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Super Street Fighter 4 |OT3| BACK OF THE BUS, SAGAT!

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Dhalsim's Max CPM Emporium
God's Beard said:
...so you're asking for SRK to have more trolls?
theres no drama or rivalry on srk anymore. people get banned left and righr and dont really wanna piss off wiz so instead they post on their fb/twitter instead.
God's Beard said:
Anyone going to EVO wanna meet up? I'll be there from wednesday ^_^
I'm always down to say hello to strangers :D Will be there Friday night through Sunday. Will probably be in a suit on Friday, since I don't want to pack it and get it rumpled.
_dementia said:
They're doing that again this year? Body Banana Ken, Dr. Chaos, and it's as good as yours. (MOV isn't going is he?)
I don't think they are, though I wish they would--getting to see that much high-level Ken play was amazing.


nycfurby said:
I'm really sorry, I don't know why I saw you "l" as a "t" But none the less, good games. Should practice again today. I wanted to practice more but I was too fucking tired. The makoto matchup is way too much of a problem. My chars are ass, I hate this game, bla bla bla hahaha

Just read the last 20 pages cause i was bored...kadey is pretty much spot on as to why known plaeyrs dont like posting in forums.

And the amount of speculation coming from King of Chinatown made me laugh, p much. I will say a lot of what you (gaf) said (from a outsiders point of view) was sorta kinda sorta close..kinda...but I dont really wanna elaborate too much.

That being said, if you actually want to read aboutactual EMP drama from the players actually..involved in the scene, you might wanna read this for the lolz.


I didn't know this kind of trolling existed on srk anymore. The forums havent been what they used to be in years now. I don't go there generally for any info outside tourney results.

I don't really consider myself a gaffer. I do shout you gusy out all the time though but theres clearly a lot of subculture here that I really have no clue about.

need more practice against makotoooo. Guess for the next 2 weeks until SBO quals im back to being an AE player. :(

You could always add an avatar and just lurk around, sir.

Shit, maybe you can get hooked to Pony-GAF. ANYTHING CAN FUCKING HAPPEN.

"Shoutouts to MLP, YAAAAAAAAAA"


Dhalsim's Max CPM Emporium
I had a avatar and for some reason it disappeared lol. I didn't remove it. Of course it was some random shitty ass pic but im just sayin. If I did make a av it would be of those trolls you guys did with that cosplayer at ceo that was comedy gold.
Still the best SF video of all time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TU6VIKXGtDM&feature=channel_video_title

macuser1of5 said:
I'm always down to say hello to strangers :D Will be there Friday night through Sunday. Will probably be in a suit on Friday, since I don't want to pack it and get it rumpled.
PM me your number and I'll call you when everybody gets together

nycfurby said:
theres no drama or rivalry on srk anymore. people get banned left and righr and dont really wanna piss off wiz so instead they post on their fb/twitter instead.

Yeah that makes sense, people always get pissed at me here for wanting to see people get mad like Filipino Champ. Where's the hunger? That's the whole reason I got interested in competitive fighting games, because of how loud everyone seemed. Now everybody's hugging and crap.

I remember a couple years ago I got banned from neogaf for cursing. It goes up and down here.
nycfurby said:
I had a avatar and for some reason it disappeared lol. I didn't remove it. Of course it was some random shitty ass pic but im just sayin. If I did make a av it would be of those trolls you guys did with that cosplayer at ceo that was comedy gold.

NeoGAF hosts the pictures now, I think you just upload an image on your profile and it should be back.


Dhalsim's Max CPM Emporium
God's Beard said:
What happened at CEO? I was on the beach in NJ.

I brought a cosplayer on the stream when the ipw/ts announcement made its premiere and got blown the fuck up for like 2-3 pages. was pretty godlike


nycfurby said:
I had a avatar and for some reason it disappeared lol. I didn't remove it. Of course it was some random shitty ass pic but im just sayin. If I did make a av it would be of those trolls you guys did with that cosplayer at ceo that was comedy gold.

Oh yeah?

Choose your poison.


We're here
(to blow you up and/or laugh at)
for you. :3


I've been playing on and off since I bought this game like four or five weeks ago.

This is my first fighting game since playing Tekken on playstation like ten years ago or whatever it was. I really like how playing Juri feels, and I've been watching some tournament coverage of her, I have some questions if anyone wants to answer them for me.

Juri's first ultra. I don't understand it except that it makes your normal attacks combo? What benefit does that give?


At around 2:01-2:05 the commentators mention a "focus breaker" - what is that? Also in this video Juri's grabs all toss the person directly beneath her, but whenever I use her grabs they just toss the person away from Juri. How do I manipulate the grab to do this? Anyone have a good understanding of Juri's counter move that could explain it to me? I've gotten it to work with a few moves, but I always dash across the screen, it doesn't seem like this Juri does that.

I appreciate any answers/input. Thanks for putting up with my noobishness D:
Focus breaking is a property of specific moves that break focus armor. They're identified by having lightning bolts next to them on the command list.

I wonder if we'll reach |OT4| by Evo.


Neo Member
Acullis said:
Juri's first ultra. I don't understand it except that it makes your normal attacks combo? What benefit does that give?


