Timmy Hawk
GatorBait said:So are there any noob Gaffers that play SSF4? I feel like buying it after watching EVO, but I don't want to just buy it to get my ass kicked over and over in online play. I only leisurely play MvC2 and the occasional game of HD Remix right now.
I'm on the PS3.
i was amazed how much unsafe stuff he was doing with bison last night.XenoRaven said:The fireball video music is way better than the other one. Just saying guys.
Also, DBJ is free to T. Hawk. Don't let him fool you.
What's so bad about it? That's all I play and I still have fun and find good competitors.XenoRaven said:My goodness. Ranked is an absolute nightmare.
entrement said:What's so bad about it? That's all I play and I still have fun and find good competitors.
Most of the time, I'm not buffering the ultra. I like to keep an EX PC charged and ready to go.Pandaman said:i was amazed how much unsafe stuff he was doing with bison last night.
i loved the buffer ultra into slide though. worked everytime. :lol
Because I would say roughly 40% of my ranked matches last night involved people picking one of the following characters: Ryu, Seth, Dudley, Ibuki, and then it lags horribly and they stand across the screen and do the same move over and over again. For Dudley, it's MGB. For Ibuki, it's Kunai. For Ryu and Seth it's fireballs and dps.entrement said:What's so bad about it? That's all I play and I still have fun and find good competitors.
cHaotix8 said:I need to play more Gaffers. The only ones I play are Greg, Joe and Farms, and the last two live in my city.![]()
XenoRaven said:Because I would say roughly 40% of my ranked matches last night involved people picking one of the following characters: Ryu, Seth, Dudley, Ibuki, and then it lags horribly and they stand across the screen and do the same move over and over again. For Dudley, it's MGB. For Ibuki, it's Kunai. For Ryu and Seth it's fireballs and dps.
your bison reminded me of shinobifists on psngaf, was fun to watch.dragonballjoseph said:Most of the time, I'm not buffering the ultra. I like to keep an EX PC charged and ready to go.
zon said:Hey you're better off than I am, I have zero gaffers to play with.
Kadey said:
hitsugi said:i'd rather play training dummy / cpu than randoms online.
Kadey said:I knew it! They've been hanging out a lot lately. Ggggrrrrrr...
Hugbot said:So Markman what are the chances of me snagging a keychain when I place my replacement order?
Kadey said:][/QUOTE]
Oh shoot, I guess I better get serious about learning combos and matchups. I want to wi.. er lose later in the tournament. No way we're beating Seph, Floyd, Panda, etc. Crap!
[QUOTE=gibration]GGs TostitoSalsa and thanks for the tips. I was about to throw my stick across the room if I couldn't get through your rushdown. It's still very difficult to get through it but I think I'm getting the timing down on when exactly to poke my way out of there.[/QUOTE]
Or him, too many good players on psnchat. I shouldn't even bother practicing hah.
Worst news. Understandable though, you can't just magically have more. Guess I'll put off re-ordering until I get the stick dual-modded and the art printed, then.MarkMan said:0%
Sorry.We ran out of keychains.
MarkMan said:I didn't cheat on you!
I swear!
MarkMan said:haunts <3
Daigo signing breasts
Kadey said:You've been cheating on me every night..............with yourself!
The tournament will be random select so yeah. Learn them characters!
Daigo is a pimp!SnowWolf said:Daigo signing a boob halfway through this video (not a trap!)
I would love an EVO dvd just like how they did in the past but with all stuff you just said included. I'd buy that in an instant.Ploid 3.0 said:That's a pretty awesome video. Makes me want a blu ray behind the scene's or documentary of evo. Like the King of Kong but just based on the 3 days of evo. Maybe have backstories of key players (Daigo, Justin, etc.) following them around as they get ready for evo and as they go through evo, with more video of the new to old players as they are participating in evo. Would be nice but I know it's way too much to do. If only I had a couple of million to burn.
MarkMan said:haunts <3
Daigo signing breasts
really, explain yourself sirdragonballjoseph said:T. Hawk is hands down the worse character in the game.
Kadey said:You've been cheating on me every night..............with yourself!
The tournament will be random select so yeah. Learn them characters!
MarkMan said:haunts <3
Daigo signing breasts
MarkMan said:haunts <3
Daigo signing breasts
you get half a seconds flash of the character portrait if they lock in ultra before you pick random.MarkMan said:I'm just thinking of you ;(
How will you enforce Random Select?
Isn't it blind pick by default?
MarkMan said:haunts <3
Daigo signing breasts
Hitokage said:Random select? Pass.
Say no to second-class tournaments.
Leunam said:Jesus christ that could be in a movie somewhere.
SnowWolf said:The 5D Mark II is an amazing piece of equipment. I bought one for my brother and even newbs like us can produce high-quality films very easily. Costs a pretty penny though![]()
Degen said:God damn, what were they all reacting to at the end of that video??
Leunam said:How pretty?
Shouta said:Play online with some? Or do you mean in person?