Zapages said:I freakin can't play with yellow bar folks anymore. :|
Zapages said:I freakin can't play with yellow bar folks anymore. :|
DR2K said:I got solid green bars on xbox live, all I get is yellow on PSN. My 360 was connected to my laptop and my PS3 was a direct wireless signal. Could that have made the significant difference?
fubarduck said:Yes, it makes a big difference. The problem with PS3 is even if you're wired, most people (like you) use the built-in wireless so there are still more yellow bar / worse connections.
this and disable autofire online oh god. heaven. I swear my win ratio would be in the high 70s low 80s if it werent for autofire. almost every time I think hey that was a good match i should save it...autofire. everytime i think hey...something is iffy about that match. autofire.PhatSaqs said:If only Capcom would disable online play if no ethernet cable is detected :lol.
Do it Capcom.
PhatSaqs said:If only Capcom would disable online play if no ethernet cable is detected :lol. Or maybe make a "Wired Connections Only" filter.
Do it Capcom.
AkumaHokoru said:this and disable autofire online oh god. heaven. I swear my win ratio would be in the high 70s low 80s if it werent for autofire. almost every time I think hey that was a good match i should save it...autofire. everytime i think hey...something is iffy about that match. autofire.
your icon says it all.Sutanreyu said:Play better, IMO.
I've never even seen people use the Turbo function on their pads/sticks.
God's Beard said:Last time I asked you guys what all your favorite "fuck meter" combos were.
This time, I want to know what everyone's "secret weapon" combos are.
What combos do you use when you have a REALLY big opportunity, like a stunned opponent or a whiffed Ultra?
jFP, cFP, RH xx EX MGB, cRH, Ultra 2. 559 dmg, 705 stun
meterless variant: jFP, cFP, RH xx Fierce MGB 395 dmg, 671 stun
combo base: jFP, cFP, RH 304 dmg, 522 stun
wi-fi is awesomePhatSaqs said:If only Capcom would disable online play if no ethernet cable is detected :lol.
Do it Capcom.
EDIT: Or maybe make a "Wired Connections Only" filter.
It took me almost an hour to get the timing down for cFP, RH, but now that I've got that the rest is as easy as any other Dudley BNB. Of course, if you get lucky with a counter hit the timing is pretty freeSephirothRK said:if you can do that combo every time you are gdlk. I have a hard time.
Yeah, during the weekend it's all hype and "if I practice I can totally hold my own in the pools at least," then Monday comes and I load up training mode and drop really simple combos time and again. Nothing to do but put in the hours, I guess.Holy Order Sol said:Meh. After watching EVO I can't stomach watching myself doing stupid shit and being so slow at improving and picking up stuff, I guess I'll just take a break.
SephirothRK said:if you can do that combo every time you are gdlk. I have a hard time.
LakeEarth said:That sucks, but the ultra does step forward a bit. EX MGB walk forward ultra wouldn't be possible if it didn't.
You see a lot of dudleys online hitting cFP, RH? :-oimtehman said:really? i've seen lots of dudley's do that i thought that they were bnb stuff
Yeah I usually don't bother and just get the extra mash + followup damage.knee said:I've been having a hell of a time doing that consistently.![]()
you can combo a spike after the hooligan hits in the corner. and after a drill. and after a knuckle.Spy said:Hey GAF, here's a funny round my friend and I played a couple of months ago. I am Cammy, shouldn't have gone for the chip damage. :lol
God's Beard said:Last time I asked you guys what all your favorite "fuck meter" combos were.
This time, I want to know what everyone's "secret weapon" combos are.
What combos do you use when you have a REALLY big opportunity, like a stunned opponent or a whiffed Ultra?
jFP, cFP, RH xx EX MGB, cRH, Ultra 2. 559 dmg, 705 stun
meterless variant: jFP, cFP, RH xx Fierce MGB 395 dmg, 671 stun
combo base: jFP, cFP, RH 304 dmg, 522 stun
Chun-Li: Neutral jump fierce into c HP xx mk SBK or whatever.God's Beard said:Last time I asked you guys what all your favorite "fuck meter" combos were.
This time, I want to know what everyone's "secret weapon" combos are.
What combos do you use when you have a REALLY big opportunity, like a stunned opponent or a whiffed Ultra?
