Lost Fragment said:Hard to say a game was good when you lose because the other guy did a mad random ultra a half a screen away and you just happened to do something other than block a second earlier.
Maybe it's Daigo? Is Daigo in Australia?Timedog said:Who's the secret guy at the tourney that Dieminion kept trolling about?
_dementia said:Is Daigo in Australia?
Axis said:please, i was right outside of c.mp range and ultrad on movement...revisionist history ftl. definitely wasn't random as it was simply to catch hayate but you did c.mp instead and considering we both had very little life and her c.mp blows up c.mk xx arrow.
100ms reaction time? I REALLLLLLLY doubt that. That's superhuman.God's Beard said:my reaction time is 6 frames, so i don't see what the deal is.
Lost Fragment said:Serious business bro.
Anyway, Makoto's cr.mp is 22 frames total. Cammy's U1 has 10 frames of startup. So you would've had to react to the cr.mp within 12 frames to whiff punish it. Being able to react to something in 10 frames is considered amazingly exceptional, to put it lightly. But you reacted to my cr.mp in 12 frames and whiff punished it with an ultra. Online.
You didn't react to shit. Revisionist history indeed.
I dunno why you'd want to risk punishing a hayate on reaction with ultra anyway when it's pretty easy for Cammy to punish them. Maybe I'm just not remembering right, but I'm pretty sure you weren't low enough on health to be chipped by a hayate anyway. If you had blocked the cr.mp and done an ultra expecting a hayate, that's more realistic.
still not fast enough to block bruce lee's 3 frame jab thoughTimedog said:100ms reaction time? I REALLLLLLLY doubt that. That's superhuman.
Axis said:mak c.mp OWNS cammy c.mk for free so ultra was the most logical step as 1. even if you blocked you would be chipped to death and 2. it hits, i win anyway.
Lost Fragment said:If you had just thrown it out there and I hadn't already committed to something I could've just jumped over it. Mashing qcf + ppp to counter ultra usually makes Mak's U1 lose since it has quicker startup, and thus, less invincibility than most ultras, but delaying the input so that it wins still isn't incredibly difficult.
I don't dispute that you threw the ultra out at that time for a reason, but I have a hard time believing that you reacted to the whiffed cr.mp quickly enough to whiff punish it. If I'm wrong, I apologize. And I also apologize if I've come off too harshly here.
But yeah, I didn't respond 'cause I was salty. I would think that lots of people get kinda salty when they lose to stuff like that.
Yeah, it's something I notice every time I play now. I tell myself just in case it is on me.LeMaximilian said:Whoever was mentioning the dropped inputs thing online...I think I was really feeling it tonight. Was ridiculously frustrating, and I don't remember that happening nearly as often in SSF4/SF4.
I bet it helps the lag keeps them from blocking it.Relix said:Its a read. I've managed to ultra shotos when they are still doing the motions for the hadoken. I kinda already expected it after XX amount of time and pressure and let it go. Most of the time SF is a game about prediction.
cHaotix8 said:Gods beard knows about reactions.
Japan trip postponed until later. Passport office bodied meAxis said:what's gooooooooood dre? when you and joe heading to japan?!
Axis said:what's gooooooooood dre? when you and joe heading to japan?!
Joekage said:Japan trip postponed until later. Passport office bodied mewill still be attending EVO though.
Joekage said:Japan trip postponed until later. Passport office bodied mewill still be attending EVO though.
Corky said:So gaf. How's it going?
Who da bestest sagat out there?
Axis said:go watch mago or rf or bonchan :3
Corky said:cheers. Somehow I have a strange urge to watch some of that tiger tiger.
I can't get mad when you've got my boy Dio in there. I may be ass at SF, but jojo is MY game, son.cHaotix8 said:Gods beard knows about reactions.
_dementia said:http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2466/5855806417_ebf58a45ba_z.jpg[IMG][/QUOTE]
wtf is Ricky wearing in this pic? Looks like nylons and grandma's pink panties. He doesn't look too happy about it either, did he lose a bet or something?
Rocwell said:wtf is Ricky wearing in this pic? Looks like nylons and grandma's pink panties. He doesn't look too happy about it either, did he lose a bet or something?
LakeEarth said:Is there anything worse than a phonecall in the middle of a match? I don't think so.
Doorbell?LakeEarth said:Is there anything worse than a phonecall in the middle of a match? I don't think so.
Infinitely worse.Rocky_Balboa said:Doorbell?
Rocky_Balboa said:Doorbell?
Lose stiffness of your stick?Rocky_Balboa said:Doorbell?
You can still finish the match. Unless the fire starts from your console!zlatko said:House starts on fire ?
LakeEarth said:Is there anything worse than a phonecall in the middle of a match? I don't think so.
K that's worse.Rocky_Balboa said:Doorbell?
Rocky_Balboa said:Lose stiffness of your stick?
You can still finish the match. Unless the fire starts from your console!
Don't do it, broCorky said:I want to play SF again, but if I do I have smash my testicles against a cactus and then dip them in sulfuric acid.
But I really want to play.
Corky said:I want to play SF again, but if I do I have smash my testicles against a cactus and then dip them in sulfuric acid.
But I really want to play.
Corky said:I want to play SF again, but if I do I have smash my testicles against a cactus and then dip them in sulfuric acid.
But I really want to play.
Spirit of Jazz said:Damnit bro, play with me. I haven't played much since launch week apart from when Rocky blew me up a little while ago so my Yun will suck even more than he did. You can slowly learn how to defeat the twins by going against him.
Corky said:Sigh I can't quit this game, hit you up tomorrow? I need a good "get rid of the rust" marathon session.