really? never redeemed either of my codes so don't know
Yep, but it's for MP only like you said. The gold guns are super tacky though. Not a fan of that. In fact I'd trade my gold guns for a patch to fix the auto save freezes.
really? never redeemed either of my codes so don't know
I just got this yesterday on PC. Bought the retail version from amazon and they sent me the EU version but the key still worked in origin. I'm running it maxed out(at least I think I am, they really don't give you many options). Like Dead Space the vsync in this game causes a stupid amount of input lag so I turned that off and I didn't see any screen tearing and my frame rate jumped to 120+.
I haven't played much yet but what's the deal with the bloom? Also the FOV doesn't seem great.
Good news for PS3 players...
Seems EA is working on a patch.
Started playing this yesterday. The art, presentation and polish is first class (I can even forgive the Transformers sfx), but everything else is a disappointment for me, particularly the story. I didn't know/care what the heroine was trying to accomplish, and when the time came for the 'moral choice', I almost pulled the trigger, lol.
Tips for reducing bloom
FOV is a limit of the engine apparently according to questions to Starbreeze
Good news for PS3 players...
Seems EA is working on a patch.
Picked this up as well from Amazon and have been playing a good portion of the day. Really enjoying the single player. Would definitely love to hook up for some coop if anyone wants to shoot me an add. My name is Sallokin
Has anyone figured out how to keep the post-processing from turning off while sprinting. Shit drives me crazy.
Do people still play the co-op in this?
This may be a long shot, but is anyone up for playing through the co-op campaign on PC? I just finished the single player after buying it during the Amazon sale, and I want to know if anyone is down before I uninstall it from my (tiny) 120GB SSD.
microsoftstore has it for $10 free shipping, worth it?
microsoftstore has it for $10 free shipping, worth it?
Only if you have people to play co-op with. Single-player is garbage.
Is there any way to play with co-op without signing up for an EA account?
Guess I won't be playing co-op then.
No interest in signing up for one. I don't have to for other games. Why is EA an exception?
Story-wise it was a missed opportunity, but in terms of gameplay I thought the SP campaign was fantastic.I don't get all the hate for the single player campaign. I thought it was fairly good but just not up to the usual standards set by Starbreeze (The Darkness and Escape from Butcher Bay were godly).
I don't get all the hate for the single player campaign. I thought it was fairly good but just not up to the usual standards set by Starbreeze (The Darkness and Escape from Butcher Bay were godly).
Glitch in Milestone 10?
I'm supposed towith thedestroy these locksbut theswarm rocket launcher:Sguy I killed for it seems to have eaten it before I could pick it up
When I restart from check point, it's already gone. Do I have to start the main campaign all over again?
Playing Xbox 360 version.
I don't want to start overI don't have time for games as it is.
Still looking for this for cheap.![]()
Is the GAF syndicate on 360 still a thing? I need one to join. just put up a digital download 2 pack for $20.
So $10 a copy or you can pay $15 for a single copy.
Was there ever any fixes to FOV? Bloom looks like it has a fix, does that work well? Are people still of the opinion that it's worth it for $10 if you have a friend to play with?
Is the GAF syndicate on 360 still a thing? I need one to join.
Crazy this game came out five months ago and it is already a digital ghost town. Shame.
It had both of those things.- no customizable gear
- no unlockables to keep the interest and to play for.
All my friends picked this game up when it was 9.99 at the Microsoft Store.
We broke into it last night. Holy crap. Me and a buddy pulled an impromptu all-nighter because it was that much fun. We cleared Scandinavia on Hard with just two people, and it was stupid tough. But we made it, and the feeling of elation was just awesome.
I went to Level 22 in one night. Great stuff!