Leunam said:I was surprised when people at EVO were saying it was a new setup or reset or whatever. I've been doing that crap for the longest time and am actually doing it less and less.
If you think he's going to stop right in front of you, you can also dragon punch during his recovery.
captmcblack said:I always feel so intimidated when I post in the SF threads :lol
How can one practice FADCs more/most effectively? Obviously I'm playing as often as I can, but I'm not quite getting the ideas behind it so I can get the execution down too. I've started randomly dashing out of focus to change my movement options, so I hope that will help me get better at using FADC, but I always seem to fuck up the input for it, or the follow-up move after it.
Are there things that people do to perfect the hand motiions required for it? Are people doing it with a pad?
Just practice in parts making sure that you do each portion properly, and then speed it up. There's no use in rushing at full speed if you're not even doing the motions accurately.captmcblack said:I always feel so intimidated when I post in the SF threads :lol
How can one practice FADCs more/most effectively? Obviously I'm playing as often as I can, but I'm not quite getting the ideas behind it so I can get the execution down too. I've started randomly dashing out of focus to change my movement options, so I hope that will help me get better at using FADC, but I always seem to fuck up the input for it, or the follow-up move after it.
Are there things that people do to perfect the hand motiions required for it? Are people doing it with a pad?
And here I took Major Nelson at his word.Stuneseht said:It's not a pricing error. I recall reading that this complete costume pack would cost more than the orignal street fight 4 pack becuase of more characters that were added to super.
Thanks, I thought you'd be the first to answer :lol_dementia said:Dualshock Duece > Sixaxis > Dualshock Triple > Madcraps > Whorey > Smegma Saturn USB
Immortal/Panda/Q/Farms/etc bodied me with the official sony stuff when I used to play
When I was using a pad I could not for the life of me do a dragon punch for the longest time. Then there was a period I finally got it down, but couldn't fire a hadouken off half the time, I'd just be DP-ing. Looking back I was probably just hitting the punch too soon so it caught me in DF, but it was still really frustrating. After that fiasco I'm not gonna try to play a command character on a pad again, it was one big headache. It did lead to me picking up Zangief though, which has been a lot of fun.Degen said:The problem arises when a character's qcf+p, f,d,d/f+p, and qcfqcf+p all do different things, for example. I mean to do one thing and do another, repeatedly. Could be my own fault.
What exactly are you having trouble with? If possible could you record yourself with a camera to help us give you pointers? I love the replay system.ACE 1991 said:Ugh... Would any seasoned Ryu players like to play some games with me and help me work on my game? I've hit a brick wall so to speak, and starting to want to throw in the towel for good :lol
_dementia said:What exactly are you having trouble with? If possible could you record yourself with a camera to help us give you pointers? I love the replay system.
Also, if you want to throw in the towel, the new Blaz in out today (or tomorrow). You could take that up![]()
More fireballs.ACE 1991 said:Ugh... Would any seasoned Ryu players like to play some games with me and help me work on my game? I've hit a brick wall so to speak, and starting to want to throw in the towel for good :lol
ACE 1991 said:Ugh... Would any seasoned Ryu players like to play some games with me and help me work on my game? I've hit a brick wall so to speak, and starting to want to throw in the towel for good :lol
ACE 1991 said:Ugh... Would any seasoned Ryu players like to play some games with me and help me work on my game? I've hit a brick wall so to speak, and starting to want to throw in the towel for good :lol
Work on hit confirms so you don't get punished for committing to long recovery movesACE 1991 said:I'll try to upload some matches. But basically I'm just playing overly defensive, and consistently getting punished when trying to get some real damage in.
_dementia said:Work on hit confirms so you don't get punished for committing to long recovery moves
ACE 1991 said:Yeah, good idea. I also need to work on not accidentally throwing EX SRK's instead of the intended ultra :lol
All combos that work for his U1 work for his U2. It just does less damage. This excludes the EX fireball setups, although he does get low forward fireball FADC.YakiSOBA said:Are there any safe U2 setups for Ryu? something ->FADC ->U2?
Good man. Sure its not that good but Rog's jump is so low and the move so rarely used that most people don't see it coming.dragonballjoseph said:Balrog, I always choose Dirty Bull.
Super is coming to PC this week? (sorry that's how I interpreted your post)derFeef said:oh god I am getting destroyed online (sfiv pc):lol
It´s like I have no idea what the other player is doing. I am just getting mangled.
Can not imagine what happens when super comes this week.
Nonono - for my 360_dementia said:Super is coming to PC this week? (sorry that's how I interpreted your post)
I'd like to use it, coming from Gief, but I can't give up the utility of Headbutt->Ultra or Dash Punch -> Ultra and still perform as well. Plus I'm still a little wonky on my stun punishes and generally drop a link somewhere in there. At my level no one really sees anything coming anyway.LakeEarth said:Good man. Sure its not that good but Rog's jump is so low and the move so rarely used that most people don't see it coming.
AZ Greg said:So, now that the game has been out about 3 months, I'm wondering what ultra everyone has made their "go-to" ultra for their mains and why?
_dementia said:Super is coming to PC this week? (sorry that's how I interpreted your post)
Degen said:Question for the Padwarrior master race:
Best controller for this game? I imagine it's MadCatz Fightpad vs Hori Fighting Commander 3 vs a Sega Saturn clone.
here's a pretty good video guide.2&2 said:Is there a Viper guide for dummies somewhere? It took me forever last night to get 1000BP for Viper. I was getting destroyed. I looked at some videos and forums, but don't get the whole super jump and move cancel thing even after reading them. Seems like that ups her game considerably, but I still don't understand it.
AZ Greg said:So, now that the game has been out about 3 months, I'm wondering what ultra everyone has made their "go-to" ultra for their mains and why? And if you play someone with 2 useful ultras like Chun then you can get lost.Or at least post your logic why you use one over the other in certain match-ups.
AZ Greg said:So, now that the game has been out about 3 months, I'm wondering what ultra everyone has made their "go-to" ultra for their mains and why?
MoxManiac said:Actually it is, with 4 new characters: Hugo, Andore, Andore Jr. and Andore Sr.
"Silly bitch.Degen said:It's hilarious watching his projectiles go through you during a command throw. Gives you that juggernaut feeling.
SephirothRK said:Viper only has 1 ultra, I never heard of the 2nd one.