I think I played until like 4am EST :lolhitsugi said:how do i keep missing psn gafwhen do you guys get started?
I think I played until like 4am EST :lolhitsugi said:how do i keep missing psn gafwhen do you guys get started?
hitsugi said:how do i keep missing psn gafwhen do you guys get started?
zlatko said:So anyone have an opinion on the dumbest changes to AE?
For me it has to be the Guile nerf to how he builds meter with booms. I did think he needed a nerf to this, but they went overboard. In latest direct feed footage put up on their youtube there is a Guile vs Akuma match found here:
Somewhere like 12 minutes into it you can see what I mean. Guile does a total of 11 sonic booms and during this time also takes a few hits from Akuma to not gain even 1 stock of meter. That's so shitty. :/
Rice-Eater said:Finally got my Hori VLX, it just feels so good having one of these things. I don't have SSF4 yet but I was able to test it out on SF4 PC and it feels great. BTW, I have some brand new friend invites from names I don't recognize. Are these 2 GAF'ers?
STi Taker
Just wanted to confirm that before adding them. I figured they must be because I haven't even played a game on my Xbox yet but I just wanted to make sure.
black_vegeta said:Yeah, both are gaffers.
Translayer is SephirothRK
Sti Taker is TakerRx or something like that. He hasn't posted in awhile though.
haunts said:
Dartastic said:Can't wait to see DAT MAK
wow Nemo went crazy with that super comboSpiderjericho said:Iplaywinner is my #1 source for fighting game info. You guys should check out the latest AE videos on there.
Alright...Yang has some sick combos:
haunts said:
Rice-Eater said:Finally got my Hori VLX, it just feels so good having one of these things. I don't have SSF4 yet but I was able to test it out on SF4 PC and it feels great. BTW, I have some brand new friend invites from names I don't recognize. Are these 2 GAF'ers?
STi Taker
Just wanted to confirm that before adding them. I figured they must be because I haven't even played a game on my Xbox yet but I just wanted to make sure.
haunts said:F. Champs reign of terror is streaming right now. lol.
Spiderjericho said:Yeah, I'm sure the people he was playing against were good, but it did look free. And I'm sure a lot of them wanted to try out new characters or what not and were mauled by the stretching arms of justice.
I just asked but was Ricky O, Vangief, Choi or anyone else @ MGL?
:lol I went on xbl afterward and went into the srklive lobby and owned everyone and make everyone leave the roomRice-Eater said:Damn that's Seph, he must be salty because last night he tried to get on PSN with us but couldn't connect. But even if he did, he and I are a 1 bar connection. I hope our matches over XBox Live will be a different experience. Thanks to everybody who answered me.
CaptainMintMan said:...So, what does Mak-GAF do when getting pressured beyond recognition by Fei-Fei's and Juri's? Played against A ranked ones today and I come very close to beating them but when they pressure back, it's game. Where's AE when you need it? 3: Safe dash-ins, all day.
Spiderjericho said:
:lolthe_log_ride said:edit: wow you can plug in PS controllers for AE
The Arcade UFO cab is the only cab in America with that ability, though.the_log_ride said:Wow EX MGB > Ducking Straight > EX Ducking Upper
edit: wow you can plug in PS controllers for AE
the_log_ride said:Wow EX MGB > Ducking Straight > EX Ducking Upper
edit: wow you can plug in PS controllers for AE
hitsugi said:yummy. I've been trying to figure out something that works with his teleport during super, but no luck D:
Oichi said:Close standing fierce xx teleport... repeat until it's over. It works and does 40 - 45%
I have lots of combos for the twins. :lol
the_log_ride said:Wow EX MGB > Ducking Straight > EX Ducking Upper
edit: wow you can plug in PS controllers for AE
Hahah, yeah that was me. Just picked up Cammy for the first time, I usually play Makoto. LOVING Cammy tho. Gg!TheFightingFish said:Hey Dartastic. Are you the same name on XBL? If so I think you just beat my Honda like 10 min ago. Would be the first time that I've ever run into a GAFfer online as I don't play a ton, and when I do I play at odd times.
Dartastic said:Hahah, yeah that was me. Just picked up Cammy for the first time, I usually play Makoto. LOVING Cammy tho. Gg!
Lost Fragment said:Cen on the Spooky stream saying a distributor told him AE DLC is coming out in June. Might be trolling though, so, grain of salt.