Are you sure? I used to do f+mk, RH xx EX MGB, ducking straight, l MGB, Ultra 2, but I'm pretty sure it did less damage. It might be because I never started it with a jumping attack, though. Either way, f+mk is definitely an easier combo opener than cRH :lolcHaotix8 said:You get better damage and stun doing jFP, Kidney Blow, st. RH xx EX MGB, Ducking straight, Ultra 2/lp. MGB. It's a bit harder though. Don't have my numbers on me but I know the one without ultra is pushing, if not passing, 500 damage with just one ex bar.
You can also do jFP, Kidney Blow, st. RH xx lp. Jet Upper, lp. MGB in the corner for good damage with no meter. It also does a ton of stun.
But then again, who's gonna let you jump in on them with Dudley when they aren't stunned?You can start from Kidney Blow though if you use frame traps.
Bison took my boy's woman? >:O I will Mexican Typhoon him into the ground.Threi said:
Hugbot said:Yeah, during the weekend it's all hype and "if I practice I can totally hold my own in the pools at least," then Monday comes and I load up training mode and drop really simple combos time and again. Nothing to do but put in the hours, I guess.
God's Beard said:Last time I asked you guys what all your favorite "fuck meter" combos were.
This time, I want to know what everyone's "secret weapon" combos are.
What combos do you use when you have a REALLY big opportunity, like a stunned opponent or a whiffed Ultra?
SnowWolf said:Getting combos down is crucial of course, but I think a lot of new players underestimate the pressure of playing in a real-life tournament. That can drop skill levels by 50% or more. I went into a tourney thinking, "Hey nobody knows what I am, if I win a match cool, but I'm just here to have fun". I thought there would be no pressure whatsoever since I'm a nobody, but there I was in my first match, missing easy Balrog combos and being acutely aware of the crowd behind me watching the fight. If I were sitting at home playing online, I'm confident I would have been able to beat the guy.
Then in my next match in loser's bracket, I had to play Yipes. I'm an online player so I'm not used to players sitting next to me, smacking the buttons as hard as Yipes does. I dunno, maybe I just have a problem with nerves and getting distracted.
Anyway, what I'm saying is that if you don't have tourney experience, start going to locals and getting used to the environment!
God's Beard said:Are you sure? I used to do f+mk, RH xx EX MGB, ducking straight, l MGB, Ultra 2, but I'm pretty sure it did less damage. It might be because I never started it with a jumping attack, though. Either way, f+mk is definitely an easier combo opener than cRH :lol
Maybe jFP, RH xx EX MGB, ducking straight, lp MGB, U2 does more damage? That's 3 hard links vs 1, though.
I should probably be looking at the Dudley forums, everything I've learned about SSF4 Dudley I got from training mode and replays. Probably wasting a lot of time trying to figure out what works and doesn't :-(
fubarduck said:Yes, it makes a big difference. The problem with PS3 is even if you're wired, most people (like you) use the built-in wireless so there are still more yellow bar / worse connections.
Nice reactions, I liked when you FA'd honda's neutral jumping fierce. Like I said on SRK slide seems to beat all of Honda's jumpins except one (the one where he slices downwards). I've only played one Honda that knew that (I think it was a GAFfer) but besides that yeah I think the matchup is in DeeJay's favor.Rocky_Balboa said:Dee Jay vs Honda. I think Dee Jay has the advantage in this match up. Although I still didn't do a great job.
But his is the chapion, stop using supers.Papi said:(My Guile is so shit!)
Yeah, I get real bad nerves since I can barely manage combos in training mode, so the chance I had to play SF4 in a smoky japanese arcade I was dropping left and right. I imagine I'll have tournament nerves something fierce once i start going, but no real way to get over those but to keep at it.Getting combos down is crucial of course, but I think a lot of new players underestimate the pressure of playing in a real-life tournament. That can drop skill levels by 50% or more. I went into a tourney thinking, "Hey nobody knows what I am, if I win a match cool, but I'm just here to have fun". I thought there would be no pressure whatsoever since I'm a nobody, but there I was in my first match, missing easy Balrog combos and being acutely aware of the crowd behind me watching the fight. If I were sitting at home playing online, I'm confident I would have been able to beat the guy.
Then in my next match in loser's bracket, I had to play Yipes. I'm an online player so I'm not used to players sitting next to me, smacking the buttons as hard as Yipes does. I dunno, maybe I just have a problem with nerves and getting distracted.
Anyway, what I'm saying is that if you don't have tourney experience, start going to locals and getting used to the environment!
