How do I get Chaos mode? 300 Evil battles only or do I need to have certain titles like "Lord of Evil"... Which I still don't have
Sophie even talks in the same monotone robot voice as Lymle for half the game.
A lot of jrpg fans such as myself are gonna be playing xenoblade after this. Yeah the transition from this battle system to the xenoblade one will be interesting.I also think playing Xenoblade right after this is a bad idea. It's like the complete opposite of Graces.
STUPID CHERIA STOP GETTING KILLED! Sometimes the AI in this game makes me angry. Also, Pascal is pretty damn useless in the battlefield.
WOW @ Sakuraba's music in Fodra. FINALLY!!! The battle theme and dungeon music are amazing (it even reminds me of Valkyrie Profile)! The battle music in Fendel and some boss themes are also good.
Anyway, I am having some trouble in the overworld because most enemies are weak to the A-artes properties (mostly on Route 66) and I always have a hard time remembering those (and Asbel gets staggered so easily).
I decided to include Pascal for ONE battle (I usually use Asbel, Cheria, Malik and switch between Hubert and Sophie) and I ended up using ALL my Life Bottles, I barely survived. Couldn't believe it.
Anyway, a couple of things/questions:
- I finally have access to the mythril weapons/armor. Are those good for money making? It takes a lot to temper them.
- Shouldn't the enemies be dropping more/better items on Chaos? I am not getting any shards, and I need a haughty shard to sell a Rare Sword.
How far are you into the game HP?
I don't have a 360 yet or a fantastic PC so The Witcher isn't at the top of my priority list at the moment. I'm thinking that if it becomes a bit of a rarity later on, I might buy it (like I have with some other 360 games that I bought at a discount) and play it whenever I buy the console.I also think playing Xenoblade right after this is a bad idea. It's like the complete opposite of Graces. The music is fabulous, it gets off to a great start, the world is huge and dense, everything feels a lot less linear and restrictive...and the battles are so painfully boring that I actually fell asleep playing. I have a hard time looking forward to The Witcher 2 because I know I won't like it. I'd sacrifice Xenoblade for Dragon's Dogma in a second.
And thanks for the Xenoblade tip, too! After all the time I spent with Graces, I think I'll gladly ignore every sidequest that forces me to go out of my way. The battle system will make or break that game for me. If it ends up getting too easy or boring because of all the sidequests, it'll definitely be in my best interest to avoid those.
And the kicker is that Radiant Mythology 2 is miles better than RM1.Ughhh, why don't we have those two Tales games in English? Those are my two favorites to watch exhibition videos for. How did we get stuck with games like Dawn of the New World and Radiant Mythology?![]()
When I feel and experience a fun battle system, I have to acknowledge it somehow. To be honest, it was because of Shouta's and Bebpo's posts in the original Graces thread, and Aeana's posts in the Graces f demo thread, that I picked Graces f up. I didn't have my Wii homebrewed at the time, so I never played the original version of the game.I really do like Graces. It's great. I wouldn't have spent 200+ hours on it in one go if it didn't hit the spot for me the way it did. Thank you so much for being one of the people championing it here. I don't like Symphonia as much as other people, for example, so enjoying this a hell of a lot more was a pleasant surprise. At first, I was actually mad this got announced instead of Vesperia PS3. How stupid of me.![]()
Aha, thanks, though I don't think it's a big deal. I just like talking about games with a bunch of people playing the same thing that I'm playing and rationalizing what's good about it, and acknowledging what isn't so great about it.Rofl, glad to see that Schala gets some notoriety. 200+ hours is crazy man. Reminds me of my high school days with Vesperia. *sigh*
First question: They are, but I generally prefer the Rare equipment since it's easier to get them to higher ranks for more money. Mythril, I found, is good for defense if you synthesize them a little.Sagitario said:Anyway, a couple of things/questions:
- I finally have access to the mythril weapons/armor. Are those good for money making? It takes a lot to temper them.
- Shouldn't the enemies be dropping more/better items on Chaos? I am not getting any shards, and I need a haughty shard to sell a Rare Sword.
Pascal has always been fine for me. The bonuses for Chaos are: more SP, better shard qualities... aaaaannnnd I think that's it. I'm probably wrong, but I don't think Chaos actually increases the drop rate of shards, just that the shards you get are more likely to have better qualities than on lower difficulties.
First question: They are, but I generally prefer the Rare equipment since it's easier to get them to higher ranks for more money. Mythril, I found, is good for defense if you synthesize them a little.
Second question: when you have a lot of shards in your inventory, you aren't going to get a lot of shards afterwards. Chaos isn't going to drop a ton of shards for you, but it increases the likelihood of getting better shards (Easy 20%, Normal 24%, Moderate 28%, Hard 32%, Evil 36%, Chaos 40%). You can also get the Shard increase book and set it in your Eleth Mixer. Battles will only drop one piece.
