just pick Akuma
none, the next upcoming pack is the full unlock54-46! said:Wich characters get new costumes in the next pack?
Lost Fragment said:How is Makoto not viable when a Makoto has placed top 8 at a major?
Very few characters in this game that aren't viable, imho.
God's Beard said:Why does Ryu beat Dudley? c.MK and SRK invincibility?
It's why Kuroda took the world by it's ass with Q while America twiddled their Chuns.
DarkoMaledictus said:Nah actually it has the advantage of allowing a channel to type in msg and host a huge number of people. Those message on the top right actually show you what people are saying while the game is going on. Pretty cool, only annoying part is having to type on a stick lol!
cHaotix8 said:People aren't familiar with the matchup. Same goes for Gamerbee. I'm pretty sure if Wong had switched to Balrog he wouldn't have lost.
Hey guys,
I:m in Yokohama Japan right now at GamersVision arcade, home of the GodsGarden tournament! They are about ?? start streaming tonight (it:s 2AM right now lol) and the featured players are Tokido and Mago, two of the best players in the world!
Lost Fragment said:Game's been out far too long now for matchup unfamiliarity to be much of an excuse for supposed top players.
MiniBossBattle said:As a Bison player, my worst match up was Guile. So I decided to try to learn Guile and am surprised how easy he was for me to pick up. I love the crouching fierce and hitting someone point blank with a sonic boom and follow it up with a forward fierce is such a good feeling. I guess Guile's fierce is Bison's roundhouse. I play him pretty lame and the majority of the internet don't know how to fight someone who holds down and back.
Any tips for a budding Guile player?
Yeah, I would consider FS EX2 a light stick. The closeness of buttons relative to the lever are pretty typical on any modern Japanese stick.Threi said:tried a hori ex2 today (first actual arcade stick with regular size buttons), dunno what to think of it. I know it's not arcade quality parts but I don't like how close together the stick and buttons are. I didn't think the stick mechanism was too bad either. Also, is the EX2 considered a light stick? Because its the same weight as my CPSF
If I had more money I would make another stick out of a VCR case![]()
of course notMomo said:If I buy super street fighter IV can I verse my friends that have Street Fighter IV?
Momo said:hi guys, quick question.
If I buy super street fighter IV can I verse my friends that have Street Fighter IV?
Thanks in advance.
Momo said:hi guys, quick question.
If I buy super street fighter IV can I verse my friends that have Street Fighter IV?
Thanks in advance.
Momo said:hi guys, quick question.
If I buy super street fighter IV can I verse my friends that have Street Fighter IV?
Thanks in advance.
Yeah, definitely looks like a light stick. You want that heft.Threi said:tried a hori ex2 today (first actual arcade stick with regular size buttons), dunno what to think of it. I know it's not arcade quality parts but I don't like how close together the stick and buttons are. I didn't think the stick mechanism was too bad either. Also, is the EX2 considered a light stick? Because its the same weight as my CPSF
If I had more money I would make another stick out of a VCR case![]()
No.Momo said:hi guys, quick question.
If I buy super street fighter IV can I verse my friends that have Street Fighter IV?
Thanks in advance.
Lost Fragment said:Game's been out far too long now for matchup unfamiliarity to be much of an excuse for supposed top players.
cHaotix8 said:Those are two of the main reasons why he beats Dudley but he has plenty of other tools as well. He can tatsu after fireballs, go for an ambiguous crossup on knockdown, fadc fireballs. He can rush you down better than Dudley can, can zone you better than Dudley can, and can mix you up better than Dudley can.
Kuroda could do it because he had parry to make up for bad normals. There's no cop out in this game.
Fragment's argument still stands.cHaotix8 said:Good players usually play in a group of good players, who play characters, who they feel, are capable of winning tournaments. They don't waste their time playing characters who they don't feel that they can win with. Therefore, there are a lot of tournament level players who don't have the same level of experience with characters like Dudley or Makoto as they would with Ibuki.
edit:beaten badly lol54-46! said:Wich characters get new costumes in the next pack?
MiniBossBattle said:As a Bison player, my worst match up was Guile. So I decided to try to learn Guile and am surprised how easy he was for me to pick up. I love the crouching fierce and hitting someone point blank with a sonic boom and follow it up with a forward fierce is such a good feeling. I guess Guile's fierce is Bison's roundhouse. I play him pretty lame and the majority of the internet don't know how to fight someone who holds down and back.
Any tips for a budding Guile player?
Dexa said:any word on Tokido vs Mago godsgarden today? when does it start - will spooky restream it?
fubarduck said:Godsgarden TV happens every Monday night and it's more of a "show", the focus is on talking about the game/scene and answering questions from the fans, usually one of them plays on Xbox Live for a little while though.
In other words, a restream probably isn't necessary. Anyway, it should be starting any minute @
Dexa said:ohi was expecting the godsgarden tourney
fubarduck said:The only match left in the Godsgarden Online tourney is the finals, which is sako vs YHC Mochi. I don't think the date/time for that have been set yet.
Now that's a sitcom I would watchKaako said:Mago in the middle
fubarduck said:The only match left in the Godsgarden Online tourney is the finals, which is sako vs YHC Mochi. I don't think the date/time for that has been set yet.
God's Beard said:You're a really negative guy, you know?
He's more of a community head nowadays but he did participate in the ECT2 and Evo 2010 SSFIV tourneys recentlychriskun said:what happened to gootecks, does he not play competitively anymore???
cHaotix8 said:No, I just know the weaknesses of my character. When you're fighting people who actually play the match up right, not just casual xbox live Ryus, those weaknesses start to surface.
But that's enough Dudley talk. It's not like I'm gonna stop playing him. I just wish he was good enough to win consistently on a high level.
the_log_ride said:badass... grats to seph again.
so it was best of 5, single elims... no character lock? Any clue when the next ones going down?
GAF SSF4 community is awesome
the_log_ride said:so it was best of 5, single elims... no character lock? Any clue when the next ones going down?
the_log_ride said:GAF SSF4 community is awesome
riceandbeans said:Any character is good enough to win consistently on a high level. The only thing holding you back is you. Put the time into it, practice, and make it happen.
riceandbeans said:GAF has so many Chun Li's :lol
I feel like maining someone else now.
Ask Danford.cHaotix8 said:Even Dan? Sorry man but this just isn't true. You may place top 16 or 8 in a tournament but you'll never win or be the best using bottom tier in SSIV.
Not with that attitude, mister.cHaotix8 said:Even Dan? Sorry man but this just isn't true. You may place top 16 or 8 in a tournament but you'll never win or be the best using bottom tier in SSIV.