here is a single-player video preview:
i'm getting this because it seems like a pretty cool concept for a sci-fi shooter. i like the art design very much and the soundtrack is pretty dope. not to mention the guns in the demo sound like sex. but anyway, i had a blast with the demo and the first 10 minutes of the single player campaign put my fears about it to rest(was worried it was just the demo with bots). and i have been starving for a decent sci-fi game since deus ex. so i'm in, preordered and ready.
edit: to the poster above me---there is a link to a video of the first ten minutes of the single player campaign in the demo thread. at least i think that is where it is.
Needs more Michael Wincott.
Waiting for the impressions of PC-gaf. Was looking forward to this but alas...
No pc-demo = no day 1 purchase
If, run of the mill console port = day never purchase
Hopefully the full game won't be blurry like the demo, or like The Darkness was.
Whats the wubstep song they use in all the ads for the game? All I got from the facebook page was that really short digitilism song.
I'm so torn on this game.
If they were much more clear about post launch support it would help me justify a day 1 purchase. I want it, and I thought the demo was fantastic, but the fact that ME3 is just a couple weeks away and there's only 9 co-op missions my brain tells me to wait until it hits $40 or less.
I'm pumped, although I am a little disappointed you don't get to name your own corporation (and pick your own logo) in the SP campaign like in the original game.
well this sure came out fast
I'm used to taking that as an indication of poor quality
well this sure came out fast
I'm used to taking that as an indication of poor quality
Great OT, dude!
I knew the game existed, but it came out surprisingly fast. Snuck up out of nowhere. I'm gonna hold off on purchase though until I know whether the SP is brilliant or shit. I thought Crysis 2 would rock and was left severely disappointed by Crytek and Richard Morgan's story.
Also, if this is another depressing FPS with a depressing ending... I'll hold off for a while probably.
Ermwell this sure came out fast
I'm used to taking that as an indication of poor quality
Richard K Morgan said:Sweden consumed my life as we tried to figure out what Syndicate would be 18 years on from the original. After a 7 month concept phase with the team I was seconded onto other EA Partners projects, the penultimate being Crysis 2 working out of Frankfurt with the talented Crytek team.
Yeah that's a good point, wish they'd gone full bore and let us make our own custom dudes instead of pre-mades but what can you do.I think that again has been relegated to mp which is the true homage to the original...
I'm getting a serious Brink vibe from this game and I'm not sure why
I'm getting a serious Brink vibe from this game and I'm not sure why
Needs more Michael Wincott.
Does anyone know which version, PS3 or 360, is the better one? I've got a preorder for each on NewEgg and don't know which to cancel and which to keep.
So much potential for a witty title.
GT: Dr Eggman
In Starbreeze i trust.
I don't know about Brink, but I'm getting a definite Jagged Alliance: BIA vibe.I'm getting a serious Brink vibe from this game and I'm not sure why
Yes. No need for some cute "Syndicate OT of making thread titles shorter to stand out amongst obnoxiously long thread titles" nonsense.I actually like how the thread doesn't have a title, especially because it makes it easier to see in the topic list when you're scanning the page. Like right now it's the shortest one on the first page so it pops out at ya.
2007. heheI think it's in been in the works for a long time, since 2008 or so. It just wasn't announced until recently.
i smell DLC!![]()
Nice first post.
Gaf has the best game info threads anywhere.
Playing on Xbox360, will have release day, if Amazon keeps their promise.
Are the images in the OP from the pc version?
lol, still playing the fuck out of the demo (^____^)
Finally fully researched the scope for assault rifle. LOVE toggling between angled ironsights and scope!