BIGDANMUL was talking about his loss to Gasshuku's Viper, how Korea Vipers play different and on top of that having to deal with a character that has a different playstyle between different players.Corky said:Wait, poongko repping that japanese? Is it common for korean people to speak japanese as well?
I need a transcript of this, I have no idea what they're talking about other than I need to know what they said.
Lost Fragment said:SPDs are only seemingly throw invincible because they're faster than normal throws, but they all lose to grabs if you have enough frame advantage. Gief doesn't have anything on wakeup that'll beat meaty grab except like U1 IIRC.
Seth's spd is 3 frames, same as normal throws, and you will lose to it every single time if you go for a normal throw at the same time he goes for an spd. Spds do not lose to normal throws.Lost Fragment said:SPDs are only seemingly throw invincible because they're faster than normal throws, but they all lose to grabs if you have enough frame advantage. Gief doesn't have anything on wakeup that'll beat meaty grab except like U1 IIRC.
I also saw Yang's EX grab beat Seth's EX spd during GG4, but that doesn't mean his spd isn't throw invincible. There was a video a while back that showed how the game basically flips a coin when two spds or throws are input simultaneously. Either Yang's EX Grab is like Abel's TT which DOES beat spds, or Poongko just got the wrong side of a coin flip.USD said:It's not, pretty sure it's the same as all the other 360s in the game. I remember from the Poongko-Nemo GG#4 match Seth getting thrown out of EX SPD by Yang's EX Zenpou Tenshin, which is actually throw-invincible.
stabicron7 said:Ummm isn't it that you can't throw anyone thats still in hitstun? Meaning you would have to wait for the hitstun to end in which a spd would win over a throw anyways. Maybe I am mistaken, and maybe the coffee hasn't kicked in yet.
Satyamdas said:Seth's spd is 3 frames, same as normal throws, and you will lose to it every single time if you go for a normal throw at the same time he goes for an spd. Spds do not lose to normal throws.
dragonballjoseph said:You can grab Gief out of U1.
SPDs are throw invincible except for other spds where the game flips a coin, and rare cases like Abel's TT and Yang's (and maybe Yun's?) command grab which beat them clean. If we are talking normal throws then spds beat them every single time.Lost Fragment said:Didn't know that Seth's SPD was slower than others, but for the rest, I am aware. I was disputing that SPDs are throw invincible, not that throws don't lose to SPDs in most circumstances.
Edgeward said:Karaface putting USD on blast
It's all love I'm sure. <3 Those neogaf shoutouts.
Satyamdas said:There was a video a while back that showed how the game basically flips a coin when two spds or throws are input simultaneously. Either Yang's EX Grab is like Abel's TT which DOES beat spds, or Poongko just got the wrong side of a coin flip.
Edgeward said:Karaface putting USD on blast
It's all love I'm sure. <3 Those neogaf shoutouts.
oh man lolEdgeward said:Karaface putting USD on blast
It's all love I'm sure. <3 Those neogaf shoutouts.
shoutouts to USD for being our brilliant translator but.... YO DAMNEdgeward said:Karaface putting USD on blast
It's all love I'm sure. <3 Those neogaf shoutouts.
Yes, that will happen, just like if two Abels do TT simultaneously neither will get thrown. But two Giefs or Seth doing spd at the same time one of them will get grabbed, and it is a random outcome. And regular throw vs. spd, the spd will win every time.Fosh said:I saw during GG two EX command throws at the same frame and they both whiffed.
What a horrible altbiosnake20 said:Some nifty evil ryu tricks by lordofultima
YooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooEdgeward said:Karaface putting USD on blast
It's all love I'm sure. <3 Those neogaf shoutouts.
Edgeward said:Karaface putting USD on blast
It's all love I'm sure. <3 Those neogaf shoutouts.
Edgeward said:Karaface putting USD on blast
It's all love I'm sure. <3 Those neogaf shoutouts.
( ゚Д゚Edgeward said:Karaface putting USD on blast
It's all love I'm sure. <3 Those neogaf shoutouts.
Edgeward said:Karaface putting USD on blast
It's all love I'm sure. <3 Those neogaf shoutouts.
Edgeward said:Said she already got her acct activated but just lurks. GET TO IT GAF! EXPOSE IT
HOLY SHITMarkMan said:She has one.![]()
I'll never tell~Conceited said:Professorbeef = Kara IMO.
Hold dat.
Conceited said:Well with my top tier detective skills I went to the front page and did CTRL+F "Kara" and this is who came up
Bam, 100% confrmed, exposed, etc.