Yoshichan said:Well, AE was fun!
Later guys.
I guess now we'll be seeing who the true Yun and Yang players are.
Yoshichan said:Well, AE was fun!
Later guys.
What does this even mean?xxxstylzxxx said:I guess now we'll be seeing who the true Yun and Yang players are.
_dementia said:What does this even mean?
I don't know how much you know about fightmans games (I'm an expert), but to you need to pick top tiers be successful competitively. I considered Mago a Sagat expert, and Daigo a Ryu expert in SF4, but they did the right thing in switching to the characters they did for AE.xxxstylzxxx said:Those who just drop them like a hot potato due to the changes as opposed to the ones who will manage to stick it out, make the necessary adjustments and still be successful.
Corky said:Also who the hell was it here who fooled me that his assy ex upkicks didn't hit low? I was spamming and kept eating them.
holdbrillanj said:Gief is big. One of the few it hits anyway, but even against him it sometimes wiff.
Oh, and never use focus attack with gief and dash forward lol
It was a reference to the AVGN review of Street Fighter 2010. Perhaps a bit too vague._dementia said:Ken's target combo got buffed in like, every subsequent version of SF4, but I'm hard-pressed to tell the difference.
I've never understood when people do the whole "true ______________."xxxstylzxxx said:I guess now we'll be seeing who the true Yun and Yang players are.
_dementia said:I don't know how much you know about fightmans games (I'm an expert), but to you need to pick top tiers be successful competitively. I considered Mago a Sagat expert, and Daigo a Ryu expert in SF4, but they did the right thing in switching to the characters they did for AE.
So, I guess they aren't true Sagat/Ryu players. But they are successful players!
USD said:I've never understood when people do the whole "true ______________."
I think it's an old skool, nostalgic way of thinking. Back in the day peeps pretty much stuck to one character and kind of became identified as "the"player for that character. So if someone spoke about "the ______ player" everyone knew exactly who they were.USD said:I've never understood when people do the whole "true ______________."
Wanna tier whore? Go for it. Wanna be a low-tier masochist? Don't see a problem with that. Wanna play a character you like and still suck at the game, regardless of how good or shitty the character may actually be? Join the club.
That's weird to me.PhatSaqs said:I think it's an old skool, nostalgic way of thinking. Back in the day peeps pretty much stuck to one character and kind of became identified as "the"player for that character. So if someone spoke about "the ______ player" everyone knew exactly who they were.
I'm old skool so yeah, fuck a tier whore and fuck running with OP characters just because they are OP.
<---- Low tier whore and losing in tournaments since 1990![]()
Kuugrr set up GAF SSF4 ages ago. No idea if it's still active.Mike M said:Is there an SSF4 metatag for XBL like we've got going with GAF 3S for Third Strike?
Corky said:Also am I just stupid or is fierce green hand unsafe even on hit ?
Corky said:So people talking about "vangiefs way " of doing walk up 720 with gief. What are they talking about?
I mean I understand the old-school mentality, but I don't see the point in looking down on anyone who isn't from the same school of thought.PhatSaqs said:I think it's an old skool, nostalgic way of thinking. Back in the day peeps pretty much stuck to one character and kind of became identified as "the"player for that character. So if someone spoke about "the ______ player" everyone knew exactly who they were.
I'm old skool so yeah, fuck a tier whore and fuck running with OP characters just because they are OP.
<---- Low tier whore and losing in tournaments since 1990![]()
holdbrillanj said:All greenhands except EX are unsafe on hit.
And zangief is also boring to play against. Gotta zone him or get blown up
holdbrillanj said:Think its, buffer 360, walk forward then 360 PPP
biosnake20 said:Yun got off easy, he'll still easily be upper tier. But Yang, DAMN. I guess they knew how much potential he had. But still none of these changes are final.
I think this post on SRK sums it up._dementia said:What does this even mean?
style210 said:I can't wait to see how many of the "I've liked yun since SF3" people will drop him.
Second most hype combo!USD said:Anyway, is it just me, or is Fuerte's RSF the most hype combo in the game? Watching Spab Rog last night, I got hype every time I saw it.
USD said:Anyway, is it just me, or is Fuerte's RSF the most hype combo in the game? Watching Spab Rog last night, I got hype every time I saw it.
For me at least, it has less to do with simply playing a character and more to do with playing them JUST because they are strong. It's akin to being a Lakers fan because they win a lot and then switching to the next hot team. Different mindsets, different strokes, etc.._dementia said:That's weird to me.
I mean, it's not like 3S Yun players played the guy in CVS2.
LakeEarth said:I don't know what "Vangief's Way" is, but the standard way to walk forward 720 is to do any move, and during that animation go from up, then 270º counter-clockwise to forward (I'm assuming you're on the left). This is where you get a split second to walk forward. Then swing the controller 270º clockwise to up and hit 3p.
Wiseblade said:Yes, I miss it so.
Corky said:Huh, RSF is in AE , isn't it?
DryEyeRelief said:he means he hasn't been playing
Where it belongs, amirite?Corky said:Well bring his ass back. Toss mvc in the garbage.
I hope he makes itDryEyeRelief said:oh yeah, just a repost since there was so much hype about changes:
_dementia said:Where it belongs, amirite?
Toodles said:Second most hype combo!
Here's hype buttons numero uno,
Here's a meme I haven't seen for a while! Should have done the full thing._dementia said:I don't know how much you know about fightmans games (I'm an expert), but to you need to pick top tiers be successful competitively. I considered Mago a Sagat expert, and Daigo a Ryu expert in SF4, but they did the right thing in switching to the characters they did for AE.
Yeah. Adon's overhead also has always been able to start combos... on standing opponents.Nose Master said:What is with the overhead combos? It's nice that Cody's overhead is more safe now, but +5 on hit (standing)? When the hell are you going to hit a standing opponent with that? Same thing with a fully charged rock crusher for Blanka.
That said, Dan taunts building meter and general Cody buffs are grrrrreat.
Nose Master said:What is with the overhead combos? It's nice that Cody's overhead is more safe now, but +5 on hit (standing)? When the hell are you going to hit a standing opponent with that? Same thing with a fully charged rock crusher for Blanka.
That said, Dan taunts building meter and general Cody buffs are grrrrreat.
Both. You get more if it hits.the_log_ride said:That sounds hilarious. They build meter from just throwing them out? Or do they have to hit the opponent?
SamVimes said:Actually i think it's +30 on block and +70 on hit.
Aaaand.. sploodge.jlai said:
The person playing Kayo is XSamuraiX from NC.USD said:lol unrelated Kayo gif