You lie! That doesn't combo with DudleyTheFightingFish said:Any Character:
jp.HK, cr.HK
Don't let anyone else know...
capcom needs to make so many adjustments to their online system I don't even know where to beginprodystopian said:Or at least make it a filter. That would be great. And what Akuma said.
I miss Dudley's magic juggles from 3s :-(cHaotix8 said:Using Cr. Fierce instead of Kidney blow in the same combo gets you a little more damage but it's like less than 10 I believe. It also does less stun as well if I remember correctly. I don't have any of my sticks on me right now so I can't check, but I'm pretty sure that's right.
Another reason why I use Kidney Blow instead of cr. Fierce is that you don't get as much push back and you can cancel a lp. jet upper off of the standing roundhouse for a lp. mgb in the corner (which also serves as a meterless super setup for around five hundred twenty something damage).
When it comes to combos, I pretty much ignore the forums as I believe I've found all of Dudley's best combos on my own using training mode the first week. I think it's one of the better ways to learn your character as well.
Using lp. MGB before an U2 Setup does crappy damage so just ducking straight after ex MGB is the best unless you can land the cr. RH x2 one frame link consistently. This one is tricky at first, but once you get it down you'll want to land it every time just because it's so good, and looks badass.
that is still wireless, broDR2K said:But the X360 is receiving a signal from my wireless laptop. So isn't it technically wireless? I had no issues with connectivity on vanilla SFIV for PS3 either.
God's Beard said:Last time I asked you guys what all your favorite "fuck meter" combos were.
This time, I want to know what everyone's "secret weapon" combos are.
What combos do you use when you have a REALLY big opportunity, like a stunned opponent or a whiffed Ultra?
jFP, cFP, RH xx EX MGB, cRH, Ultra 2. 559 dmg, 705 stun
meterless variant: jFP, cFP, RH xx Fierce MGB 395 dmg, 671 stun
combo base: jFP, cFP, RH 304 dmg, 522 stun
Papi said:
bistromathics said:that is still wireless, bro
the online's inferiorDR2K said:The quality was excellent on x360, even with wireless connection. It's not like that on PS3. My 360 was connected to a laptop, I was wondering if that would make a difference. Or is the online for PS3 inferior?
The first tourney I went to I hadn't slept much so I was running on hype alone and wasn't really able to feel pressure. The second time I had gotten sleep and it was like the spring on my stick suddenly became loose.SnowWolf said:Getting combos down is crucial of course, but I think a lot of new players underestimate the pressure of playing in a real-life tournament. That can drop skill levels by 50% or more. I went into a tourney thinking, "Hey nobody knows what I am, if I win a match cool, but I'm just here to have fun". I thought there would be no pressure whatsoever since I'm a nobody, but there I was in my first match, missing easy Balrog combos and being acutely aware of the crowd behind me watching the fight. If I were sitting at home playing online, I'm confident I would have been able to beat the guy.
I'll consider this. I'm gonna put in more work with Chun for now. I foresee myself actually having the time to play in the coming months and I'll see what develops. If I don't see a significant improvement, or hit a wall somehow, I'll start looking around. Any character you suggest? Abel and Guy are the characters that interest me most besides Chun.Hitokage said:Except you aren't starting at square one. You'd be learning things fundamental to the game as a whole rather than abusing stuff exclusive to one character.
...and fundamentals are what make good Chun players.
Thanks. You were much improved as well. I thought some of the stuff I picked up would help me hang with you, but you bodied me just as bad or worse than in Vanilla. =( It's funny you say a lot of people don't rush down, because two of the people I play most against (you, Botox) rush down. That's why I want to learn to deal with it better. Tired of giving away free rounds where I did nothing but block until I get thrown or caught with a high/low mix up.AZ Greg said:And don't sweat it Xeno. I thought you were much improved over the last time I fought you. And I'm assuming you don't get a ton of Vega practice so it can be hard dealing with some of his stuff. Plus a lot of people don't rushdown so it takes some time to learn to fight against.
Furthermore, it's important to dabble in other characters because then you see what they have to deal with.XenoRaven said:I'll consider this. I'm gonna put in more work with Chun for now. I foresee myself actually having the time to play in the coming months and I'll see what develops. If I don't see a significant improvement, or hit a wall somehow, I'll start looking around. Any character you suggest? Abel and Guy are the characters that interest me most besides Chun.