Gouken and DJ (and Akuma) have a great sweeps. Ryus sweep is worse than all of those.holdbrillanj said:Look at gouken,deejay and ryu if you want good sweeps
Okay, guy.holdbrillanj said:That says more about how you use pokes than what how good it is.
cackhyena said:Okay, guy.
Satyamdas said:I suck at SF4.
1.5/10AZ Greg said:Saty getting trolled by a Vega player. Always awesome!
Hey, I am a Cody player, don't you EVER....calming down.holdbrillanj said:It's cody, not guy. You obviously don't know much about street fighter
This is the way I play guy. Occasional elbow spam.BotoxAgent said:I <3 Guy's sweep. I mash it like a scrub that would make any flowchart Chunner proud.![]()
dragonballjoseph said:
cackhyena said:His sweep is better than Ryu's to me.
Ryu's sweep is better than theirs for two reasons. First reason is that it starts up faster than all of theirs. Second is how comboable it is. He can combo his sweep off stand jab, crouch jab, and crouch strong. Chun and blanka cant combo theirs at all without counter hit and balrog can only combo it off stand jab. It is true that they are all less negative on block than ryu's, but thats it. They are only better in that one way. But even then, their sweeps are still punishable pretty easily as well. Balrogs is on par with ryu's but not blanka and chuns sweeps.SmokeMaxX said:Ryu's sweep is really good, but saying it's definitely better than Chun's, Rog's, and Blanka's is debatable. It's really fast but it's like -30 on block. Even though you shouldn't put yourself in a range where you can get your sweep blocked and heavily punished, you have to take into account that long recovery in footsie battles and combos (in case you drop them).
Its not better but it is as good as ryu's.SamVimes said:Gen's sweep is better than Ryu's.
It *is* way better. It starts up only one frame slower than Ryu's but recovers 5 frames faster. Akuma's walkspeed means he is in range a lot quicker than Ryu, and with his st. HK that you have to watch out for, and his cr. MP frame traps, his sweep is far more useful than Ryu's as a poke. The fact that people are even considering that Akuma doesn't have one of the best sweeps in the game is seriously boggling my mind right now. His sweep is top fucking tier without question.Rice-Eater said:You know, I also use to think that Akuma's sweep is way better then Ryu's. But maybe it only appears that way because Akuma walks so fucking fast, at least that's why I thought it was so good. Yeah it's pretty unsafe if you space it wrong but Ryu has one of the fastest(if not the fastest) sweep in the game. It's great to use to whiff punish and he can jab/strong > sweep against crouching opponents. Besides Dee Jay, can any other character in the game even do that? Being so unsafe is a fair trade for allowing him to get a hard knockdown against his opponent whether they're standing or crouching.
Satyamdas said:It *is* way better. It starts up only one frame slower than Ryu's but recovers 5 frames faster. Akuma's walkspeed means he is in range a lot quicker than Ryu, and with his st. HK that you have to watch out for, and his cr. MP frame traps, his sweep is far more useful than Ryu's as a poke. The fact that people are even considering that Akuma doesn't have one of the best sweeps in the game is seriously boggling my mind right now. His sweep is top fucking tier without question.
biosnake20 said:Ryu's sweep is better than theirs for two reasons. First reason is that it starts up faster than all of theirs. Second is how comboable it is. He can combo his sweep off stand jab, crouch jab, and crouch strong. Chun and blanka cant combo theirs at all without counter hit and balrog can only combo it off stand jab. It is true that they are all less negative on block than ryu's, but thats it. They are only better in that one way. But even then, their sweeps are still punishable pretty easily as well. Balrogs is on par with ryu's but not blanka and chuns sweeps.
Akuma can already combo into sweep from jabs. I'm am teh derp.Rice-Eater said:Well that's my point, what makes Akuma's sweep so good is not just the sweep itself, it's the combination of his walk speed and other tools. And yeah it's much safer as you said. But if he wants a hard knockdown, his opponents need to be standing. That's one area that Ryu has covered. Lets just say, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of Akuma's would trade his sweep for Ryu's more unsafe sweep so they can always get a guaranteed hard knockdown from jabs.
c HP xx hk legs xx mk legs, sweepbiosnake20 said:Chun and blanka cant combo theirs at all without counter hit and balrog can only combo it off stand jab. It is true that they are all less negative on block than ryu's, but thats it.
Hitokage said:c HP xx hk legs xx mk legs, sweep
Also, Chun's sweep has that godly hitbox. It's basically a poke and situational anti-air.
I think it's actually better, it has a slower start-up but it's safer and has an enormous reach.biosnake20 said:Its not better but it is as good as ryu's.
lmfaoFosh said:ughhh sweep tier list?
Satyamdas said:
Satyamdas said:
That was hilarious.Satyamdas said:
That shit is 10 frames and doesnt reach anythingImm0rt4l said:Balrogs sweep is bad? And Dudleys sweep is pretty slow, but his cr. mk sweeps as well, and it's a decent speed.
Horrible gouken player.Satyamdas said:
Yea I suppose it's only really good as a counterpoke.cHaotix8 said:That shit is 10 frames and doesnt reach anything
Are you judging all this solely on frame data? Hitboxes matter.biosnake20 said:Actually looking at it now, Cammy has a great sweep. There are a few ways to combo it, its not too slow on start up and its average on how negative on block it is.
Yeah, Dudley in this game is trash compared to 3s. After playing that game, it almost made me want to quit Dudley in SF4 because of how bad they screwed him up.cHaotix8 said:That shit is 10 frames and doesnt reach anything
Timedog said:I'm talking about the sweep itself and only the sweep itself, not how it relates to combos. I guess it's good if you care about doing really unsafe 1 frame link combos.
Someone can jump on reaction to seeing the whiffed sweep and still land a jump in attack. Also, the animation is off on it, which is what pisses me off the most. It looks like your recovered and able to block way before you actually are. Ryu is actually low tier now, I don't think giving him less recovery on his sweep is going to make him OP. The changes I listed would make Ryu go back to B+ tier.
I am going to fucking fight you, Crapcom.
Also, Cammy's sweep blows.
KidA Seven said:I haven't seen any Kadey playing online gifs recently.
Rentahamster said:Dhalsim's sweep cures cancer.
It also saves you up to 5% on your car insurance.the_log_ride said:Dhalsim has a sweep?