At around 2:01-2:05 the commentators mention a "focus breaker" - what is that? Also in this video Juri's grabs all toss the person directly beneath her, but whenever I use her grabs they just toss the person away from Juri. How do I manipulate the grab to do this? Anyone have a good understanding of Juri's counter move that could explain it to me? I've gotten it to work with a few moves, but I always dash across the screen, it doesn't seem like this Juri does that.

I appreciate any answers/input. Thanks for putting up with my noobishness D:

- Allowing you to combo your normals "magic" style(ie, lp lk mp mk hp hk) is the benefit... pretty great damage if you can hit, it also allows to combo after her overhead.

- Back + grab should get you the other throw.

- The "focus breaker" is her QCB + kick in the air. When people focus attack they get 1 hit worth of "armor", and some moves break this (the shatter sound/graphic)... this is one of them.

- Her counter just moves her, either back, forward, up or up and slightly forward depending on what button you use. Up and slightly forward is EX, and is pretty tricky to block until you're used to it (following up with j.HK is usually where to start)

Other info here:


Hope that helps.


_dementia said:
Focus breaking is a property of specific moves that break focus armor. They're identified by having lightning bolts next to them on the command list.

I wonder if we'll reach |OT4| by Evo.

What is focus armor? It's the protection a player is given when charging a focus attack?

Yellowcorn said:
- Allowing you to combo your normals "magic" style(ie, lp lk mp mk hp hk) is the benefit... pretty great damage if you can hit, it also allows to combo after her overhead.

Hope that helps.

Thanks, it does, but the part I left in quotations still confuses me.

It just increases the damage she does with her regular abilities? I don't understand what benefit a "combo" gets - other than that it's a quick string of attacks.


Neo Member
Acullis said:
It just increases the damage she does with her regular abilities? I don't understand what benefit a "combo" gets - other than that it's a quick string of attacks.

Well, without the ultra you could never combo most of her normals(save a few that can be linked)... with the ultra you can. It makes it so you can "cancel" one normal into another, like the magic series used in versus games.

So you can get way more damage on a string of normals, since you can combo what would otherwise be impossible (s.LP s.LK s.MP s.MK s.HP, wait, qcb+kick, or something like f.MK (overhead) c.LK c.MK c.HK)


There has to be some kind of disconnect happening. o.o

I really am clueless. I hope I'm not being a pain in the ass, I've just never paid much attention to fighting games and their terminology.

Well, without the ultra you could never combo most of her normals(save a few that can be linked)... with the ultra you can. It makes it so you can "cancel" one normal into another, like the magic series used in versus games.

I don't understand this part. What do you mean by not being able to "combo normals"? Also what is cancelling a normal? And I have no idea what a magic series is.

So you can get way more damage on a string of normals, since you can combo what would otherwise be impossible (s.LP s.LK s.MP s.MK s.HP, wait, qcb+kick, or something like f.MK (overhead) c.LK c.MK c.HK)

So it just does more damage to use those strings of attacks with U1 activated? Or it would be impossible to use that string of attacks with U1 activated? If this is true, why would it be impossible?

I'm sorry for having so many questions, I just can't seem to find a good guide to explain all of this shit to me. I've never played fighting games and I just have no idea what people are talking about when they try to help me.
Acullis said:
There has to be some kind of disconnect happening. o.o

I really am clueless. I hope I'm not being a pain in the ass, I've just never paid much attention to fighting games and their terminology.

I don't understand this part. What do you mean by not being able to "combo normals"? Also what is cancelling a normal? And I have no idea what a magic series is.

So it just does more damage to use those strings of attacks with U1 activated? Or it would be impossible to use that string of attacks with U1 activated? If this is true, why would it be impossible?

I'm sorry for having so many questions, I just can't seem to find a good guide to explain all of this shit to me. I've never played fighting games and I just have no idea what people are talking about when they try to help me.
Start here.
Acullis said:
What is focus armor? It's the protection a player is given when charging a focus attack?
Correct. Certain moves gain focus armour properties as well.

Acullis said:
I don't understand this part. What do you mean by not being able to "combo normals"? Also what is cancelling a normal? And I have no idea what a magic series is.
Normals are your non-special moves. The punches and kicks. You usually start off combos by linking them together, which means that you can use some of them one after the other in succession to combo. Cancelling a normal means that you're stopping the animation after the hit allowing you to start another, allowing for more combo possibilities.


Acullis said:
I don't understand this part. What do you mean by not being able to "combo normals"? Also what is cancelling a normal? And I have no idea what a magic series is.

it gives you the ability to chain the normals into one another as opposed to linking them...just press the appropriate buttons in sequence without much timing, that's the difference

So it just does more damage to use those strings of attacks with U1 activated? Or it would be impossible to use that string of attacks with U1 activated? If this is true, why would it be impossible?

it makes combos possible that aren't possible outside of the ultra. ie: c.lk c.mp c.mk s.rh s.hp pinwheel and such. or combos into sweep from jab using chain style
Acullis said:
I've been playing on and off since I bought this game like four or five weeks ago.

