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Please give Rose her fortune teller dress.

I'm pretty sure Cammy is wearing a Catwoman-like costume.Spiderjericho said:I think
Ken = polo or dress shirt, dress pants and shoes
Ryu = jeans and t-shirt or evil ryu
Chun = detective/police uniform
Cammy = Killer Bee uniform
Rose = fortune teller outfit
Rufus = biker outfit
Vega = ninja outfit
Balrog = rapper outfit (gold chain, fro, saggy pants)
Sagat = Muay Thai champion crown, longer shorts, no scar, no gloves
El Fuerte = Ultimo Dragon or other cruiserweight wrestler outfit
blah, blah, blah.
And thanks for the info Mr. Jared&Niedel.
haunts said:Is it just me or does Ryu kind of look like a thug in his new alt?
dragonballjoseph said:This needs to be Sakura's alt: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92UbV7NjvCU
And it will keep Panda from moving to Arcana Hearts.
And once again. Bison + Cape = Hurry up Capcom
dragonballjoseph said:This needs to be Sakura's alt: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92UbV7NjvCU
And it will keep Panda from moving to Arcana Hearts.
And once again. Bison + Cape = Hurry up Capcom
your basement?Pandaman said:23 lolis? where?
yeahFerrio said:Kinda a thread crossover, but here's Makoto's Astral Finish from BlazBlue
remind you of anything?
AZ Greg said:
Wallach said:Dudley needs a zoot suit outfit.
SephirothRK said:
Pandaman said:23 lolis? where?
i just want a shirt/jeans sak alt tbh.
Giolon said:Chun-Li in Alpha outfit is boringGive her something crazy awesome like Blanka's new whatever the fuck that thing is.
riceandbeans said:More reason why we need a SSFIV PC. It's possible to transfer custom skins and models to the 360 version.
riceandbeans said:http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs48/i/2009/207/a/e/Casual_Sakura_SFIV_mod_by_Kaplawy.jpg
More reason why we need a SSFIV PC. It's possible to transfer custom skins and models to the 360 version. Haven't tried it yet with Super though.[/QUOTE]
i have some sak skins on my pc sf4, but no thanks on ssf4 pc. i like my pc sakura unnerfed. :p
SephirothRK said:
riceandbeans said:Giolon said:Chun-Li in Alpha outfit is boringGive her something crazy awesome like Blanka's new whatever the fuck that thing is.
As much I'd love that, there's no way that would happen :lol
Just type in Brazilian Parade in Google Images and you'll see.
Edgeward said:GamerBee back on. Damn, overseas internet is fucking gdlike.
Lost Fragment said:
They wish to avenge Dan for that beatdown he got from Kazuya.Papercuts said:![]()
I started this session at Guile, all different users. Why the hell is there a Dan army tonight? :lol
TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:Do you think Capcom can take those horns off of Juri so she can look less demonic?
Well you don't really need horns to be demonic ... that haircut just plain stupid.stabicron7 said:No because being demonic fits her as much as it would Bison.
Wiseblade said:You think Juri can get a costume that doesn't make her look like a twig?
Her original costume hides it a LOT better than her alt...stabicron7 said:You are implying that she isn't a twig already? Coulda fooled me![]()
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ataturk CTRL+F "fez"Pandaman said:they banned a hat?
July 31.Kadey said:No streams going on today?
Whatever happened to the Sako/Mochi match?
_Xenon_ said:Well you don't really need horns to be demonic ... that haircut just plain stupid.
MoxManiac said:[IMGhttp://people.ucsc.edu/~pmmckerc/IMAGES//rita-mmpr1.jpg[/IMG]
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=22535700&postcount=1ACE 1991 said:Can someone explain me the difference between Tekken X Street Fighter and Street Fighter X Tekken?