I want to watch this, but its really choppy for me for some reason.USD said:
Yeah, the stream is running clean for me.Imm0rt4l said:I want to watch this, but its really choppy for me for some reason.
edit: hm I'm pretty sure its my connection.
Pretty sure it's a one-day tourney.GeoNeo said:Will the SsF4 finals be today on the TS stream?
Yea, I got it running smooth now.USD said:Yeah, the stream is running clean for me.
Chi-Rithy VS Rebelo right now. Getting deep into the tourney, but not top 8 yet. Snafoo and Art in losers.Kadey said:What's going on right now in the tourney?
Rice-Eater said:Is the same Shine who was the 15 year old Gouken that sent Sanford and a bunch of other players to losers before Sanford came back to win it all? Man I remember the strange tactics he was using and it just kept working. But if that's him now, he has developed into a really solid player.
I thought Teddy only sent him to losers, but yea he did beat art.Kadey said:Don't tell me that mclovin looking kid took out Art.
I was thinking the same while I was watching it. Dude had on headphones(I think, I'm pretty sure I saw white wires when he got up) though, so I doubt it was bothering him.Imm0rt4l said:Man it must really suck/mentally guard break you when the entire audience is cheering with "Aye" everytime Fuerte gets a throw/mixup on you.
Yoshichan said:Has Ryu st.mp got buffed or what?
Not that I know of.GeoNeo said:USD any expected streams from Japan tonight?
USD said:Rebello the new best in Canada? Sent both Chi-Rithy and JSMaster to losers.
"THIS GAME IS ASS AHHHHH"USD said:NerdJosh getting trolled in BlazBlue, and actually mad that it's a 4-out-of-7. :lol
There are several answers already, but Yun / Yang are still developing. Remember how good Daigo's Ryu looked in early Vanilla footage and then look at his Ryu later and later.. Or Mago with fei, etcentrement said:Balrog seems to be the answer against the twins.
4 screens of SSIV going on once, some with different perspectives, was a bit overwhelming. :lolThrei said:fyi capcom is showing off ssf4 3ds right now at the nintendo conference thing: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/nintendo-world-2011
USD said:Rebello the new best in Canada? Sent both Chi-Rithy and JSMaster to losers.
*looked at chat*Threi said:fyi capcom is showing off ssf4 3ds right now at the nintendo conference thing: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/nintendo-world-2011
... *closed chat*12:08 magnetowned-1: exactly @tom im buying this on launch, one of my fav fighting gams and i can finally play online with it
12:08 TriGamerNL: this does have online and is ps3-360 grapics if not better in some espects
Really? I play Guile, but Guile mirrors are terrible to watch.the_log_ride said:<3 Guile mirror
Samethe_log_ride said:<3 Guile mirror