You could always juggle it on and off with Legend of Grimrock. >.>
I'd multi-task them if I could figure out a way for that lol :x Yeah, that's probably the plan. Depends on my mood and how deep into mechanics I get for Grimrock.
Inn Requests don't really take that long. It's just the part where you have to get the shards to make the weapons for it that I found cumbersome the first time around.
I keep fearing that they'll ask me to make a Buff weapon or something and I'll have to hunt down a 4-letter Quality drop from somewhere. I actually bet this is the case.
And if you already beat the final boss on Chaos, the lower difficulties will feel like a cakewalk.
And also, don't forget that (final boss spoilers)when you beat Zone Cage that you should beat the final boss again for another trophy.![]()
Yeah, already got the Chaos one though I missed the 60s one. Not a big deal with, what, four more kills to do? And I didn't actually know that
there was a trophy for re-beating the final boss. Dang. Guess I got that too!
I kind of want to save it all for an NG+ file with the bonuses. But that would also mean having to get through the game a second time just for that. Hrm...