Apharmd Battler
Somebody make a xbox syndicate yet?
I created one called "KineticFury". Two members so far LOL!
Somebody make a xbox syndicate yet?
I created one called "KineticFury". Two members so far LOL!
The bloom in this game hurts my eyes. Please, please someone tell me there is a way to turn it off (PC version).
People are working on it... Which reminds me Corky those cmds you found on starbreeze forums look more like .ini calls, I think there are scripts relating to them in one of the folders. I wanted to grab a copy of starbreezes old level editor to have a poke around milestone 7 to see wtf they are calling to make the screen a brighter white than a laundry advert.
Hell no these fights aren't worse, not by a long shot. Probably the only annoying fight was the dude withThese are *far* worse.
Faaaaar, faaaaar worse.
Oh just jumped into the coop menus and it seems very meaty :O, what's the gaf syndicate?
WoW I saw Destructoid finish single player of this on Twitch TV stream....and man it looks like it rivals the worst endings of the yeah title, right up there with Rage.
Just finished the SP. Final boss was pretty easy once you got down how to avoid attacks. Pretty cool game overall. Amazing gunplay through and through. I managed to get this really cheap with Amazon credit so I'm extremely happy with with. Probably my biggest complaint is that the first 12 Milestones are basically just a prologue for the last 8, which seem to be more of the game that Starbreeze wanted to make. Those missions are a lot meatier, more fleshed out, and have much better enemy and weapon variety. I hope this does well enough for a sequel. It was damn good and with some more time and polish a sequel could be fucking amazing.
Time for co-op. What's the PS3 GAF Syndicate again?
Can someone explain the story to me... the game lost me halfway through the game and I had nooo idea what the hell was going on.
One more thing about the ending:
WTF was that few seconds of jazz about? Was it something I missed?
One more thing about the ending:
WTF was that few seconds of jazz about? Was it something I missed?
You mean at the end of the credits?
That was so god damn weird. It started playing right when the credits were wrapping up and cut off without even finishing.
Time for co-op. What's the PS3 GAF Syndicate again?
Is the 'Virus' ability as useless as it seems?
I've used it a ton, and I don't think I've got a single point from damage dealt.
You have to be invited corky, add me or nin90 in game and we'll sort it ASAP thetrin used to be able to help but he got taken over by a rival syndicate as he's weak minded![]()
it's useful once you upgrade it. It hits through reactive/liquid armor, AND you can upgrade it so that it passes between enemies once it's used.
K, That last upgrade is the only one left on it.
As for passing through armor, I can't keep track of all the terms. Does that mean that I don't have to breach the armor first to start dealing damage, or I do, and after that it will start dealing damage?
I've already gone through all the missions on hard, it's getting a little easy though so I may go up to expert for the boost in points.
I'm enjoying this a lot more than Deus Ex. I'm not even really into shooters, but something about this keeps my attention. I do feel like I should have waited till it went cheap, because it definitely will.
It means it'll go through armor before breaching, I believe.
Wow! I just fully upgraded the C2C pulse app and the battery app and they make expert mode easy. C2C pulse app make your team invincible. The battery app instantly refills your apps bars. With the battery app you could use the C2C pulse app two times in a row.
Insta win!
What the fuck is wrong with the coop in this game? Me and several friends have tried to play it and someone's 360 always freezes part way through the mission.
Thanks to the mention of the Amazon deal earlier in the thread, I just picked this up for PC. Looking forward to trying it out, this is my first Syndicate game. I've been meaning to pick up the original off of GoG, since it's one of those I've always meant to play.
I've heard party chat has something to do with it. If you're not in party chat and it's still happenening I don't know what to tell you.
I've heard party chat has something to do with it. If you're not in party chat and it's still happenening I don't know what to tell you.
Platforming in this game really soured the experience. If the checkpoints were kinder it would have softened the blow.. Gunplay is live though!
Definitely check out the original. It's an amazing game. Funnily enough, I still wish Persuade in this game was a Persuadotron weapon, and not a hacking ability.
-played a number of co-op mission and still haven't got a upgrade rom for applications, how do you get them?
-what does DART do in co-op other than let you see enemies?
-what does joining a Syndicate do? Is it a clan or are there benefits?
-played a number of co-op mission and still haven't got a upgrade rom for applications, how do you get them?
-what does DART do in co-op other than let you see enemies?
-what does joining a Syndicate do? Is it a clan or are there benefits?
Somebody make a xbox syndicate yet?
I don't enjoy jumping sections in FPS, it grinds my carnage high to a screeching halt. i won't play the single player ever again for that, as well as the time killing tedium and unskippable cutscenes.,i hope co-op solo is fun, because if its not i just burned 60 bones on a renter.There was hardly any platforming in the game. I also read someone complaining about the timed platforming...REALLY? There was like one spot with that, and it took 20 seconds to get past.
do you guys recommend this game for co-op only?
do you guys recommend this game for co-op only?
do you guys recommend this game for co-op only?