Drop rate is generally determined by: [highest enemy level in battle - party's average level] / 2 = drop%
The Japanese wiki says this: If you have over 100 Shards of any type, chances of obtaining are decreased by half. Over 150 shards, it'll decrease even further. You will not receive any shards at all if you have 190 shards. You can only have 15 of a shard with the same name, no matter the rank (number) or the quality.
Just 300 battles in evil, I believe. No need to get the title to unlock it though I imagine it kinda comes with unlocking it.
Well, I suppose that's the problem. I have a bunch of shards. LOTS AND LOTS!
I guess I will sell some, I am too lazy to dualize -> temper -> dualize unless there is a nice spot with enough enemies and a turtlez near. I can't imagine the process being fast and/or easy. There is much randomness involved, IMO.
Yeah I just got it. The final bosskinda pwned me in Chaos. Doable but very hard and died before killing the boss, was level 101 at that. What level do you recommend to kill the final boss on Chaos?Richard, not Lambda
Sophie is rockawesome, don't hate.
the big one took me like 3 hours :/Just finished the Sandshroud Ruins. Easily my favorite dungeon in the game so far. I especially loved that huge last color puzzle. Makes me sad there were so few puzzles in the other dungeons.
Hey hey... don't hate on Dawn of the New World:
- It had 2 amazing characters
- The skits are the best in the series [well, only counting western releases]
- Excellent battle music
- Shin Megami Tensei/Pokémon mechanics
- Fun battle system
- It's a spin-off
So is Lymle, kay? She redefined a generation. She ruined tri-ace.
AGITΩ;36745002 said:Hey guys I just got toand I stopped playing for a full day. Jumped back on Trails of Graces and decided to catch up. The first one that I did had foes around 20 levels Below me, and they 2 Hit KO'd me. Thought it was Odd so I tried a later one closer to my level, same thing again. Tried a previously beaten one, killed as well. Went into the actual main game, first enemies get me a game over. I restarted the game and it continued again.Lambda's Cocoon
Is this a glitch, or does the game just hate me?
AGITΩ;36760863 said:Quoting myself for new page. This game is unplayable for me now. I decided to wait and try again. Just did and still the same issues. I even tried lowing the battle difficulty down to easy. Still when they manage to land a hit, it depletes most of my HP bar....
Look into your mixer. Maybe you set the book that halves your stats?
Alright thanks scy.
Anyway, the Velanikwas hilarious.Cheri White play
I sell basically all the 4-letter ones, assuming I'm in areas where they normally don't drop anyway. Besides that, I buy a lot of items at once to dualize for profit (so, say, 15 Rare Tunics and various weapons) and just mass dualize them to +1. Miso Stew means it takes two fights to temper them so it's a pretty fast process. Lets me burn about 100 shards in pretty much no time at all since I'm doing them in batches of 8. So within about 10 fights I can burn 24 Shards so that's around 30 minutes to burn 100 shards? And all for profit, too.
This is really extra convenient at the Sandshroud Ruins at the end of the game. But, really, every chapter has some location of "here's at least two enemies and a Turtlez nearby."
Edit: Incidentally, I tend to stop my dualizing for profit schemes at 7-letter Qualities. So a Rare Tunic goes to Rigid (Rigid Shard) then to Solemn (Rigid/Grand Shard) then to Magical (Wicked/Solemn Shard). Getting to the 8-letter Qualities is nice but I don't have the needed Qualities in bulk like 5/6. Just easier that way. I use my 7-letter ones to get any of the Upgraded Rare Weapons to Perilous, Poignant, or Fabulous since those tend to go for ~200k in just one tempering.
I did it at 90 without too much trouble (well, until the end; two people died and it somehow became a clusterfuck getting everyone alive again >> Hey, I hate ending fights with dead people). Your titles and equipment matter a bit more than these few differences in levels, though.
LOL. I hate that boss. I did it on Chaos and had to make everyone go Passive whenever he started running around like crazy, or set melee fighters to target enemies that weren't the leader's target. So dumb. I took Pascal out of my party for that one, and used Sophie since she can function as an extra healer.The fuck were they thinking when they made the snow mountain boss?! I can understand reinforcements, I don't understand a constant stream of them with seemingly no end. Evil proved too much as his hp shot thru the roof but Hard was okay as it's starting to click how to combo and expose weaknesses for huge damage.
Sounds like you got the halved books in the pot to me, or the difficulty was set to a higher one that you're used to. Or equipment may have been changed.AGITΩ;36760863 said:Quoting myself for new page. This game is unplayable for me now. I decided to wait and try again. Just did and still the same issues. I even tried lowing the battle difficulty down to easy. Still when they manage to land a hit, it depletes most of my HP bar....
