I'm sure I'll get the "b-bu- look at the Fuerte changes!

" response, but I'm going to say it anyway.
Those Chun changes seem like enough people complained about her so they just made random nerfs. I don't get the st. MP nerf. It's not like that move does a ton of damage, and you can't combo out of it except for Super which requires a charge that takes longer than what st. MP is active for. It also seems like they nerfed df LK back to Vanilla levels of uselessness. Again, not sure why. She had it for a reason. Sweep stun nerf? Don't care. Does 200 stun, has good range, untechable knockdown, as is. I can live with it doing less stun.
I actually agree with the Fuerte nerfs. I do not agree with no significant buffs to compensate. That guy is going to be completely useless in AE if he isn't already.