Champ and Xian's tier list.
cammy isn't #1?! wat
Tom Cannon said:Who wants an 8-team 3v3 SSF4 exhib Friday night after semis? Teams: kr, jp, cn, sg, tw, euro,, $1000 to the winner.
It may work on me when I want it to but when I don't want it to, I'll punish it every time and so will other people who are aware. You are not going to get better if you keep using it as a crutch. Bad habits are hard to get rid of if you keep doing it. Your mixups aren't that bad but it gets too obvious when you mash srk after everything. Only real good time to mash it out is when you are using it to punish something not after your own mixups.
This would be amazing. I'm not as familiar with Taiwanese or S.American players so it'd be cool to see some of them on a team of their also looks like Tom Cannon may have a special treat for us SF4 fans
Man I would love to see that happen, hopefully it does.
Matches anybody on the Master Race platform?
GT: Battle Kat
PC? I'm awful but I'll play you. If I start lagging too much, I'll have to go though. :<
Username: KokiaColor
Edit: Also I've been playing hours of ranked matches so sorry if I bring out the scrubbiness LOL.
That was the scrubbiness. :V
Sorry! I got disconnected. It's a ton of fun playing with you though. I wish I could remember more of what was working and what wasn't. I can only remember the last moments of each match
. Invite again if you want. If not, I'll probably go make some dinner.
Edit: Also, I wish I could anti-air. Too busy focused on the ground game. :<
Ah, I'm not too worried about Ryu-specific advice. I feel like I got a good sense of where I should have been able to force you to take risks. You're so patient though! I couldn't get you to play my game. How do other players get you to press buttons? You seemed to easily tell when I was trying to get you to whiff a normal or when I was trying to walk up to you. And it was so hard to get you to throw tech too, lol.All good, still better than Relix's shitty connection. Your Ryu has potential. Unfortunately I can't give you any advice on him specifically since I don't play him.
GG's though.
Edit: All about the anti-airs, that's why you see my Sagat teabagging all the time getting ready for dem jump-ins.
Ah, I'm not too worried about Ryu-specific advice. I feel like I got a good sense of where I should have been able to force you to take risks. You're so patient though! I couldn't get you to play my game. How do other players get you to press buttons? You seemed to easily tell when I was trying to get you to whiff a normal or when I was trying to walk up to you. And it was so hard to get you to throw tech too, lol.
I wish I understood this game like the better players do, lol. I'm probably the worst at it in my local scene.![]()
Dawgley. What are the inputs for the MGB loop?
So...what should I be doing? Specifically? We've played enough, I think, and for long I getting better or no? There's a ceiling to how good I'm going to get with this, bases on my abilities, my time and my ambition. I'm not saying I'm contented being "bad" or "obvious" Far from it. I get impatient vs a dhalsim, I don't know how to get in. I don't know how to defend against ibuki's Kunai setups after a knockdown. Etc, etc.
You are doing fine except for the whole mashing DP after everything you do thing.
I'm going to have a lobby up soon. Too damn hot to stay outside.
Lol, I'm pretty sad. I think I'm going to sit in training mode and just practice anti-airing again. :<
I am absolutely god damn sick of fighting Ryus. Whether you're a scrub or Daigo level, every single one of you. Same shit all the time. Pick a new character.
Don't let me stop you from using him. I personally just hate fighting him.
Ryu is the most honest fighter you'll ever meet.
I am absolutely god damn sick of fighting Ryus. Whether you're a scrub or Daigo level, every single one of you. Same shit all the time. Pick a new character.
Amen. There's like 40 something characters in the game, what goes through everyones mind when they're first thinking about who they're going to play?
They must enjoy playing Ryu dittos every game.
Not gonna lie. Ryu mirror is my favorite matchup in the game. :3
Ven #1 juri
at spamming ex winwheel? :B
People gravitate toward simple characters with no weaknesses. Hence Ryu.