horror.
Looking to get back into using Sagat. Surely there are top players left that plays this character in 2012 ? I know about Ryan Hart, Saltford, LI Joe, Haunts. RF recently dropped him but I'm not sure if Mago still plays him.kappa
Any suggestions ?
Super Santarou Man shows up on Yubiken's streams all the time.
Real tonk...Gachikun, RARIKEN, AOI, Super Santarouman and Hishou and Gats that are currently playing on a constant basis.
OK real talk, the character least likely to block on wake up besides Bison and Viper are not Shoto's or any DP character, it's Rose. You would not believe how many times I land close HK because they just refuse to block on wake up.
Evil Ryu, Ryu, AKuma(don't know about Oni) close HK beats all of Rose's options on wake up besides Super and U1. But no Rose uses U1 so you practically never have to worry about it. I go into every Rose match convinced that they won't block on wake up so I use my safest option, cl. HK, and it connects probably 80% of the time. The other 20 is divided between actually blocking and FADC back dash which actually gets her out. I never show the threat of anything else and they almost never block despite that. I swear it's like free damage.
Honestly, now that I think about it, Shoto's are actually more likely to block than many other characters in this game. Rog will always back dash or use EX something to get out. Gouken players are always using parry, EX tatsu or EX demon flip. Elf players always use EX run or EX guacamole, and it goes on on and on. I think Shoto's are actually mid tier in blocking on wake up. Cross them up and they will block most of the time. Cross up the characters I mention and few others, they're always going to do something to try and get out.
These are just my online observations though.
I don't think I ran into a Ken in half a year. Ryu is definitely more rampant and by a landslide compared to the cast.