How do you know?
Did Microsoft make them charge $60 for a game they've been selling for $20 and released for $50 in 2014?
Did Sony teach them to have their customers rebuy the same classic games each time they moved to their new console?
Did anyone decide that that same games running at lower resolution and framerates should be anywhere between $10 to $40 more expensive on Nintendo hardware?
Given all the myriad of extra costs this generation with Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft have a lot to answer for.
Because MS started this mess with Xbox live and Sony continued it with PSN+. What they charge for games or whatever is besides the point.
In the WII and PS3 era both had free online and only MS charged. I prefered playing BC2 and KZ2 for free. Then Sony got in on it and with PS4 started charging to play online just like MS. Nintendo is following the other console guys because gamers have shown 0 resistance to paying for online play.
If MS and Sony offered free online no way would Nintendo charge for it, especially how behind their online is. If sony was not charging for PS+ to play games online I am sure Nintendo wouldn't either just like back in the Wii days.
I am opposed to paying for online for all consoles. ONLINE play should be free. Charge me for the bells and whistles fine, but playing a match of BF2 shouldn't cost me 60$ a year, but it does. Thats the reality of console gaming.
Nintendo is charging the bare minimum it can and giving you the bare minimum. It should be free, but if their competition is making money they are going to do the same.