Hello again,
I am now 55 hours into the game. Here are my stats:
Lv 121
HP 46488
DPS Total 464
DMG 588
Attack Speed 76
ATK 334
DEF 523
STR 319
VIT 281
AGI 189
DEX 202
HIT 236
Dodge 0 (Because of Scimitar/Shield)
And my weapons:
MantisBaptizer +4
STR+100 VIT+20 DODGE+15
WarriorThrasher +3
ATK+25 DEF+25 STR+90 HIT-10
BraveBlade +3
STR+115 VIT +20 DEX+20 AGI+20 DODGE-10
I just beat Hollow Area 3, and have completed 93 floors in Aincrad. My question is thus: Is it normal for the Attack stat to be so much lower than the Defense one? My two rings combine boost Attack by 65, but it's still so much lower.
EDIT: Got ATK to 384 and DEF 473 with Scimitar/Shield 395/418 with Dual Blades. I love the customization features of this game! And after thinking about it, the reason my defense was so much higher was the shield. Duh lol.
Mine are pretty balanced actually, kinda low on VIT but I use mainly two-handed weapons, so my build is more focused on AGI and DODGE. I did max out the scimi to unlock the katana though, so the last shot is a Scimi-shield combo for you to compare more or less our stats. Anyway, here you go:

Two-Handed Sword:

Two-Handed Axe:

Finally, Scimitar/Shield:

I think that what you have is some high class loot mixed with normal stuff, as you can see, regardless of me having or not a shield with a variety of weapons, my DEF is still balanced with my ATK. Your defense is higher than normal because of some rare item that you probably got in the Hollow Area, which really isn't such a bad thing aha.
EDIT: Guess you figured out what happened before I was able to post. Yes this game is reaaaaally deep. You can make the game your own, which is what I love about it