This is my first fighting game since playing Tekken on playstation like ten years ago or whatever it was. I really like how playing Juri feels, and I've been watching some tournament coverage of her, I have some questions if anyone wants to answer them for me.

Juri's first ultra. I don't understand it except that it makes your normal attacks combo? What benefit does that give?


At around 2:01-2:05 the commentators mention a "focus breaker" - what is that? Also in this video Juri's grabs all toss the person directly beneath her, but whenever I use her grabs they just toss the person away from Juri. How do I manipulate the grab to do this? Anyone have a good understanding of Juri's counter move that could explain it to me? I've gotten it to work with a few moves, but I always dash across the screen, it doesn't seem like this Juri does that.

I appreciate any answers/input. Thanks for putting up with my noobishness D:

Juri's ultra one is a weaker genei jin letting her do combos like lp lk mp mk hk but the penalty for this is her damage goes down quite a bit she also still suffers her rediculous pushback on her own attacks. The opponent has more options than juri does on activation of ultra 1 which kinda makes it useless. Characters who have either good priority or a dp with invulnerablity (which is to say all of them) they can just hit you because they know you HAVE to attack. Other characters can just run from you...juri is not very good at chasing people.

Juri only has 1 armor breaking move. her divekick. so you are gonna want to learn how to cali the divekick.

As far as throws go if you just tap the 2 buttons its forward throw if you hold back (like you were blocking) and input the throw you get a back throw.

As far as juri's counter goes its not an attack counter its a movement counter what she does depends on what buttons you push for the counter.

LP counter = Dashing forward. Passes through the opponent and if they are already attacking you are likely able to hit them before they recover)

MP Counter = Dashing Backward The worst counter of the 3 considering if they are doing something that moves them forward they can hit you before you recover (i.e you counter a jab from Dee-Jay but he was charging his stepkick if he does it properly he will hit you)

HP Counter = Jumping up. Juri jumps straight up into the air. allows her to avoid some things but leaves her vulnerable as you cant move left or right.

EX Counter = this one is unique...when you do the counter you input a direction. if you get hit you will go in the direction last touched she can move in any of the 5 movement directions Backward (meh) Jumping backward (dont do this ever) Straight up (meh) jumping forward (DO THIS) Dashing forward (not bad) the best part of the jumping ex counter is it's treated as a netural jump so it gives you acesses to her netural jumping roundhouse which hits on both sides of juri and gives you some nice meaty crossups. if you do the roundhouse deep enough you can combo ultra 2 clean.
<MrWizard> i have a copy
<MrWizard> i should bring it with me to evo
<MrWizard> and expose mike ross
<vgamWRK> lmfao @ the 80s
<vgamWRK> hahahahhah
<worktomic> lol
<permacult> damn mike ross was dancing hardcore
<GodsBeard> wiz
<GodsBeard> play 88 the movie instead of focus
*** ultradavd [[email protected]] has joined #capcom
<GodsBeard> just have everybody line up and sit down
<GodsBeard> then start playing 88 the movie
<MrWizard> that would be
<MrWizard> the biggest troll of all time
<pimpbot9k> yeah
<pimpbot9k> do it wiz
<pimpbot9k> show the intro of focus
<pimpbot9k> then cut it to 88
<Toshin> lool
<East> that would be godlike


God's Beard said:
<MrWizard> i have a copy
<MrWizard> i should bring it with me to evo
<MrWizard> and expose mike ross
<vgamWRK> lmfao @ the 80s
<vgamWRK> hahahahhah
<worktomic> lol
<permacult> damn mike ross was dancing hardcore
<GodsBeard> wiz
<GodsBeard> play 88 the movie instead of focus
*** ultradavd [[email protected]] has joined #capcom
<GodsBeard> just have everybody line up and sit down
<GodsBeard> then start playing 88 the movie
<MrWizard> that would be
<MrWizard> the biggest troll of all time
<pimpbot9k> yeah
<pimpbot9k> do it wiz
<pimpbot9k> show the intro of focus
<pimpbot9k> then cut it to 88
<Toshin> lool
<East> that would be godlike
Mr. Wizard needs to make this happen.


Mrs. Harvey
LOL at the SRK thread. Expose. Hey they were an awesome group back in the 80s and 90s. I'd like to feel the passion, to the point of no return. Oh baby. AHhhhhhhhhhh!


Kadey said:
LOL at the SRK thread. Expose. Hey they were an awesome group back in the 80s and 90s. I'd like to feel the passion, to the point of no return. Oh baby. AHhhhhhhhhhh!

I just read most of it, and you're right. That is the funniest shit in a long time I've seen out of the FGC/Triforce/SRK.

You were right too. Arturo doesn't consider himself a Gaffer. :(


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
since everybody is speaking of juri, how execution heavy is she? What is her most difficult yet BNB combo?

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
jlai said:

I saw when he was talking about Shiro on his twitter yesterday and sent him a few messages, so when he said he was gonna play a Makoto from GAF I was like "Neat. Wait...if he wanted to play me wouldn't he send me a PM or something?" Then he said he was playing you and I was all like "wtf jlai sucks ass with Makoto though."

So grats. If Art loses to Shiro it'll be your fault.

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