fkn furries man
_dementia said:it means "lol"
Speaking of which, this game actually looks coolLionheart1337 said:fkn furries man
_dementia said:That Makoto looks like shit.
Speaking of which, this game actually looks cool
FYI:Corky said:Well damn, guess I'll start using it then.
wwwwwwwwwwwwww@makoto pics.
Rentahamster said:FYI:
a single 'w' = 'lol'
'wwwwwwwwww' = 'ololoololololool'
izunadono said:
R.I.P AE Makoto.
She just became a decent character as well. Whoever was complaining about Makoto is welcome to the 3S party.
That's mindblowing.USD said:I was in the secret channel, and then Yeb posted this:
I'm trying to make sense of this post but I just can't do it. My best guess is that you are saying the "nerfs" (quotes because she didn't get nerfed at all) will make her go from a great character to just "decent"? Is that what you are saying? And that people complaining about her should go play 3S instead?izunadono said:
R.I.P AE Makoto.
She just became a decent character as well. Whoever was complaining about Makoto is welcome to the 3S party.
stabicron7 said:You really think her minor nerfs will ruin her? They won't if your good with her.
izunadono said:An overall damage/health nerf isn't really minor. She's really easy to outzone, and a lot of her wins are close. Those close matches will be losses.
She wasn't a trouble character or anything, I just don't understand the reason bhind nerfing her. And by 3S I mean that#s one game she's crazily good in.
Haha yeah I saw that when I was finding the proper font for the Trapcom logo on my arcade stick. Adding an outline to that font changes the whole way it looks.USD said:I was in the secret channel, and then Yeb posted this:
stabicron7 said:The health nerf was just about the only thing that I would consider a legit nerf. Her so called damage nerf was only to the up punch, big deal. Ex karakusa losing a little range isn't all that bad considering its armored.
Imm0rt4l said:![]()
I was looking at this Jp tier list from a few months ago, and I came to the conclusion that people just don't play gouken. They listed a few favorable matchups that are actually bad ones. It is old though so whatever.
Can't say I'm surprisedSamVimes said:
Just the NeoGAF logo? I think Ryan is totally on point about the fallacy of grading players on tournament performance only, but I see that mentality everywhere, from GAF to SRK to Eventscrubs to stream chats to individual players.DryEyeRelief said:I was reading the recent Ryan Hart interview and the neogaf logo flashed in my head when I read this part:
RH: Well, strong players will win for sure, and as for the best player winning? Well that's a maybe, but these days there is far too much credit given to tournament wins in my opinion, and this is because the new generation do not fully understand the depth that player's skills go to and how long it takes to get to a point where you can really say one is better than the other.
SF4 is not so shallow that all can be revealed in just four-nine rounds. Yet people take these matches and create their own player ranking lists. This kind of thing reminds me of players thinking they can take on top heads when they don't have a chance. I think overall this clearly shows a lack of understanding for the real gap that exists between these players and top players.
It's similar to trying to grade two players based on two games. It's also many players like that that say stuff like: "Yeah he's good, but where did he come in the tournament"? But I mean, "Really"? Is that all it is now? You're not good unless you win a tournament or place top 8? That is ridiculous and totally stupid. I mean take Dieminion and Sanford Kelly, now these are clearly two of the best SF4 players in the US but where did they place in EVO? This for me shows you that you just cannot grade players based on tournament performance only.
SamVimes said:
Satyamdas said:Just the NeoGAF logo? I think Ryan is totally on point about the fallacy of grading players on tournament performance only, but I see that mentality everywhere, from GAF to SRK to Eventscrubs to stream chats to individual players.
USD said:I was in the secret channel, and then Yeb posted this:
_dementia said:That Makoto looks like shit.
Speaking of which, this game actually looks cool
Like I said in other threads, contains only chumps and is run by the King of Chumps.SamVimes said:
hey, only a sucker works a 9 to 5notworksafe said:Like I said in other threads, contains only chumps and is run by the King of Chumps.
Dieminion said:I am not leaving EMP because the division was suspended, the division was suspended because I am leaving. Good luck EMP.
_dementia said:Then why did he go back? Doesn't make sense.
stabicron7 said:The health nerf was just about the only thing that I would consider a legit nerf. Her so called damage nerf was only to the up punch, big deal. Ex karakusa losing a little range isn't all that bad considering its armored.
He's got problems, but I don't think he's bottom 5narcosis219 said:Dudley not so classy on that list. =(
Doesn't she also keep the buffs to non-EX karakusa?Lost Fragment said:Other characters getting buffed is gonna affect her more than any of her nerfs. She might drop a decent amount when it's all said and done, but whatever, she's still gonna be pretty far from shit tier.