I wont be satisfied till theres a tales of graces F banner hanging from the moon!
Welcome to a Tatsuro Udo Tales. He priortizes what really matters.Looking at the video I can't get over how every single battle loads so fast.
EVERY single JRPG should be that fast when transitioning into battles.
Camera looks like shit for MP.
Have they ever got that working properly? Only time I tried it was Symphonia and the camera doesn't even acknowledge other players lol.
Make a Graphic Schala!!!! Also I'll add some stuff to the Q&A!
Camera looks like shit for MP.
Have they ever got that working properly? Only time I tried it was Symphonia and the camera doesn't even acknowledge other players lol.
Welcome to a Tatsuro Udo Tales. He priortizes what really matters.
Without playing the game I'm not sure what's going on in that video lol hard to tell if they're playing well or playing like crap.
Without playing the game I'm not sure what's going on in that video lol hard to tell if they're playing well or playing like crap.
How are B-arte shortcuts done in PS3 Graces compared to the Wii? If there's one big pet peeve I have with Tales games I've played up until now is the game giving you a ton of artes, but not enough shortcuts to utilize a good portion of them.
I can safely say that I never ever used Free Run in Graces. Never.Why did they freerun so much
They're playing like poo. They aren't using Around-Step well, they weren't focused on enemies... it was a bit of a mess, really.Without playing the game I'm not sure what's going on in that video lol hard to tell if they're playing well or playing like crap.
I always use this guy's for Tales games.
scroll down to Tales of Graces Future (PS3 Version Only)
Might take a bit to get used to his format, but he doesn't miss a thing. Also no spoilers and stuff.
How are B-arte shortcuts done in PS3 Graces compared to the Wii? If there's one big pet peeve I have with Tales games I've played up until now is the game giving you a ton of artes, but not enough shortcuts to utilize a good portion of them.
Excuse me, but since he didn't get a superbowl commercial, blast TV channels and websites with advertisements in the two weeks leading up to release, give out thousands of dollars in swag to reviewers (and pay off any reviewer who didn't see that as enough for a good score), and announced that Namco will localize every Tales game: past, present, or future (or they could just bring over Vesperia PS3, that's worth more than every single unlocalized Tales game), he's a horrible PR man.
Or he's a jerk for stringing fans along with nonsense.
No Artes Ball unfortunately, but you get 4 shortcuts on the right stick.
PR man. I'm telling ya, Capcoms worse. Look @ the current SF x T situation lol.And flat out lying.
It's like they went out of their way to mute the battle voices in that video.
PR man. I'm telling ya, Capcoms worse. Look @ the current SF x T situation lol.
PR man. I'm telling ya, Capcoms worse. Look @ the current SF x T situation lol.
No Artes Ball unfortunately, but you get 4 shortcuts on the right stick.
At least it seems like the people at Bamco have decent editors and proofreaders.No that's two birds with one stone. Lying and scamming us.
Agreed, over the course of a standard RPG you go with over 600+ battles, something this simple really does improve the experience a hundredfold.
At least it has free shipping...
I feel bad after watching that co-op walkthrough video since I always thought that Filthie Rich might be a retarded person because of the way he writes on twitter/lack of ToGf marketing but he sounds like a pretty nice person ._. .
And it might not be his fault. He seems like a pretty nice guy regardless.Lack of ToGf marketing is more likely because it's not his forte.
And it might not be his fault. He seems like a pretty nice guy regardless.
At least it seems like the people at Bamco have decent editors and proofreaders.
Yeah, he said some dumb stuff (though that's putting it rather lightly); very poor damage control.Of course lack of marketing isn't his fault. But the stuff he said and the Graces reveal jerk around are another story.
Well, we have that placeholder boxart from GameStop with the Tales of Xillia screenshot, but that might be GameStop's fault.Tlaes fo Grcaes would've been a great game though.
FLITHIERICCCHIt's already been addressed but Filthie Rich is an incredibly likeable personality. Some people may be unacquainted with him but watching him do commentary with Markman on Tekken and Soul Calibur is extremely satisfying. They are both knowledgeable and funny without resorting to "profanity" while being respectable.
Lack of ToGf marketing is more likely because it's not his forte.
Don't get me wrong. I like Laura Bailey. I just... uh, I can't help but to think of the more irritating characters she's voiced in the past few years like Omochao or Welch. I liked her as Marta, but that was at a time when I didn't hear her in a lot of stuff. I really liked her performance in Nier, but that's probably because it was different from her usual stuff.
I like using Cheria in battle manually a lot (and thus will hear her voice a lot). Problem is, I might hear 'Omochao' instead of 'Cheria'.
You hear the same actors over and over in Japanese, too.
At least it's no Welch Vineyard, that made me wish you could dragon kick voices.
Looking at the video I can't get over how every single battle loads so fast.
EVERY single JRPG should be that fast when transitioning into battles.
My computer reminded me that Daylight Savings Time is this Sunday. That means I get to wait one less hour for ToGf!
Well, we have that placeholder boxart from GameStop with the Tales of Xillia screenshot, but that might be GameStop's fault.
Maybe. >.>
Wait, so does that mean I lose 1 hour of sleep or I gain 1 hour of sleep.
Or he's a jerk for stringing fans along with nonsense.
Symphonia co-op wasn't very good unless P1 played Genis/Raine so the camera doesn't zoom in too much.
Wait, so does that mean I lose 1 hour of sleep or I gain 1 hour of sleep.
How does this stack up to Vesperia.