Why in the world would they put that back in?! Ugh.USD said:He confirmed LP Shoryu trade Ultra for Ryu.
Why in the world would they put that back in?! Ugh.USD said:He confirmed LP Shoryu trade Ultra for Ryu.
marathonfool said:Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition release today in JAPAN!
Where's the hype and videos?!
Also, if any Tekken players out there...check out the Tekken thread.
~Devil Trigger~ said:Karate Champ to SF2 - WOOOOW I can combine moves!!!
USD said:He confirmed LP Shoryu trade Ultra for Ryu.
The spacing after Ibuki Neckbreaker is different.
Satyamdas said:Why in the world would they put that back in?! Ugh.
Well Cammy is still in the game isn't she? Then there you go.DR2K said:Now that more things trade with srk, this will be even better than in vanilla. . . I really hope Cammy has some stupid shit in AE.
Satyamdas said:Well Cammy is still in the game isn't she? Then there you go.
Skilotonn said:The only shortcut I agree with is the SPD, for the rest they were unnecessary, and messed with the muscle memory I've had burned in for over like 17-18 years or so.
Satyamdas said:With reversal windows wide enough to drive a Mack truck through, an input system that is the most lenient in any SF game ever, DP's that can trade into Super and Ultra, etc., I have a hard time not seeing the game mechanics being scrub friendly. Does that mean scrubs will stand toe-to-toe with Justin/Mago/Daigo, etc? Of course not, and I doubt Steve would argue that it does.
But I don't find that sentiment too different from:
Since you are clearly saying that Capcom is balancing the game for scrubs, why is it so hard to believe that the mechanics are also geared toward scrubs? Especially given the input system and reversal window?
I guess I just took his comments in a joking manner rather than a serious one. He was laughing and just talking shit, which is what every player does about various things, OG or not. I guess I just give the community enough respect that I think they took his comments in stride, rather than thinking it will affect everyone's judgment and poison people's view of the game. I mean in the SRK post about the video, his buddy HAV was in there in the comments section basically saying Steve gets shit on nonstop by his local scene for his views and that everyone just laughs him off when he pops shit about SSF4. I can't tell you not to be offended by his attitude, of course, I just think you took it a bit more seriously than was warranted.FindMyFarms said:I think you're straying off the topic a little bit. My main problem was steve h's condescending attitude towards new players and "scrubby" aspects of sf4 that are misinformed. I'm not debating that capcom made it easier to perform reversals to help accommodate new players, but a big part of that design choice was making it so that you could always perform what you wanted to, when you wanted to. Say what you want about the buffer window, but with it in place, it's never an issue of whether you got the reversal you wanted, but whether you made the right decision, which is how it should be. But yes, for the record, I NEVER debated capcom's intent with the mechanics.
That's ONE thing he mentioned, he also goes on to say that the game has no footsies, rewards bad play, etc. etc. All of which aren't true, but he spouts it off as if it is, all the while having a generally condescending knowitall OG attitude about it. It's the attitude that pisses me off more than anything.
God's Beard said:Can you do kara tiger shots consistently without getting uppercuts?
It's not his belief, Ono said so when he was making Vanilla. He said he'd hope that new players drawn in would be able to graduate to a tournament-level game like 3rd Strike. The whole point of the game is to revitalize Capcom's fighting game dominance of the 90s. Then, Marvel hits for another fan boost, then they start bringing back games that are a little more intense, like SFIII:3sOE.
Satyamdas said:I guess I just took his comments in a joking manner rather than a serious one. He was laughing and just talking shit, which is what every player does about various things, OG or not. I guess I just give the community enough respect that I think they took his comments in stride, rather than thinking it will affect everyone's judgment and poison people's view of the game. I mean in the SRK post about the video, his buddy HAV was in there in the comments section basically saying Steve gets shit on nonstop by his local scene for his views and that everyone just laughs him off when he pops shit about SSF4. I can't tell you not to be offended by his attitude, of course, I just think you are taking it a bit more seriously than was warranted.
