Is there a hope that we could one day see a *ahem* convergence of the Arrow-verse and Supergirl-verse? That could help reconcile some of the world inconsistencies. Make it happen Flash!
What if it's justshapeshifting into a likeness of The Flash? "I saw this in a comic book."Henshaw
Superman was already referenced by Rip Hunter. Batman was also referenced in both the future newspaper & by Rip Hunter. We know Superman exists in the Flarrowverse.
You right, that's also potentially in the future. As it stands Oliver and Barry are the only superheros out in the open. If the Supergirl crossover occured on Flash's Earth-1 then it would mean Superman would have existed already
Is there any reason why he couldn't? Obviously due to legal reasons they can't just out and show what every other hero is up to every week, but it never outright rules them out, in fact it often alludes to the contrary. Most recent example I can think of is the direct name drop of Oracle, who didn't become Oracle until well into Batman's career.
DC LoT trailer "I've seen Men of Steel die and Dark Knights fall" that sure sounds like Batman and Superman exist at some point. Supergirl could be direct confirmation of superman anddepending on context.Manhunter
I wouldn't go that far. But Green Arrow and Flash are the center of their Earth.He's a time traveler, they could exist at some point but that point will never intersect with the show.
People really need to get off this idea that Batman & Superman will exist in the CWverse. They won't in any meaningful context. The boy scout is a spectre on Supergirl at bes. The producers keep throwing out little Easter eggs, which is kind of stupid because people keep misinterpreting it. For all storytelling and universe building purposes, Arrow is Batman and Flash is Superman.
In both Arrow and Flash it seems that they are the two heroes out in the open. Superman is already out in the open in Supergirl. Logically it rules him out as being on Earth-1 right now
He's a time traveler, they could exist at some point but that point will never intersect with the show.
People really need to get off this idea that Batman & Superman will exist in the CWverse. They won't in any meaningful context. The boy scout is a spectre on Supergirl at best. The producers keep throwing out little Easter eggs, which is kind of stupid because people keep misinterpreting it. For all storytelling and universe building purposes, Arrow is Batman and Flash is Superman.
No, they won't exist onscreen in the show, but they definitely exist in the universe.
And they won't have any meaningful impact.
Nope, probably not. Which is fine, I personally never expected them to. This is, after all, The Flash / Arrow / Supergirl, not Justice League. But that's not to say there isn't any room for nods toward their existence.
Considering how people keep misinterpreting nods as "oh they're coming" or "oh they definitely exist", then yes, they probably should stop. They're Easter eggs. Nothing more.
Sad that they are wasting this title on something that does not feature Babs Tar's Batgirl =P
Did I miss something in the series? What would Worlds/World's Finest have to do with Batgirl?
Well, they are the Elseworld's Finest.World's Finest is always used when batman meets superman ... so if you are doing World's Finest in Supergirl it should be with Batgirl =P
Well, they are the Elseworld's Finest.
Looks like, assuming Supergirl gets top billing:Quick Photoshop Edit:
Yep, that's Barry.
EDIT: I don't know if the rest of the cast is spoiler. Besides Gustin I can't see shit.
That would just turn me off watching it even more.What if it's justshapeshifting into a likeness of The Flash? "I saw this in a comic book."Henshaw
You need to get back to it
Who is doing that?Considering how people keep misinterpreting nods as "oh they're coming" or "oh they definitely exist", then yes, they probably should stop. They're Easter eggs. Nothing more.
Kreisberg said on Fat Man on Batman that they drop hints in early show so when the network bring it up they can already have references in place so the network can't really object, he also said don't rule ANYTHING out, if they can get it done they will by hook or by fucking crook.
I'm only in if Supergirl gets beaten up by Zoom
What if Supergirl IS Zoom?
What if Supergirl IS Zoom?'s the friendzone dude.