Your psn is kadey1up right ?I have both PSN and PC on. If you still want to play.
Edit: damn it GAF I've been refreshing for like an hour
Your psn is kadey1up right ?I have both PSN and PC on. If you still want to play.
Anyone want some matches on dat PC?
I thought you got better internet freelix![]()
I thought so too. I thought so too. So sorry
I think my router is fuxxored. I basically have fiber like 100 meters away from my house. Router has been giving me trouble lately.
GGs onemic!
More PC players is good.
Connection so horrible. No serious games with me until I see at least the signal being a solid yellow. Until then you get the me fucking around treatment.
I have ass execution. Time to hit the lab again.
and got damn dat cammy. Took me a while to realize that her divekick hits in front but yet she goes on the otherside... but then she can do a real crossup with her normals...I hate Cammy
we gotta play again. i have no idea how to block yun's divekicks on wake up.
Wanna play now?
Freelix trixed me into games claiming his connection was better and stole mah points![]()
Question for you RE, how do you get out of E.Ryu axe kick pressure? I've been facing one in ranked and it seems that once eryu gets the axe kick it starts a 50/50 mixup. If I press a button or backdash, he SRK's. If I don't he just keeps doing low forward into another axe kick causing me to take a ton of chip dmg. If he guesses wrong and has two bars he makes it safe and continues with his pressure.
how can you tell the difference between the axe kicks?
Sooo anyone up for online PC?
Well EX and HK axe kick are both easily distinguishable. EX lights up as you know and HK is very very slow. You have time to see it and just mash jab to hit ERyu out of it before it full lands. But MK and LK axe kicks are harder to tell apart. LK is 17f while MK is 20f. A 3 frame difference is less significant when both moves are kind of slow already. Sometimes I use it to DP guys who are trying to punish my LK axe kick because it's so negative on block.
Basically you either need to punish it during the special cancel because none of them are a true block string when used with cr. MK or be able to recognize the speed difference between the two. You can definitely tell if you focus, it's just not as easy as Bison's HK and LK scissors though for example. Whatever you do, just don't focus as the move breaks armor and if the ERyu used the MK version then he has a easy link into cr. MP for a lot more damage.
My execution went to complete shit those last few matches.
Also work on focusing Yun's divekicks more, they're completely free to that if you do it properly.
ggs onemic. That yun leveled up alot the last time i played it, and you exposed alot of my bad habits. But it felt like we were both playing on autopilot pretty badly.
Yea I sort of caught on to that and that exposed stand/crouch teching lol. I got caught so many times with that. I definitely need to use s.rh or b.strong to beat those neutral jumps.
Freelix trixed me into games claiming his connection was better and stole mah points![]()
He was definitely doing mk, since I would sometimes try and start pressure after and his normal would always beat mine clean
Ya, that was pure autopilot from me. Im still working on my execution, so I sorta have to be like that heh. Ibuki's low attacks scare the shit out of me so that's why I didn't try playing much of a ground game.
Also, maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like yun's upkicks beats Ibuki's Kunai trap. The worst that seemed to happen would be that the kunai would catch me when the upkicks invincibility wore off and I would be reset allowing you to continue pressure, but without the crazy 50/50 mixups.
At the stage I'm at with Yun right now, that's really all you need to do. My ground game isn't developed enough to be much of a threat.
I suck at this game heh. That Ibuki vortex gets you so far.
I suck at this game heh. That Ibuki vortex gets you so far.
Once I figured out what vortex nonsense you were doing, I got it under control.
Onemic, your Yooon is far better than your Akuma. Keep it. You just need to maximum your damage better. Also, don't be so defensive sitting back there.
ggs overall though
ggs man
you got dem rank points though. It's all about dem rank points.
Man, it seems like whiffed upkicks gets Yun out of a lot of trouble. Corner pressur and Ibuki vortex. Not sure about Akuma vortex though.
BV, any advice you can give in terms of improving fundamentals?
Spacing is big in this game (at least when it's played to a medium to high level play). As you saw, I was spacing pAssive Assasin's ibuki slides enough to punish them with c.lp>ex tigershoot.
You're doing better with the focus attacks getting in...although don't do it too much since better players can react to it if they notice a pattern.
Use normals (not just special moves), such as Yun's Shit is pretty quick and can stuff other character's specials or normals as well when spaced properly.
MOAR divekick pressure imo, not just on your opponent's wakeup. Once you get in, get in that ass! Mixup it up with chain combo pressure and divekicks.
Anti-Air brah! Yun's upkick is pretty good. Passive and myself were able to jump in all day against you.
Maximize your damage output every chance you get. Like I said, end a combo with ex upkick, then rush punch the opponent on the way down.
Don't be so defensive, if you notice me pressuring the hell out of you try backdashing out of it or something.
Of course, hit the lab to work on your GoodGamejin Super combos.
All in all, big step up from your Akuma. Keep it up!
I'm down to get clowned on after I finish some online class work. My Ryu/Ken needs some help.
More divekick pressure? I generally get afraid of relying on divekicks too much because of fear of getting punished. I should just yolo it and do it anyway? What I tend to do now is just neutral empty jump till the opponent thinks I wont do anything and then start divekicking. I was scared shitless of trying that against you though, since your AA is point lol.
Ya, I have to say fuck it to rank points and just focus on getting AA upkicks every match.
PC or PSN?
PC? I don't think I have you added to my GFWL list, or steam, for that matter. Want to play a little now? I have a feeling its going to take me all night.
i'll play
gt: jeonjo
ugh, why does this game sometimes not let you join other people's matches? Do you have to port forward or something?
Port forwarding must be enabled on the TCP port 80.
Port forwarding must be enabled on the UDP and TCP port 3074.
Port forwarding must be enabled on the UDP port 88
Port forwarding must be enabled on the UDP and TCP port 53
Port forwarding must be enabled on the TCP port 443