Satyamdas said:I guess I just took his comments in a joking manner rather than a serious one. He was laughing and just talking shit, which is what every player does about various things, OG or not. I guess I just give the community enough respect that I think they took his comments in stride, rather than thinking it will affect everyone's judgment and poison people's view of the game. I mean in the SRK post about the video, his buddy HAV was in there in the comments section basically saying Steve gets shit on nonstop by his local scene for his views and that everyone just laughs him off when he pops shit about SSF4. I can't tell you not to be offended by his attitude, of course, I just think you took it a bit more seriously than was warranted.
But enough about that, bring on the AE vids someone!!
USD said:More from Acqua's twitter:
-B+MP hitbox might be nerfed
-Never misses LP → st.MK link (MK being a frame faster in AE)
-Her setups after Neckbreaker feel off. Some things that used to cross-up don't anymore
-Kunai recovery time is the same
Understood. I just thought that saying his mentality is terrible and cancerous for the community was a bit much for a mere difference of opinion.FindMyFarms said:Well you have to keep in mind that when I say that stuff pisses me off, it's in the context of this hobby and the forum. I'm not like, walking around my apartment all day going "OH THAT STEVE H, DARN YOU." But if he's gonna get brought up in forum where the point is discussion of a hobby I enjoy, then of course i'll bring up my distaste.
Spiderjericho said:And Floe made a pretty good point on wakeupsrk, with the community, especially the older players, they liked the games with unfair b.s. like MVC2, TS, etc. He even goes onto say he prefers Vanilla over Super, simply because of the damage and b.s.
Satyamdas said:Well Cammy is still in the game isn't she? Then there you go.
ThatCrazyGuy said:What I don't get is how people say there is no footsies in SSF4. Like what is the standard definition of that? Seems like everybody has a different take on it.
I don't understand how SF4 has less "footsies" than CVS2, 3rd strike, or like alpha 3.
Like, I wish somebody would give like a moment to moment gameplay breakdown on what is footsies in what game.
I personally see lots of footsies in SSF4 when I watch tourny vids. Like what is making it non footsie?
Daigo vs Valle at SCR was hot. FChamp vs Daigo at SCR was nice. What where they doing that wasn't footsies?
And what makes CVS2 footsies so much better? I don't see it. I see the same stuff, people walking in and out of range, poking, throwing out high priority moves, fishing for CC combo opportunities.
Come on, 6ft is not that tall.~Devil Trigger~ said:wwwwwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa???????
gutabo said:Daigo talking about AE changes: http://www.famitsu.com/blog/sst4/1240720_2375.html
Is there a translation yet?![]()
gutabo said:Daigo talking about AE changes: http://www.famitsu.com/blog/sst4/1240720_2375.html
Is there a translation yet?![]()
gutabo said:Daigo talking about AE changes: http://www.famitsu.com/blog/sst4/1240720_2375.html
Is there a translation yet?![]()
Copy and paste the link, or press enter at the address bar(after getting the 403).N4Us said:I'm getting 403'd.
USD said:Daigo's first impression: "Fireball characters are done son."
Basically saying that fireball characters got nerfed, while characters without fireballs got buffed. Also, he's thinking about maybe using Yun.DryEyeRelief said:
Translation for threi:gutabo said:Daigo talking about AE changes: http://www.famitsu.com/blog/sst4/1240720_2375.html
Is there a translation yet?![]()
USD said:Basically saying that fireball characters got nerfed, while characters without fireballs got buffed. Also, he's thinking about maybe using Yun.
USD said:Basically saying that fireball characters got nerfed, while characters without fireballs got buffed. Also, he's thinking about maybe using Yun.
"Juli is so bad..."
kitzkozan said:Watch him trash talk SF IV once it's out of the EVO roster. :lol
By the way,I just heard that Wong was saying to random people that SSFIV was ass at NEC,but off the record of course.Although I can't confirm anything as I just don't have the time to invest myself in FG seriously and thus don't attend tournaments.
USD said:Makoto is stronger than he thought she would be.
can't be any worse than superN4Us said::lol
USD said:-Apparently Dhalsim's st.LK is slower