When I realized that the boss felt similar to another boss in the series, I ended up trying it out. It was pretty neat.f arc final boss spoilers
Did anyone else useagainst theBlue Earthf arc final boss?
That felt so satisfying.
I wrote something up a while ago but I don't know how much it'll help out. What you usually want to do is try to link artes so that you're hitting the enemies' weaknesses. You don't want to use the same artes over and over because sometimes they won't be as effective and there are times when enemies are weak against assault artes or burst artes so you have to pick which ones to use, and then try to see if there are any particular assault artes or burst artes that are strong against, say, dragons for example and incorporate that arte into your combo. You want CC boosts to fall into your lap so exploiting weaknesses and quick stepping right at the last second are the easiest ways of doing this.A little bit late to the party (had to import the game from the US as I got tired of waiting for it to come out here in Mexico). 20 hours in and I still feel I don't know how to fight correctly, how to maximize my CC or link artes properly instead of randomly or just mashing the same arte over and over again. A training mode would've been nice as enemies die too fast to try new stuff or I end up doing cheap moves to save my life (playing on Moderate).
The text tutorials are nice but I think I need a "Tales of Graces For Dummies" guide or something. Could someone point me in the right direction?
I'm feeling alright today. I kinda hope I feel better on Monday since I have to go into the lab. :x Thanks for asking, though.Hey hey... don't hate on Dawn of the New World:
- It had 2 amazing characters
- The skits are the best in the series [well, only counting western releases]
- Excellent battle music
- Shin Megami Tensei/Pokémon mechanics
- Fun battle system
- It's a spin-off
How are you feeling, Schala?
Go Shiina did most of those themes I linked, btw. They're pretty awesome.The RM2 arrangements are great
Some Graces tracks I really liked/enjoyed/LOVED:
Anyone knows if Aoyama did any of those? Because if he didn't, I will blame him for most of the forgettable tracks and the catacombs "song"
A reply by Datschge would be nice![]()
Depends on what you want to do, exactly.So I'm playing on chaos and I was wondering what books are generally recommended to keep in the mixer?
I think it might have been the combination of repetitive nature of the combat (circle the enemy using attacks that exploit their side weaknesses), I don't really like auto-attacking during battle since there are times you don't want to attack so you don't set off counters, the balancing, AI being a little stupid now and then (ie: they should be more efficient, but they're not; it's better to use them manually than letting them do whatever they want), the unfortunate nature of Monado skills being added yet not being forced to use them in regular battles (though this isn't exclusive to Xenoblade; I really do wish more games would adequately support their systems as opposed to saying, "here, use whatever you want, but you can totally brute force your way through the battle without using any of these ultra-cool skills"), and the fact that nearly everything gives you XP so you might find yourself overlevelled when you don't really want to be. I might have to play it a little bit for an hour again to narrow down just what it is that I didn't like about it. Switching characters every now and then (for example using Reyn Time or Melia manually) seemed to alleviate some of the issues somewhat, but sometimes it still felt a bit repetitive or iffy and I didn't like it as much as I wanted to.Those arbitrary limits on the amount of shards you can carry are so stupid...
speaking of Xenoblade, I'm not sure what you didn't like about the battle system, Schala, but I LOVED it. Maybe it's because I did switch characters often (I only played as Shulk for about half the game), but I really love Xenoblade's battle system, a lot more than Graces even (actually, relative to other RPGs I've played recently, I don't really like the battle system in Graces much)
Heh. Those all sound typical Sakuraba.Anyone knows if Aoyama did any of those? Because if he didn't, I will blame him for most of the forgettable tracks and the catacombs "song"
A reply by Datschge would be nice![]()
You're in Chapter 5 out ofOh man, I just realized how good dualizing and tempering is. Not only for making good gems but just for making money. I really wish I knew that 30 hours ago. v_v
I'm heading to the research lab of. How much left do I have of the base game? And how long is future arc?Pascal's sister
Even the Irish inspired ones?Heh. Those all sound typical Sakuraba.
I'm feeling alright today. I kinda hope I feel better on Monday since I have to go into the lab. :x Thanks for asking, though.![]()
Well, if you're in Chapter 7, there's only one place you can go at the moment, and that's outside of that town, especially inGood. And Go Shiina <3<3<3<3
YAY, level 8 on Telos Astue. Now to buy some Miso to cook Miso Stew. Hopefully I will be able to temper and sell weapons [faster] now
Is there any particular spot you guys recommend to do it? The hard part would be getting the shards with the right qualities, I guess.
:lolAll those songs are horrible, sorry.
I popped Vesperia into my PS3 after beating Graces for the first time and wondered why I couldn't around-step despite pressing the buttons over and over. It was weird.I'm trying to replay ToV again. I can't.