Ledsen said:np, thanks guys, so that's 2100 local time... I'll be eating sushi and watching Mad Men at that time so I'll have to catch the youtubes later.
No, it will be 15.00 for us Swedes.
Ledsen said:np, thanks guys, so that's 2100 local time... I'll be eating sushi and watching Mad Men at that time so I'll have to catch the youtubes later.
nilbog21 said:I bought a Kineda shirt like a month ago, and few days ago they send me email saying "Your order just shipped!" and today I got an email from some dude saying "Hey sorry our printer was short on a few shirts, including yours. Sorry". I don't even know what to say.
does anyone know if they will reprint more in the future?
Ah, you are Rokitty! Yes that was a good session indeed. I was worried we were being a bit too chatty, but glad you enjoy the social aspectRocky_Balboa said:Good games BGenius and Quicksilva.
Nice to play with some GAFfers once in awhile. Especially social ones. Though I'm too shy to talk in English, but I was listening. Btw. sorry about the lag in the beginning, I forgot to shut down my computer.
@BGenius, I haven't seen that many Makotos, who actually know something.Good games, I learned a few things for example, not to jump in when you have your U1.
@Quicksilva, your Sim is good, but I think you need to get your zoning right. Sometimes Rog might be harder to keep out, but Dee Jay should be much easier.
Thanks for the invite to the chat man!Imm0rt4l said:send me a friend invite saying gafchat, and I can invite you to gafchat. GODHAND04
tech talk doesn't deserve itLost Fragment said:Edit: actually, I retire from SRK as a whole. You hear that, SRK? I'm totally de-bookmarking you.
Lost Fragment said:Man, I retire from the Makoto forum on SRK. Too much negativity. And I think the mods only step in there once a week for like 5 minutes.
Edit: actually, I retire from SRK as a whole. You hear that, SRK? I'm totally de-bookmarking you.
Threi said:tech talk doesn't deserve it![]()
Lost Fragment said:Man, I retire from the Makoto forum on SRK. Too much negativity. And I think the mods only step in there once a week for like 5 minutes.
God's Beard said:I thought SRK was just a place to learn new character-specific punishes.
BotoxAgent said:I stopped viewing the Guy forum weeks ago.
My only source of learning is from watching Kiryu videos on the Replay channel.
Axis said:you mind helping me with the guy matchup for chun and dudley sometime?
BotoxAgent said:sure, hit me up anytime....I need help with that matchup too (or any matchup with guy for that matter T_T)
Threi said:my srk character subforum beef comes from the fact that i was one of like 2 or 3 people contributing to video threads trying to post matches or stuff and then you have people bitching (while not posting anything of themselves) how all the videos are of horrible players and the thread is useless until there are high-level japanese deejay play. That kinda pissed me off tbh, getting bitched at for trying to contribute to a dead thread/subforum.
Threi said:my srk character subforum beef comes from the fact that i was one of like 2 or 3 people contributing to video threads trying to post matches or stuff and then you have people bitching (while not posting anything of themselves) how all the videos are of horrible players and the thread is useless until there are high-level japanese deejay play. That kinda pissed me off tbh, getting bitched at for trying to contribute to a dead thread/subforum.
vanilla bison subforums weren't thoughdragonballjoseph said:Bison sub-forums are pretty good.
DR2K said:Makoto and Vanilla Vega are just extremely hard characters to win with, not because they were purposely designed that way(aka Viper, where theres a huge payoff for mastering the character), but because of poor balance choices. They can still win, but they require more luck, much more skill, and rely a lot on your opponent not knowing the match up(which is common with low tier characters). The frustration is understandable, especially from the 3S Makoto group. Talk about butchering the heart and soul out of a character.
Kuroda could do it, so quit your bitching.DR2K said:Makoto and Vanilla Vega are just extremely hard characters to win with, not because they were purposely designed that way(aka Viper, where theres a huge payoff for mastering the character), but because of poor balance choices. They can still win, but they require more luck, much more skill, and rely a lot on your opponent not knowing the match up(which is common with low tier characters). The frustration is understandable, especially from the 3S Makoto group. Talk about butchering the heart and soul out of a character.
Victrix said:This probably warrants a larger post or a full thread, but I'll throw this out there:
Part of the 'problem' (if such can be said) for the US fighting game scene is exemplified by the SRK forums, with people less interested in solid fundamentals and more in easy characters and (completely useless) flashy combos.
It's unfortunate that geographically, the US is at a weird disadvantage when it comes to training. It's hard to get together with a regular group of skilled players if they're spread over 500+ miles (or 1000+, or 2000+).
That isn't to say there are no good players, or no good groups who train together, but we'd probably see a lot more serious development and impressive displays if there was a better mentality among the community to improve together as a group, rather than argue all day long about (fucking retarded) tier lists and why X or Y is over or underpowered.
The rise of some of the stream battle rooms where players are testing stuff out and actively trying to improve is a really good sign, I hope to see more of that in the future.
Really, a few hours a week with like minded players who want to improve (rather than own ur bitch azz) is massively more productive for increasing your skills than any number of hours mindlessly beating up on randoms for more BP.
but is it worth becoming a social retard and smelling like shit?God's Beard said:Kuroda could do it, so quit your bitching.
we are not all Kuroda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!God's Beard said:Kuroda could do it, so quit your bitching.
You're not alone on that. All this matchup talk people get into is really kinda pointless. Yes, certain characters have certain advantages over other characters at all levels of play. But it's not like 90% of the people complaining could even win a major tournament. Once you've leveled up your character to the point where there's little to no room for improvement and you're getting P'd on by some other character, then voice your complaints. Otherwise, shut up and practice.AZ Greg said:The problem, at least that I have, isn't with whether or not the character truly is low tier or not. It's with people cluttering things up and being negative when they should be working on their own game rather than complaining about a character they aren't even using well. I'm probably alone in this thought, but let's say you're a Honda player, don't come whining about how free Honda is for even bad players as long as they have a fireball and cross-up. If there are Hondas out there like Mike Ross or whoever else is considered a great Honda player who can easily handle the people on your level who are giving you trouble then you have your own work to do. Sure you might not have it as easy as some other characters, but I feel like you should have your character maxed out before you start throwing around the "Why does "X" suck so bad?" on places like SRK. I'm probably alone on that though.
Lost Fragment said:Man, I retire from the Makoto forum on SRK. Too much negativity. And I think the mods only step in there once a week for like 5 minutes.
Edit: actually, I retire from SRK as a whole. You hear that, SRK? I'm totally de-bookmarking you.
Axis said:srk for the most part is filled with whiney little bitches now...i don't know when the influx of complaining assholes happened there...but it's way too overbearing. just read the evo stream thread...they all have this sense of entitlement that they DESERVE a better stream for evo...which they didn't pay for.
tl;dr: fuck srk
Kadey said:People need to stop thinking everything is a right. It's all a privilege. It's a new decade in a new millennium, get rid of that stupid mindset.
I've been trying to get more people to get into the game and it seems like it's working.![]()
Me...Kimosabae said:Anybody in here with large hands play on stick?
ummm I have the stick between my thumb and index finger,But you gotta find whats comfortable for you...look at these videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsME37GrqjY&feature=related and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1iftTqnk5I&feature=related I hope these help..Kimosabae said:What kind of grip do you guys use? If you don't mind.
yes.B1gg_Randall said:Panda do you have a phat PS3???