Ah, I wondered why you didn't make a thread for it last night.USD said:Shitty internet, missed my first Guard Crush in forever. Now I have to catch up on all of Wednesday.
Calibrated said:Woohoo my account finally got approved!!
Hopefully I can endless battle with some of you guys soon... I'm on xbox 360 and in the Uk (gamertag=calibrated) so please feel free to add me no matter what skill level as I'd say I'm about average. Should be around tonight so I'll make a lobby if anyone is interested![]()
Ya I wasn't able to get on til like 11pm here sadly. I'll be on earlier tonight, so if you are there we can get some Tekken-style hug battles on!The Take Out Bandit said:>:|
You didn't show up for hugs?!
Man. . .
Good games last night indeed. That super close match with Beef's fluffy pants T.Hawk and that other guy that was pwning consistently was pretty incredible. Who was that? Think they were playing Radioactive Treasure Troll.
Added, see you ingame.TyrantGuardian said:Anyone up for some PC AE battles with me and Corky? Toss me a friend request and I'll throw you an invite.
GFWL: TyrantGuard
Rocwell said:Log Ride I sent you a PM about comboing after Fei Long's chicken wing~
Hvinire said:Forget him, fight me! I've been practicin'. My karaoke ain't too shabby either just in case.Rentahamster said:I want to challenge him at Street Fighter 4 the next time I go to Japan. First to 5, loser has to sing "Eyes on Me" karaoke. I know you can make this happen, Mr. Cactuar!
Conceited said:
Desk is amazing. I look forward to the full release.Conceited said:
I've tried to use it to punish El Fuerte doing a slam above me. It trades, usually.Professor Beef said:GGs PSN GAF. Oni's anti-air U1 needs to be 0-frames.
I think that's going to be a bonus track on his albumUSD said:I seriously need a five-minute recording of Chris Hu saying nothing but "DICK WOLF."
Nice, I look forward to that video.Conceited said:
SolarKnight said:Uh, I repeated the word arcade for a reason.
Ilúvatar said:Somewhat related question, has anyone watched King of Chinatown yet?
_dementia said:I assumed it was a typo.
Basically you can only do it in Japan, where the card system is online.
holdbrillanj said:Yes! Norway here.
You (and anyone else in europe) can add my GT holdbrillanj
I play on PC/Xbox360, same gt both places.
Corky said:Daaayum so that's what it feels like to get TOTALLY bodied a million games in a row :I! GGs man, without a doubt the best player I've met ever and I think we got some pretty good yurop players here on gaf.
Nonetheless, you're totally on another level and probably the first person I've played who uses OS like you do. I hope my week 1 akuma wasn't vomit inducingly bad, I'm well aware of so many of my mistakes but I'm stupid/tired atm :'(. I'd love to play you many many many times and hopefully catch up and actually put up a fight. The connection was god damn good if you ask me, hopefully you felt the same.
1) I still don't know the spacing required for crossup tatsu, which resulted in me failing it 90% of the time and getting thrown.
2) I don't know if it's me being terrible or is the 2nd hit of akumas st.hk ridiculously unsafe? I was under the impression that you could do it from afar and it would be safe. But each time I ate a combo.
3) Since I can't fault the connection I must've had braingremlins because I missed hp srk fadc hcb fireball every single time. What's up with that!?
Again, I really want to get better and hopefully it wasn't that boring to fight me given the skill gap but each win I got felt like beating a demon's souls boss lol. I actually gesticulated each time I won. I think you ended up having 75% winrate after like 50 games or so, it's been a good time since I was that badly put in my place :3. Looking forward to more! <3
holdbrillanj said:Wow you are giving me way to much credit. I thought we played even
And if by OS you mean crouch tech yeah i use that a lot. I did not try to OS any of your teleports/backdashes cause i don't think it works against akuma. I also started with cody a few days ago so I'm still getting stuff in my fingers.
Yeah the connection was flawless. Damn you swedes and your cheap ISP's
The crossup tatsu timing is different depending on what shoto you are and which version (lk/mk/hk) you use. You need to go in traning(or see if you find it on the forums) what knockdowns and at what height/version you need to use. Remember to put the character on crouching in training mode so you are sure you got it down.
Akuma second hit on st.hk wiffs on about half the cast at max range. If you are a bit closer it hits everyone i think. Remember you can cancel every akuma normal at any time to demon, so if you think the opponent is gonna try to punish it, throw out a demon now and then.
Yeah i saw you missed the srk FADC redfireball combo. Maybe cody falls faster than other characters? I know some characters do.
It was fun and i am looking forward to the next time
btw two of your fellow countrymen are coming to Oslo to join a tournament. Last time the beat all of us![]()
Corky said:
Wow really? It felt llike you were doing some crazy option selects, maybe it was just me then but on the other hand your execution is scary, one c.jab and I found myself suddenly lacking 250 hp. But you really did tech like the majority of my throw attempts, and I thought I was being sneaky with some of those demon setups, guess I need to try to hide them better.
My ISP is pretty garbage which is why I'm so delighted at the connection between us! Interesting I did not know that about the hk whiff, then again I probably don't know much at all about akuma but you gotta start somewhere.
Oh, who are these swedes are they known sf players? I only know the name of like 2 players or something, since I'm not a part of the whole tourney scene.
lolGhostRidah said:
Joekage said:Been MIA for a bit. Evo training mostly but had to post this for Threi.
Deejay going in!
Joekage said:I love fubarduck <3
gotta respect akimo avoiding the 1 frame linkJoekage said:Been MIA for a bit. Evo training mostly but had to post this for Threi.
Deejay going in!
I know I feel extra good every time I beat one...Although I feel dirty that the only way I can beat them with Dictator is to completely lame them out with teleports and timely backdashesProfessor Beef said:Why do I get the feeling that all Yun players are extra salty when they lose?
HiResDes said:I know I feel extra good every time I beat one...
Morro! said:You shouldn't, there is a sea of shitty Yuns online. I beat one with 3k pp and he was ass, people just need to stop respecting him.
imho yun is only god tier in god tier hands.