Me and Gr1mlock just came from CTF. He got to play just 1 match, i got 2 matches in before closing
I fought Dimension's Guy, Liston's Sagat. won just one round on both, things i noticed:
her dash is tougher to read and punish on reaction, i blew Guy up twice dash up counterhit Hk. lp Fukiagi landed clean twice beating bushin elbow and crossup. I could've won the match but i chose U2 for no reason, landed karakusa 3 times in the match

. Die ajusted and played a pretty mean wake up on me, Guy's cr short is gonna make a big difference.
As for Sagat, did'nt have the patience for it, should've picked Gouken. I won the first round pretty basically but than the great wall was build and i was eating stuff. Again i got away with alot of Dash up <insert normal here>, one instant FA dash forward a Tiger and i was able to block the second coming shot from mid screen. Did'nt get to use U2 to punish tiger shot Liston was too smart, and landed it as an AA but that was it.
Axekick still sucks( or the same), fw.lp stuff a couple of things, cant judge how better or not Karakusa is, Whole lot of Yuns( some Yangs) in a short stay, Cammy(lol) FADCing drill is tougher or different, Guy can kick people now, and EX twin palms a wall bounce, Genei jin combos after YouHou Ultra...
thats all i got.