ggs psn gaf
Oh it has to be the new icons, not just new for you. Got it, thanks.Professor Beef said:Did you change them both, or just one? It has to be both changed to the new Oni/Yun/etc icons.
Next time I'll use gouken from the start bro. I'm having a character selection crisis at the moment since i no longer believe the chartacter suits my style and the more I play him the angrier at the character I become.Professor Beef said:Can't believe the one time you pick Gouken against me is when I decide to use Oni. smh @ myself.
Imm0rt4l said:Next time I'll use gouken from the start bro. I'm having a character selection crisis at the moment since i no longer believe the chartacter suits my style and the more I play him the angrier at the character I become.
He isDryEyeRelief said:Why aren't you using Yun? (serious question)
It's in October this year.TurtleSnatcher said:So is there no Devastation this year?? I remember it was always before EVO but it seems to have gone the way of the dodo?
USD said:Level|Up will be streaming the West Coast SBO qualifier tomorrow at Round1. Tourney starts at 12PM PDT, casuals an hour earlier.
Imm0rt4l said:Next time I'll use gouken from the start bro. I'm having a character selection crisis at the moment since i no longer believe the chartacter suits my style and the more I play him the angrier at the character I become.
Conceited said:I wanted to go to sleep early tonight but then this tournament with Poongko, Tokido, Infiltration, and Laugh started;
Threi said:who said anything about being angry
Conceited said:I wanted to go to sleep early tonight but then this tournament with Poongko, Tokido, Infiltration, and Laugh started;
zlatko said:<_< What calm and rational reason is there for snapping your Super disc in two after a loss?
I've gotten mad plenty of times from SF4 to Arcade version, but letting the rage out in verbal form here and there helped me keep rolling with the punches. I've never chucked a controller, punched my stick, or broken anything game related EXCEPT Gears of War 2. Gears 2 was the only game where I snapped in half back around its release because that game was pure garbage and a fucking abomination to all that is holy. I was holding in all my rage for the online issues and mountains of bull shit, and then finally after a game of epic proportions of bull shit with lag switches, glitches, and people talking shit over their headsets I opened up the trey and broke that turd in half. Felt soooooooooooo good.
Lost Fragment said:I've banged my stick and shouted curse words many a times. Playing Makoto in Super as much as I did, it's sort of expected. But snapping the disc in half is something I don't really comprehend. I'm not a fan of purposely destroying my own property unless it's been cursed by a witch doctor or something.
Lost Fragment said:I've banged my stick and shouted curse words many a times. Playing Makoto in Super as much as I did, it's sort of expected. But snapping the disc in half is something I don't really comprehend. I'm not a fan of purposely destroying my own property unless it's been cursed by a witch doctor or something.
TurtleSnatcher said:Yea.. I never pull the disc out. I'm pretty sure its melted in
I'd have to break my system in half.
zlatko - Raging verbally on GAF probably isn't always the best solution. I remember you got into some verbal spat or something with someone about playing higher BP/PP players and how it was unfair and got banned when SSF4 came out then cross posted on to SRK and said you would never come back here
I'd probably not encourage or recommend others do the same to vent. Punching pillows is fun. I punch pillows when I get mad at the game.![]()
TurtleSnatcher said:Found the page
Those were the days.. so long ago. Sad to see so many of us still post here![]()
And lol @ the jubilation after you were banned. (EDIT: Sorry had to laugh)
^_^zlatko said:Oh yeah that's how it all got started. I had earlier brought up how shitty BP/PP was, dropped it, then saw this cat girl guy who was clearly boosting, brought HIM up, and people thought I was on another rampant talk about BP/PP, but was really just curious if it was really a girl who was this good at the game, etc.
<_< The posts after my ban are cool stuff. black has a pretty big mouth on him, but he's been banned before too for ridiculous reasons, and he's a pretty cool guy when I talked to him after my banning and we squashed that.![]()
black_vegeta said:
No sir, I'm in bed.zlatko said:You online? First to 5 let's go!
M Lizard is a very nice viper, very agressive. Too bad on that missed Ultra on Infiltration though :/Lost Fragment said:Anybody watching that Korean stream? Laugh just got dominated by some really good Viper. Good stuff.
threi 07-06-2010 said:damn man just vent on gaf like all of us do, don't take it out on your stuff D:
Thank you!Edgeward said:Good luck at the local tomorrow, Beef.
lmaoAZ Greg said:
black_vegeta said:No sir, I'm in bed.
Rickenslacker said:I always hear "LIZARD...ON!" Or maybe she's saying wizard on and plugging Idle Thumbs' failed voice message segment.
GhostRidah said:niceee, number 1 mak?
AZ Greg said:
Probably the same reason I dropped vanilla sagat when I'm on a tear with yun Ppl just leave and complain. But I'm just gonna say fuck it and play him more, he's fun and.I shouldn't give a shit about hurting your feelings but gouken loses to yun and so I guess I empathize. He's fun as hell so ill be putting more time in him. I think vanilla sagat was worse though.DryEyeRelief said:Why aren't you using Yun? (serious question)
AZ Greg said:
Marn is gonna haunt you in the next days!jlai said:Yo AE PC..
Mak Herpin and Derpin
I think the pc patch just fucked me, I thought I didn't need windows live gold to play online pc version? My sub just ran out and now I cant play online, the only time I wish I had another game for windows live to test it with.
Lost Fragment said:2 and a half years later and I still can't tell whatthefuck Viper says during her ultra.
Fraeon said:Same goes for Balrog's ultra 1.
Unless he really does say "Go get laid!".
Ok so its a problem on my end. Thanksholdbrillanj said:AFAIK windows live gold was made free back in 2008. I don't pay a dime and i can play just fine (lol rhymes)