I'm surprised.
I'm usually one of those people who hate English VAs in games, but this seems to be pretty decently done and not completely horrible like almost all of the cast of P4's (except for Kanji) was.
I will say that Sophie's voice is spot on, and that Laura Bailey's got Cheria down pretty well from those videos.
Never before have I seen someone with an opinion that's this opposite of mine, since I consider P4 to be pretty much the best dub I've heard while most other dubs are average or just pish.
I see. So who's voicing Hubert and Richard then?
Best dub for console JRPGs I've seen this generation of Vesperia. They pretty much nailed that cast. Worst I've seen is ARF.
I'm going with Steve Staley for Hubert (Jiro from Blue Dragon, Fayt from SO3) and people are saying David Vincent for Richard, although I'm not too familiar with his work.
Preach brother. Vesperia was fantastic. Not a sore spot to be seen, least not among the main cast and most major supporting players. Not to mention it was my first exposure to Troy Baker. Though I do like FFXIII as well.
And while I'm sure to get hazed for this, P4 was pretty great save for Chie (she was merely okay at best, really stilted at worst) and at times, Yukiko.
Still not too excited about ToGf because of the alleged poor story and poor music, two of the most important elements in an RPG IMO. But I'm still looking forward to the gameplay. Can't wait for tuesday no matter what!
Best dub for console JRPGs I've seen this generation of Vesperia. They pretty much nailed that cast. Worst I've seen is ARF.
I don't know why, P4's dub is fantastic. Atlus USA has consistently put out incredible dubs, particularly in DDS2 (one of the best) and Trauma Team.
I'm surprised.
I'm usually one of those people who hate English VAs in games, but this seems to be pretty decently done and not completely horrible like almost all of the cast of P4's (except for Kanji) was.
I don't know why, P4's dub is fantastic. Atlus USA has consistently put out incredible dubs, particularly in DDS2 (one of the best) and Trauma Team.
I meant for hating on Chie lol. I think she was definitely the weakest link. Yukiko was better but still had weak spots.
Wait? David Vincent? OMG!!!!! Haku-men and Jin Kisaragi. This game just got win.
Dear lord, This is probably one of the best dub casts in recent memory. I'm going to love this game.
I will say that Sophie's voice is spot on, and that Laura Bailey's got Cheria down pretty well from those videos.
Never before have I seen someone with an opinion that's this opposite of mine, since I consider P4 to be pretty much the best dub I've heard while most other dubs are average or just pish.
I immensely prefer Rie Kugimiya, but i've been a fan of her VA-work for a while, so I guess there's no big surprise why I liked her Rise more. The other ones, I can see how people would think that, not that I agree, but I totally understand where you're coming from.You didn't like the P4 cast? I liked Rise more than her Japanese counterpart, same for Kanji, Teddie, Igor, and Adachi. Yosuke and Yukiko are equal to their Japanese counterparts. Chie is meh, I agree on that part. The only one that I actively prefer the Japanese voice to is Naoto because it's obvious from the start that Naoto'sa girl in the dub just because of her voice.
Chie grew on me. I think. That or I started skipping her dialogue. I honestly can't remember and she's my least favorite part of Persona 4 :x
Dear lord, This is probably one of the best dub casts in recent memory. I'm going to love this game.
New Screens Here, hence my Vengeant Fangs wtf:
Gush Stroke?
Any way to post the screens here? Or at least some of them if there are a lot.
I'm at work and the website is blocked.
Any way to post the screens here? Or at least some of them if there are a lot.
I'm at work and the website is blocked.
Level Up x%2d!
I cant wait to hear the victory screen banter between the characters, that has always been a nice touch in the tales games.
Am I the only one who says "Marik" when they read "Malik"? I blame yugioh...
I cant wait to hear the victory screen banter between the characters, that has always been a nice touch in the tales games.
I personally found that Graces' banter varied from great to hysterical, so look forward to some good stuff.
I wouldn't say that the story's "poor", just that people had high expectations after what Vesperia did. It's a nice story overall with a few kinda cringeworthy parts, but nothing exceptionally bad. And the main area the music suffers in is the regular battle themes, of which the only one I found really great was the final one of the main story. There's some great boss and town themes to make up for that though!
I'm getting more and more excited for this game. I'm all in this time around. My grades may take a nosedive towards the end of the semester, but I'm ok with that. And if this sells well enough, maybe.... just maybe, we can get Tales of Xillia over here. I will cry tears with so much passion and joy if thats the case
Is everything voiced in this game ?
The majority of it is. All of the main plot scenes and the like are voiced as far as I remember, and there's even a bunch of voiced sub-events and sidequests.Is everything voiced in this game ?
But then again the gameplay systems, characters, and music were so great in Vesperia that I still enjoyed the game very much. Some of the town themes were really beautiful too. I hope Graces can deliver in those areas.
I don't know about that, what with Namco's tendency to go DC's on all their games these days. We just might end up having to wait until a DC is out and then we see localization! /bitter
Same. English Pascal does a good job, I prefer JP Pascal over English Pascal.I was just kidding. There's nothing wrong with it at all. In fact she does a good job. This is the only instance where I prefer the JP over the ENG.
This. I love Atlus's dubs.I don't know why, P4's dub is fantastic. Atlus USA has consistently put out incredible dubs, particularly in DDS2 (one of the best) and Trauma Team.
I was in the lab aaaaaaaaaalllllllllll daaaaaaaayyyyy. Sorry.Usually Schala does it but.... clearly not on. So... unless someone else wants to do it, rofl.
If it's like Vesperia and Dawn of the New World....
All Major (main-plot) cutscenes are voiced.
All skits are voiced. (They confirmed this is one of the first gameplay vids shown.)
Major sidequests will be voiced.
Minor sidequests may not be voiced.
Random town NPCs are not voiced.
Dat Rachel Alucard.I shouldn't have listened to the JP Pascal voice.
Oh well. I suppose it's fine
I immensely prefer Rie Kugimiya, but i've been a fan of her VA-work for a while, so I guess there's no big surprise why I liked her Rise more. The other ones, I can see how people would think that, not that I agree, but I totally understand where you're coming from.