:lolImm0rt4l said:http://www.ustream.tv/channel/unity-events
Daigo stylin' on xbl
first time I've seen him flack kick fadc to sonic hurricane.
USD said:Did Lamerboi just rage quit? :lol
XenoRaven said:Wow...I knew her model did some crazy ass stuff, but taking away the dress really makes it stand out.
Exactly.notworksafe said:In this case crazy ass-stuff works just as well.
XenoRaven said:Lamerboi is an American hero.
Rice-Eater said:I just started watching the stream like 10 minutes ago. Has anybody actually beaten Daigo and what do you get if you do? I remember reading that there would be prizes for those that pull it off.
That was super -> UC2 if i'm not mistaken, not fadc -> UC2Edgeward said:He also did it against Mago in the grand finals, mainly just to show off since he did it off a prety good chain and ultra 2 only hit like once. :lol
Apparently he's registered for the tourney. What happened?Imm0rt4l said:Justin Wong on his team NAH shit for NCR
I dunno, maybe he is attending now. Just yesterday he was saying on facebook that he wouldn't be attending NCR, but he has since erased his post._dementia said:Apparently he's registered for the tourney. What happened?
I wonder if they fix this in time for AE.Lost Fragment said:
that would be coolmarathonfool said:Daigo predicting Urien and Rolento to be added to Arcade Edition.
Timedog confirmed?USD said:Damn, I finally see Daigo lose, and in the Ryu mirror no less. :lol
_dementia said:I wonder if they fix this in time for AE.
Can AE even be patched?
hitsugi said:Not home to test, but I'm pretty sure you can focus the short and dash out of that, taking one c.short/jab hit in the process and escaping corner. If that's the case, it's not even on par with the 50/50 dive kick set ups that he has.
Imm0rt4l said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UT9Fzc7v3g&feature=player_embedded#!
Lamerboi's ragequit against Daigo.
USD said:For those wanting more info on the upcoming NSB tournament, here it is:
-The participating players were selected based on the results of a European survey.
-Matches in each block are played in a round-robin format.
-2/3 rounds, first-to-5.
-Losing player can switch characters.
-In the case of a 3-round draw, both players are credited with a win.
-In case of a first-place tie after all block matches are completed, there will be a 2/3 rounds, FT3 playoff.
-If there's still a tie after the playoff, then the winner will be decided based on the number of matches played. If there's still a tie after that, then there will be another playoff.
-The top player from each block will face off in the finals. The winner scores a trip to BBC this February in Switzerland, with traveling expenses and lodging covered by BBC.
The matches will be streamed on NSB TV, which airs every Wednesday morning at 7AM EST. The first matches will begin next week (11/24), and each week 2 matches will be played, if possible.
Kadey said:Playing over 30 matches and never stopping to save the earlier ones. Blah. Was trolling PSN last night with the Pink Ranger.
the_log_ride said:Sucks about that unblockable set up. They better fix that.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236059CaptainMintMan said:Anyone mind sending me a link to those Asus monitors used at evo?
MIMIC said:I wish there was a way to initiate a save immediately after the match without having to quit -_- I want to keep playing and I'll forget to go back and save after the session is over.
EDIT: Heh...didn't realize the redundancy of my reply.
Yeah, I noticed this while watching the option-select stream yesterday. The black version looks like sexy Harry Potter. :lolLost Fragment said:BIG BOOBS, LITTLE TIE
The juxtaposition makes me laugh every time. It's like a novelty scientist stripper outfit.
Lost Fragment said:No, because whichever way you dash you dash into him.
hitsugi said:sorry, but you're wrong. from the very person that "invented" it:
"If they focus absorb and backdash away from the corner immediately, your cr. lp will hit them perfectly during the 9th frame grounded frame of Ryu's backdash. So you still can get a full combo. However, if they focus absorb, wait a little, and then backdash out, they will get out."
~Devil Trigger~ said:OMG is it possible for Makoto to beat Dudley's j.RH clean?
and fuck this game
Haha, just saw the post on IPW. It's all coming together.Mr Jared said:This is making me laugh for reasons you'll all discover this weekend![]()
send me a invite?_tetsuo_ said:Streaming an endless room on 360 if anyone wants to join up. Add Wolfwood0 to get in.